Destruction of Konoha! Fire Capital?

Chapter 6: Destruction of Konoha! Fire Capital?

Jutsu of the day:


Courtesy of Older Emo Uchiha.


Nobles District, Konoha, Land of Fire~



It has been a few days since they brought me back to our mansion in Konoha. It was a huge ass mansion on the Nobles District, situated on top of Hokage mountain.

[A/N: The noble's district is situated on top of the Hokage mountain by the forest!]

In the meantime, whenever I was awake, I tried to 'borrow' more skills from the people that came to visit me. But I didn't have much luck in getting good ones…

The skill I wanted most at the moment was. "HOW TO ACT LIKE A BABY!"

You have no idea how many times, my mommy dearest called the doctor because I was acting weird…

But that's a story for another time. Right now, I am checking all the skills that I've 'borrowed' since coming here. And the list made me frown…


I mean, I literally took all the skills of a JONIN. And he had no Shadow Clone Jutsu?

I rechecked the list...

"The Peepee Clone, The Potty Clone… The Normie Clone and… No Shadow Clone…"

I felt like the world was going to collapse on my head...

I was Depressed!!...


Having nothing else to do,

I started appraising the maids attending me, but they had no new skills… Well, of course they didn't…

I gave out a baby sigh, and thought about the things that happened recently.

There was a ROOT Nin among my attendants.

That can only mean there is some one-eyed eunuch, keeping tabs on the Daimyo's children.

Right now there's no ANBU in my room. But I am sure there were some outside. You cannot leave the Daimyo's son unguarded, now can you.

As for the matter of Danzo… I need to be careful. I know he can't influence me with his bullfu**kery, but that's another thing for my family.

I checked both my mommy and daddy dearest. They appeared pretty healthy and had no Genjutsu's cast on them.

I have only met one of my siblings. The other one, or ones, was probably in the political capital of the fire nation. So can't check on them yet.

And my father, the Daimyo, has already left for his duties.

Right now in this huge ass mansion, there was only me, my older brother and our mother. And of course our dozens of minions.

Damn! I always wanted minions. Hehe… Being a prince has its perks…

The only issue is this baby body…

When I thought about it, I drifted into a dreamy dreamland.


[2 Months Later]



What the fickidy F**k!

I woke up from my beauty nap hearing a loud roar. WHAT DOES A BABY HAVE TO DO GET SOME QUALITY SLEEP AROUND HERE?!! Jeeez..

And the whole mansion started trembling. I wanted to shout, 'earthquakeee!' But I slapped myself… erm.. Hypothetically. Can't hit this cute baby skin now can I...


I didn't panic much, courtesy of my skill, and I also knew the cause… The nine tailed furball was attacking the village. Just my luck…


I didn't even meet the Fourth Hokage you SISSY! And now you are going to make the village where I live disappear?



"I will get the furball myself" I said heroically..


*Boom… Shake*

Before I could finish my dramatic performance, I was shaken by a sudden explosion, which went off in the vicinity of the property.

Frickk, what am I doing… Where the hell are my minions? We need to get out of this mess as soon as possible.

"Wawawawa" [A/N: Cry for "Minion!"]

Glad, I didn't need to wait too long. An elder samurai barged into the room and carefully carried me out. I will remember his name to promote later. I nodded to myself. I need to take care of my minions properly.

But before I could use appraisal, he gave me to a Ninja, who rushed towards the exit of the village.

While I was in the Ninja's Arm, I could see the orange furball wrecking havoc on the village. I was stunned…

I've only ever seen explosions like this in movies. But seeing this play out, in reality, was a horrifying sight I would never forget…

At least thanks to I could keep calm and watch the whole thing.

I could see some yellow flashes and blue orb dancing around the furball. Which I assumed was the Fourth Hokage.

I was so engrossed in the battle that I forgot to use appraisal. Which I will regret for a long time…

It took us half an hour to get out of the village and gather at the shelter. Where the Ninja gave me to my mother.

When I saw her, she cried out loud. And after taking me in her arms hugged me tight, apologizing for leaving me there with tears streaming down her face...

This action hit me. This woman was my mother… No matter how ridiculous everything had been. This woman still is my mother.

That was the first time since my new life I accepted that fact.


2 years later~

Blaze City, Fire Political Capital.

[A/N: I couldn't find any mention of the political capital's name. But there are clear indications that there is a different city where the Daimyo lives. If any of you know, please leave a comment!]



It has been two years since the attack on Konoha. Since then, I have learned to walk and am already fluent in speech. But I had to deceive people by talking like a baby.

Can't let them take away my baby privileges now can I!

Since I could speak earlier than normal children, I was deemed a genius.

And that caused some issues.

