Wait! He Isn’t Actually Bald?

Chapter 10: He Isn't Actually Bald?

Jutsu of the day:


Courtesy of Yours Truly


[Previously on NaRUS?]


"Entering like a Normal Person!" I heard a childlike voice spouting some nonsense as he walked in.

He came in and looked directly at me and waited a second, as if he had noticed something. He noted something mentally.

After that,

He greeted me with impeccable manners.

He sure was the prodigious prince. He needs proper guidance.

I will have a good talk with him.




Damn dude! The oldie baldy, wasn't really bald! I could've sworn that I remember him being bald… Hmm.. He might get bald soon, well whatever,

I appraised the room as soon as I walked in. And I detected seven hidden ninjas. I really wanted to know if there were any ROOT Nin among them but, I haven't met a sensor yet to 'borrow' that ability. That should soon change.

I activated my skill and skill to greet the Hokage. He seemed pleased.

Yeah, you won't find another noble like meh. But I don't want to be one of this pedo's targets. So I will contain myself from flaunting too many skills.

I want to make an impression but not get a bull's eye painted on my… never mind.

And soon he started spouting his bul**it about the village and the will and smoking or something. I kindly turned off the volume and invoked on the 'Oldie but not so Baldie',



Name: Sarutobi Hiruzen

Title: God of Shinobi, The professor

Occupation: Kage. (Fire), Ninja

-Rank: S

Bloodline: Sarutobi Clan

Age: 62 years.

Level: 79 - Speciality: Dex, Detection, Destruction (Bukijutsu, Ninjutsu)

Chakra: 255,823

Status Ailment:

Hypertension- Mod

Cholesterol- Min

Under effect of Kotoamatsukami>


Extreme Reaction, Rank- C, Lv- 8

Chakra Sensitivity, Rank- A, Lv- 6



Remote Trap Planting, Rank- D, Lv- 8

Advance Ninja Theory, Rank- A, Lv-Max

Master Ninja Theory, Rank- S, Lv- 1>


Viewing things from afar, Rank- A, Lvl- 8




Shadow Shuriken, Rank- A, Lvl- 9>


.... I was simply speechless looking at the long assed list. Isn't this guy like a cheat? I mean, how did he even remember this many Jutsus? Not to mention the dude is old as Aang,... nah maybe not that old, but, daymn man.

I noticed something new while I watched the status screen. 'What does this mean.'

After I appraised it, I understood. It simply means, that status is in decline.

We can't have that now, can we? If Oldie Moldie let the skills drop, for not using them, I will be gracious enough to take them off, of his hand.

I will put them to good use, yes I will.

But I know I can't take all the skills. Not to mention it will cause a huge uproar, but simply because I could die on the spot.

Cause of Death: Braincell overload. Of all the stupid ways to die....

And your mom told you, too much studying won't kill you!! Lies, all LIES I TELL YOU!

Anyway, I glanced at the Hokage who was still spouting nonsense. He currently was around the part, where he talks about the Uchiaphobe Emo Kage.

So I probably had five to fifteen minutes. Before he starts addressing me again.

So lemme think, what should I take...

It's a hard decision, but I simply cannot take too much and die of brain damage.

But wait!! What if? Nah, that's too stupid. But maybe… Nah, it's stupid Mitsu!

I fought hard until I decided to give my idea a try. It doesn't hurt to try now does it...

I took a random Gold coin from my pocket. And used appraisal on it.


[Item Identification: Gold Coin

Value: 1 Gold, 10,000 Ryo

[A/N: 1 Ryo = 10 Yen, gold price in japan: 5.5k per gram, a gold consists of 33 grams of total material, so the actual value is more, but Naruto world is a backward place, so I reduced the value to match the time. And I really wanted to bring gold coins into naruto, so dun sue me!!!]

Description: A currency, that's usually used in samurai society. Made of Gold and filling materials. Wt. 33.9 grams. ]

Hmmm… not what I wanted to see…. Maybe if I think more clearly about the stat I want to see, then it might...


