Chapter 5

It's 4 in the morning and its been 3 days since I last saw Midnight in his human form. I still don't know if the trip with Amadeus was real or not but my guts says it's real. Midnight is currently sleeping beside me, I slowly stroke his head thinking about how I was overwhelmed about what happened a couple of days ago.

Out of boredom, I just decided to go outside and went to a local library, I changed my clothes into cute fluffy black sweater paired with black sweatpants. I woke up Midnight so he can come with me and I slowly crept down the stairs so Mom would not hear me go down.

I went outside to grab my bike and went to the library. The library was kinda old it was like as old as my great great grandmother so everyone kinda knew that library was haunted. There once was a rumour going around town that they saw this teenager that died in a house fire before the library was even built. Rumour still goes around that he still roams around the third floor in the library.

I don't really believe that stuff so I don't really care, I finally arrive at the library and only the librarian was only there. So you might ask me, "What kind of a library is open at 4 am in the morning?" Well its like a 24 hour open library so anyone is welcome the come at any time.

As I enter the library I wanted to find a book that was somehow linked to parallel worlds. I still am confused and mesmerized why I was able to cross to another dimension. As I scan and look through the books none of them seems to catch my attention or some of them aren't even the type of books I'm looking for.

I head over to the librarians desk and ask which section can I find where the books I am looking for is at. She points towards the third floor because thats where the oldest books and where the science books are. I grab Midnight from my basket and make our way towards the third floor.

I go up the stairs I hear the creaks of the stair floorboards as I take each step up slowly. I finally arrive at the third floor and it was quite as a mouse, there were dim lanterns at the tables and it was a bit dusty as if no one cleaned it for days.

I put down Midnight and slowly look for a book to read. There a lot of good books but what caught my eye the most was this book titled "A small touch too reach another world" it was very interesting and it was dusty. I grab the book and make my way to the old crusty looking chairs that looked like if I put even a feather on it, it would completely break.

I slowly sat down

"This is not ba-" the leg of the chair suddenly snapped and I was about to fall over but suddenly someone caught me.

"Are you okay?" It's been 3 days since I heard that voice... It was Amadeus.

"Yes I'm fine! Why didn't you change into Amadeus?! Do you know how much I waited?! I was so confused if I was crazy or not!" I lashed out at him.

"I'm sorry Silva... I couldn't change back I don't know why, I guess I could only change when you need me" he said lowering his head.

I don't know but I just hugged him ever so tightly and after a few awkward seconds I let go while my face was hot and red. Good thing this place was dim.

"uhm er- EHEM. So Amadeus do you know how to read?"

"Silva of course I know how to read, you're talking to Prince Amadeus the only heir to the throne of my kingdom" He said bragging about himself what a narcissist but it's cute i guess.

I just chuckled and said "Well go and pic a book about parallel dimensions or some sort cuz we're gonna find out why we can cross worlds and why is there a parallel dimension gate in my secret place."

He nods at me like a little kid and starts to scan around for books to read. While he's walking around I sat down on the floor and started to read the book. I first wiped off all the dust and I looked who was the author. It was odd but there was no author that was written on the book. Odd.

After a few minutes of reading about parallel dimensions and some sort I didn't even notice that Amadeus was already reading a book beside me. He looked very intrigued at the book he was reading it was cute.

I continue to drown myself in pages of the book of fantasy worlds that might even exist. I was in love with every word in the book, it opened up my curiosity to every little thing. Until I felt this heavy weight on my shoulder. It was Amadeus he was asleep and his head fell on my shoulder, he didn't even finished reading the book I chuckled softly.

I slowly put his head on my lap so he can rest properly. As I continued reading the book, the sunshine slowly peeked through the dusty window and it lit up the third floor.

Hmm... I wonder why people hate coming here? Its beautiful when the sunshine comes through here. I look at Amadeus and he was fast asleep. I just looked at him sleeping on my lap like a little kid.

I scanned through his facial features, he had almond like eyes, a nice nose, pretty curly black hair and cute red lips. I just stared at his lips and asked myself what it felt like when I kissed him. WHY WERE YOU THINKING ABOUT KISSING HIM AGAIN?! Begone bad thoughts!

I sighed when he suddenly woke up and looked at me straight in the eyes. My heart panicked for a moment but I couldn't break the eye contact. I was lost in his gaze and I slowly drowned in his blue eyes like two deep dark pools in the ocean.

I finally broke contact and looked away. I just blushed and tried my best not to make it obvious.

"A-Amadeus let's go Mom will be waiting for us" he just smiled at me and turned back into his cat form. I grabbed him and went outside and headed for the local cafe where Kian works at.

What a day. Phew.