
Chapter 15: Eminence!

Jutsu of the day:

Courtesy of Emo Uchiha Kid


Konoha Ninja Academy



It has been four months since the day I rescued Hina-bunny. In the meantime, I was invited to the Hyuuga Mansion, to attend Hina's birthday dinner, and also to receive a formal apology from the Clan.

I graciously accepted, of course. And I met the Sperm eyed Hiashi again… Grrr!

He was staring at me the whole time.. Damn pedo!

But in order to make an impression on the Hyuuga Clan, I allowed it!

I even got to meet the baby Hanabi. She and I connected. Well, I mean! I felt tremendous relief seeing another browned hair person. Sigh!

Don't worry Hanabi!! Yours truly, will protect you! As he protects all his brown haired minions!!

Sadly her eyes aren't lavender, like Hina's. She also got the looks from the pedo that was still looking at me.


Now that brings us to the academy.

The first two weeks of the academy were used to help the children get used the academy. The children weren't even taught anything. But just to get Brainwas- *Cough* proper understanding of the beliefs of the academy.

Many civilians were rooted out of the academy already. Apparently the first two weeks were also to test the kids, to see if they had the resolve and love for the will of fire…

Did they try that on me? You are kidding right?

I am the Fricking Prince of Fire. If i didn't have fire dazzling in ma eyes, then who does? Endeavor?!! Well suuuure~ But not what I meant…

Moving on~

On Hina's birthday, I received a gift from her.


Isn't this the wrong script? WASN'T I, SUPPOSED TO GIVE HER A GIFT?

Apparently it was something she prepared to thank me for saving her. She was fidgeting while handing me a few pressed flower talismans she made herself!

Good God, she is so cute.

I smiled and accepted her gift. Saying they were beautiful earning a red hot blush.

And I in return gave her teddy. Not the Ewoks that the village made! But a proper teddy bear from my past life!

Boy, did she like the present!! She fainted hugging it. And I had to awkwardly leave after handing her over to Ko. Who was much more respectful to me.


So all of that brings us to the present.

I have checked out all the snotty kids on my class. And I found a few 'talents' who can become a good minion for me in the future.

Speaking of talent….

Shouldn't I be able to see it? If I invoke appraisal?

I stared at one of the kids I thought was good and invoked .


Name: Orio Shizuka

Title: None

Occupation: Student

-Rank: First Year

Talent: 7.5/10

Loyalty: 51%. - Ref: Default loyalty for being a Konoha citizen. Loyalty towards a prince. Is 40%

Bloodline: None

Age: 6 years.

Level: 9 - Speciality: None

Chakra: 76

Status Ailment: None


< Patience, Rank- C, Lv- 3>



Yep… Of course, it worked… why wouldn't it work…


He is fricking making me find out everything about the skill by myself. I am pretty sure that one day far in the future, I will find out something so useful, that I will be so depressed, not even my will protect me… [A/N: Stop dropping these flags…]

Anyway. I liked the girl for two reasons! One, for the skill !

It might not seem like it, but that's a rare skill. I haven't even seen that on Danzo. Sarutobi had it and one other ROOT dude.

But other than these three, I haven't found any.

She could be a good office lady if she develops that skill. And her talent isn't half bad! 7.5 is a lot.

I am too scared to check my own talent… So… I will do that later.

Anyways, the other reason being *cough* Her name…

I really wondered… If there was a Nobita somewhere in the class… Not that I remember any… But knowing this cliche setting.. There should be…


I looked at the "teacher" writing math on the board, and surely…


| Name: Naito Nobita |

I am so done… I don't even want to see his other stats…

That sissy will pay for these lame jokes.

*Eyes twitching*


In the first two months we have learned a lot, and by a lot I mean simply nothing…

No ninjutsu have been taught yet. Only some basic Taijutsu. As for the kiddie classes, I have been performing splendidly, as a prince should. And gained a bit of fame.


I don't want a bit of fame… I want a LOT!

But the civilians have started hearing the rumor.

A prince of the fire country was in Konoha. This brought joy to the commoners for some reason. I don't understand it properly. But I will make Fuzzy look in to it.

