A Plan to Win the Future!

Chapter 17: A Plan to Win the Future!

Jutsu of the day:

Courtesy of Yours Truly


Daimyo's Mansion



It has already been a day, since the incident with Sasu-cake. Fugaku and Itachi came for a visit in the next morning to discuss the incident. And they apologized formally.

They still wanted to compensate for their misbehavior, so I wouldn't take to heart what happened.


Hearing the word 'compensate' a few bells jingled inside my mind.

I already have some plans that I want to implement in Konoha, to achieve one of my goals. