Chapter 12

"I don't get it Amadeus why can't I come with you? Or when will you be back? I have so many questions" I said to him trying my best not to tear up in front of him.

"A long time ago my mother and father we're born in kingdoms that didn't have a good bond. Just like the typical Romeo and Juliet story and so they eloped to find hope that they were gonna live somewhere where they can truly be happy and raise of a family of their own. Several years later when settled down in a village I was born, but they found where my parents were living and my dad had a will so strong that the enchantress was touched by his actions.

My dad was given two choices, the first choice was he was gonna go back to the past during the time where he didn't meet my mother and my mother would never fall in love with him but he will remember all the ups and downs they went through. The second was to relive the past over and over again until he made the right choice but to relive the past he must stay in coma and he will only wake up when he lives his life right."

"My father loved us that he wouldn't rewrite his life for us. So the enchantress made him and my mother king and queen but moments after, he fell right into a coma and its been 15 years since Iast saw him open his eyes."

"My mother never wanted me to give everything when it comes to love. She wanted to choose someone who I can truly be with so that I can never experience forbidden love. And now I need to find the enchantress and explore the forbidden parts of this world in order to find her and wake my father up. In order for us to be together we have to wake my father"

"I don't know when I'll be able to come back... Once I get to the forbidden parts of this world I can not go back unless I find the enchantress" Amadeus explained to me with sorrow in his tone.

"Can't I come with you? We could run away! Run as far away as we can! We could be together just don't go please..." I started to tear up.

"No my love, only an heir to the throne like me is destined to venture the forbidden lands. I don't wanna run away anymore and I want to love you freely without anyone stopping us and anyone we're running away from. I don't want that for you" I could feel the pain in his voice

"Has anyone else ventured the far lands" I asked him in curiousity while tears we're rolling down my warm cheek. He was hesitant at first but he told me.

"There were documents of past heirs entering the forbidden lands but... None of them came out and no one ever knew if they're alive or not"

"No...NO! Please don't go Amadeus!!! I love you!" that was the first I said I love you to someone.

I was hugging him tightly begging him not to go! I love him and he's the only person who makes me feel alive.

After crying in his arms he looked at me and wiped my wet cheeks with his fingers and told me "My little dumdum don't you have trust in me? I'll be back and promise me... When I come back... Marry me" he proposed.

"Yes! I'll marry you so please be back I'll be waiting no matter how long it takes".

He kissed my forehead and we just spent the whole day being with each other and spending what might be our last moments together. We did everything and the things we couldn't do.

Fast forward about weeks later he was ready to go and I went with him to the borders going to the forbidden lands.

"My little dumdum I love you okay?" he chuckled.

Tears once again started building up in my eyes but I stopped it and smiled for him.

"I love you to the moon and back so I'll be looking forward to our marriage then" I smiled brightly and hugged him tightly as I see him disappearing into the fog into the forbidden lands.

At that point all of the emotions that we're bottled up until that moment gushed out of me like a big wave. I cried my heart out. Why did he have to leave?! I'm fine with running away! I'm okay with leaving everything just to be with you! And now... I don't even know if you'll be back...

I love you.