You see… When the Fire Daimyo's son is a claimed genius… Then all the noble clans need to visit to congratulate him…

And among the noble clans was a clan that had.... disturbing eyes. Eyes that can peer into your soul...


Yep, you guessed it! On my second birthday celebration, the four noble clans of Konoha attended. Lord Hyuuga visited with his brother, so I couldn't meet Hinata-chan… saaaaaaad! Remembering her older form…

*Cleaning drool*

I am getting off TOPIC!

So there I was, the perfect little angel, greeting the guests and indiscriminately using my < Cute Baby No Jutsu >.

Till I saw two ghastly white eyes peering into my pants *cough* I mean soul.


And like any virgin, who can't keep the cat in the bag after having Se* for the first time, he exclaimed loudly.

"Remarkable Daimyo-Sama! The young prince has Chakra Reserves similar to a High Chunin!" Announcing to the world.


There goes my peaceful days…

Bye, bye huggies from maid-neechans. Bye, bye the envious gaze of my siblings. Oh. yah! I forgot to tell, have 2 brothers and one sister. I learned that immediately after coming to the fire castle.

But thats not important now, IS IT?!

I was alarmed, thinking about all possible things that might happen now. My father might think I was some bastard. Or worse he might think I am too gifted and give me to the Older Pedo…

NOOOOOOO! Anything but that!!!

But my worries were for naught...

When my father, the Daimyo, heard that I had enormous reserves of Chakra, he just shrugged it off.

I was like… HUH?! Wasn't that anticlimactic?


As I could not do such a thing,

I was just glaring at my father in disbelief. And luckily the Hyuuga had similar thoughts to me and asked my father.

"Sorry, if this is presumptuous of me, Daimyo Sama, but I reckon you didn't comprehend the gravity of the situation."

I nodded hearing him. 'HMM.. HMM.. You tell him sperm eyes!"

"What did I fail to understand, Lord Hyuuga?"

"Etto~ the young prince has almost half my chakra, if he is trained properly, he will surpass even myself when he reaches the academy going age." Lord Hyuuga tried his best to relay the importance of the matter to my father.

Who simply replied, "Oh, good for him."

I really wanted to hit the old fart…

Then something hit me… Wait a minute… Do noble children even become ninjas?

And as if guessing my thoughts, my mother answered from beside me.

"Thank you for your concerns, Lord Hyuuga. But the young prince, like the other princes, will study at the Fire Academy, to become an exemplary nobility…"


I stared at my mother with my mouth agape. The Hyuuga seemed to understand the meaning behind her words. And didn't pry into it much, he took his leave.

I am very sure he will be relaying the matter to the Old Pedo… But oh well, other than the shock of my family's disinterest of Chakra, that even my was having trouble suppressing.

I at least sighed in relief. That I will not be experimented on or be groomed to do some GREATER GOOD SHIT!

I took a deep breath. And started plotting on how to at least be connected to the Ninja world, even if I can't be a ninja…

These are gonna be some shitty years I tell ya!






One of my ANBU's got caught, I have no idea how such a mistake could have happened. My ninjas are perfect…

Now the brat has summoned me to a hearing.

As I entered the Hokage's Office, I noticed Koharu and Sarutobi already there arguing with a distressed blonde…

The argument stopped as I walked in.

"You wanted to see me, Minato?"

"Yes, Danzo-Sama, we found one of your shinobis among the guards of the third prince. Care to explain what a ROOT Nin was doing there?"

"What else can my ROOT ANBU be doing there? Other than protecting the prince!" I said righteously.


I smacked the table, so that my point gets across. But I noticed Sarutobi and Koharu staring at me weirdly.

"Danzo-Sama… You know…

ROOT Nin needs the approval of the Hokage himself, to be put in a mission regarding the country's leaders. If the ROOT Nin was doing this on his own, I would've executed him on the spot.

But your testimony simply means, you don't regard my authority, now do you?"

Damn it! I made mistake in my anger. First, one of my Jonins that specialize on espionage gets autistic and now I fall into a simple trap.

I could only grit my teeth as the Hokage flaunted his abundant Chakra.

I've lost this exchange. I will let the brat act like a Hokage for a while. But I still had my trump card.

And right on cue!

"Mah, mah~, Minato, Danzo did undermine your authority, but he had good intentions. Please let him off easy for this old man."

I was laughing in my mind. Sarutobi! You still have your uses!

Minato could only sigh when he heard the old man's request. He just nodded and warned me.

I nodded in understanding and exited the office.

From now I need to make better preparations…


[A/N: I am having some issues deciding which to use :/

Ninja or Shinobi.

I know it might not seem like a big deal, but it will get annoying with repetition. So please let me know]