So the first two months other than making some impressions on people. I literally gained nothing…


That brings us to today….

A day, many of Konoha's Ninja Academy students. Will never ever forget!


Training ground, Ninja Academy, Konoha



A platinum blonde haired girl was talking to her pink haired friend fondly.

"Sakura-chan, today we are having a taijutsu meet with the other class! I wonder if there are any cute boys in that class!"

"Ino! Why are you looking for other boys? I thought you liked Sasuke-kun." Said the pink haired girl, now known as Sakura. She had a questioning gaze. As she remembered, her friend talking nonstop about Sasuke-kun happily every time they walk home.

She also liked Sasuke, but she preferred her friendship with her friend more. And she was too shy to say anything.

[A/N: The discord between the two girls happened much later when The useless Sakura was helped, unconditionally by Ino, to come out of her insecurities. And after gaining more confidence she made a tear on her friendship with Ino who did nothing but help her. Sigh]

"Of course, I like Sasuke Kun! But we aren't together yet! So no harm in looking." Ino replied while pouting, earning the giggle from Sakura. [A?N: Are they really six?]

Another little girl was waiting anxiously to see her 'Goldeneyed friend.'


A bit away, two boys, one a bit chubby while the other had lazy written all over it. Were having a conversation of their own.

"Shikamaru, who *chomp* do you think *chomp* Mit-chan will get to fight?" The chubby child asked the lazy kid for his opinion.

"What a drag… I just hope I don't have to fight… Let me sleep Choji.." Shikamaru simply replied with his scripted catchphrase.

Choji only shrugged it off and kept on chomping on his chips.


A yellow haired kid was a bit further away. Sitting on the ground with a frown. People don't notice him much, unless he talks to them on his own accord.

It has stopped the bullying, but it also made him miss the bullying....

Human touch! What a weird thing. Even for a child who was despised and hated, it still brought him a sense of being noticed. Now unless he wanted to get lashed at, very few came and tormented him.

He had mixed feelings about everything. But he still had his resolve!

He promised to do good today. He wanted to be the Hokage. Now more than ever. So people would notice him…


A couple of boys chatted among themselves as they surrounded a Uchiha with duckbutt haircut. The Uchiha had a detached attitude, but there was a proud smile on his face.

"Sasuke-kun, I heard the prince is just as talented as you on the academics." Boy number 1 said.

[A/N: *cough* Young master's grunt no. 1]

Another boy refuted him, "There is no way that's possible! Sasuke-kun is surely the best!" [A/N:*whispers* number 2]

And finally a boy with his puppy hanging from his head said, "Gah! Prince or not, I will beat him to a pulp!" He punched his hand to make a point.

Then the boy's intensified their chatter.

One certain Uchiha, though, didn't really believe the prince was all that.

'I mean he is just a civilian… He had no formal training like I have. And Itachi-niisan has been teaching me a lot recently. I have even mastered the fireball jutsu.

I didn't care what people thought about the prince. But since a few months, Itachi-nii has been talking about… this prince as well…' [A/N: Yandere Girlf-*cough* brother detected.]

Sasuke frowned as the other class marched in. All of them greeted each other and the kids started pointing towards a brown haired kid who had golden eyes.

He turned to him as well. But seeing a proud and unamused look on the prince, he only felt more irritated.

'I hope you and I get to fight today... 'prince'… I will show everyone… I am the true prodigy. Itachi-nii will also know that the prince is nothing but a fraud!'

And then they all heard the teacher talking. And thus begins the events that will change everyone's view points.




The Taijutsu practice meet started with the girls fights first. I won most of my fights but that Hyuuga heiress was hard to beat. She was shy and a bit awkward, but her Taijutsu was no joke.

She eventually took the top place and was even congratulated by the cute boy.


I wanted to win and get that congratulations! It would've been so romantic. A real prince!!


The battles continued and the boys found one another. The boys are so yucky. Even their fights have no finesse.

I totally ignored the fights and talked to my friends.

Until the teacher called for two people, that got a cheer from all the kids.

