Prologue: The girl and her secret world

I've always loved playing the guitar, it reminds me of my father before he passed away when I was 10 years old. Ever since my dad died, I and my mother moved back to the countryside, and ever since then, I have always fallen in love with it. Losing my way during my explorations made me see the places I have never dreamed of seeing before.

Ever since I found my secret world, I built a small tree house where I would appreciate the breathtaking view of nature. On the days when I felt down, I would lie down on the grass, and play my guitar with the sun gently caressing my face with its warmth as my strumming fills the quiet forest.

I love my secret place. It's a world where there are no problems, a place where I'm at peace. Sadly it all ends when my mother calls out for my name and it's finally time to go to school. I'm Silva Pennantia a collate student at a university, I'm currently taking on psychology and my life is a little bit of a rollercoaster.