[Item Identification: Gold Coin

Value: 1 Gold, 10,000 Ryo


Description: A currency, that's usually used in samurai society. Made of Gold and filling materials. Wt. 33.9 grams. ]


I know… I know,,, I wasn't expecting that to work either…

I think I haven't been using this skill properly. I believe it can show most things that I want to see, if defined specifically.

But if I don't specify, it will only show the most basic stats… I will experiment on that later.

For now, yours truly, has a job to do.

TODAY! Yours truly, will make the smartest and OPiest Gold Coin in the world. BELIEVE IT!



Invoke ,

I cut many skills out of old Sarutobi, many of which he will never miss. Well, he can't miss things, he has no recollection of.


But, I left enough skills in his arsenal, so he could still function as a Kage. I don't want my village to be protected by some idiot who uses a single Jutsu…


Nah, we will deal with that in the future.

After having a little panic attack, I then invoked and put all the skills in the Gold Coin.

As the coin didn't have a brain, it didn't need to suffer the memories. But I had no idea how this worked. I mean, how am I even storing memories in a coin. Is it some type of OP Sealing technique.

Mhm, yah, I can live with that answer.

I suddenly noticed. I just did something very Naruto-like.


What if the gold coin couldn't hold the skills and collapsed? Wouldn't that mean, I could've wasted a lot of good specimens?

I sighed mentally.

Perhaps this building, which has heard the "will of fire" nonsense too often, has gained the ability to influence brains.

I nodded at the thought. Sounded plausible to me. [A/N: .....]

Yah that should be the case. I am so smarts.

*Hypothetical Headpat*

Moving on,

I decided to only take the . I have an idea regarding this.

I believe if I have the highest rank of similar type of skill, I will automatically gain the prior versions.

I will test that when I get back.

I took his skill as a sensor and left the reaction as it is. I can just take it when he is about to die in the hands of Orochimaru or something.

He doesn't really play any part in the greater stage of my vision. But he is needed for now. Not sure if I will save him but, that will depend.

As for his status ailment. I knew it… He was under Kotoamatsukami…

That fricking one-eyed hobo…

I knew I had enough Chakra to remove it, but I will get exhausted afterwards. So I decided to do it when I am leaving.

I reorganized all the skills and jutsus I and on my precious S.S Coin. And put the coin carefully in my pocket and pasted my pocket shut.

Don't want some 'plot' wind blow it away from my grasp.

And with that, most of what I had planned was done.



Half an hour later.

My estimations were... way off....

"And so, young man, I want you to strive for excellence, so you can make the Fire Country proud!" Hiruzen stated.

Then he noticed my exhausted face and coughed lightly. He knew he had gone too far.

And here I thought the Hokage was supposed to be busy…


"You can go rest now Mitsu- sama."

I agreed and said goodbye to him like a proper prince.

While exiting, I discreetly used , and I could feel my chakra draining… Sigh! A good thing my reserves grew last year.

Don't want to suffer from chakra exhaustion...

It's not fab, I tell ya. How I know?... *looks away* um not from personal experience, for sure....

Moving on,

After the skill, I happily stepped out of the office. Before walking away, I did notice, the old man observing something about himself.

I walked happily and whistled as I thought of all the sweet skills I had just acquired. But all of a sudden, something hit me…. Not literally but,

I realized something, and it made me feel like getting a hug from my mother…

I thought with a pale face...

Couldn't I have just put the on a coin? And use later when I needed?

Eh?.... EHHHHHHH!!!!!

This building is cursed! I NEED TO GET OUT RIGHT NOW!!!


[A/N: *Giggle* Hello friends, Here is I, LuminouShadow, Bringing two questions, where I need everyone's Vote on!!


> Let the complete massacre happen, by not intervening with Itachi's Kotoamatsukami.

> Let partial, Snobby Uchiha leaders die, by interfering with Itachi's Kotoamatsukami but still let Konoha order Itachi.

> Nooooo! Yamette~ Author- kun please don't kill smexy uchiha's.

2. Should I open a discord channel for better discussions?

> Open.

> Who the hell are ya? bakayaro, konoyaro…

Please let me know with paragraph comments <3

Have a nice day. Love you all. Thanks for the support!!]