"Now Uchiha Sasuke and Kaneko Mitsu please go up front."


I was so excited! The two absolute geniuses of the two classes. A young prodigy from a founding clan and the Prince of fire. How amazing! Wish they were fighting for me.


My giggle earned the questioning gaze from my friends, but I ignored them. I started watching while supporting my face with my hands.

I saw, as Mitsu-sama was walking towards the battle circle. Sasuke-kun started talking…

Hearing his words even, I felt a bit irritated. Who does he think he is???…

"So you are the pretty princess of fire country? Do you actually know how to fight?"

I saw the prince looking at Sasuke with surprise. I think even he thought that Sasuke was out of character.

I wonder why Sasuke kun is being so venomous today.

Mitsu-sama seemed to ponder a bit and looked like he came to a conclusion and smiled.


That smile is really nice, goes nicely with his golden eyes. I have never seen golden eyes before.

As I was musing on my thoughts. We all heard Sasuke saying something that shocked us all.

"Today I will break you in front of everyone, and this will show that the precious Prince is nothing but a deceit like the coward you have for a father."

That was TREASON!.

The teacher seemed hesitant. But in the end didn't decide to act when he saw Mitsu-sama gesturing him to stop.

But Mitsu-sama lost his smile.

His eyes..

His eyes were scary. Those pretty eyes were looking at Sasuke with a look of disapproval.


Mitsu-sama with his Black Jacket and anbu pants stood on his side of the dueling ring.

He made a hand sign. Which the teacher taught us earlier. Saying it was a courtesy before a duel.

Sasuke-kun didn't return the greeting and simply waited the teachers mark to start the battle. The teacher seemed hesitant, but he still let the fight start. When he saw that the prince was literally looking at something unpleasant and wanted to do something about it.

I am sure the teacher is thinking that, he can't go against either side's families. So it was better for the kids to sort it out.

He could just step in if things go out of hand.

And then....

The battle began.

Sasuke Kun didn't even wait for the teacher's hand to come down fully, yet he lunged forward with a chin high kick.

I was scared, Mitsu-sama will be hit. But to everyone's surprise. He caught the kick and made Sasuke lose balance and fall down somehow. He was too fast.

He looked calm but his eyes were saying a different story.

Sasuke tried to get up, but it seemed like he was under some oppression, keeping him glued. And at that moment Mitsu-sama disappeared from his spot and grabbed Sasuke's right leg as he tossed him in the air.

Such strength...


Isn't this Taijutsu… ?


Even the teacher's eyes were twitching, seeing Mitsu-sama laying waste on Sasuke, as they started descending from the air.

I never knew the most common D-rank Taijutsu can be so strong…

[A/N: Konoha Senpu is among the most basic Taijutsus in Konoha. It was super famous as Chen Roshi used this a lot, then Might Gai. But it required the used to have incredible reflexes and speed, so it wasn't widely used.]

It has only been a few seconds but the whole scene felt like an eternity.

It was playing out on slow motion as the two were descending down. Such beautiful moves… I noticed the girls looking at the prince in awe. Well, I am too.

And then,


Sasuke kun fell down with a thud. He had many bruises on his body. But not as many as we thought he would have. Mitsu-sama has surely shown mercy.

But Sasuke didn't seem to think so.

As Sasuke was getting up he said "Y-you, y-you ho-how did yo-you do that? You are-"

*Groan and fall*

Sasuke Kun dropped on his knees as he clutched his hand which seemed to be injured the most.

He tried to look at Mitsu-sama as we all did and before he could finish the sentence.

We heard…

"You…. Uchiha…."

Everyones eyes were on Mitsu-sama now. I could hear some girls squeal in horror.

Even I felt a bit scared and inferior. The look he was giving Sasuke-kun was one that of disgust.



[A/N: Ummm! If there are some Sasuke Fanbois and grills out there.. Who want to murder me for this. Ummm..... *cough* I will give you the Ramen Dude's number. He will act as my ambassador.

And for you good-looking fellows who liked the chapter! Click on the comments and this paragraph comment here! For the great reveal!]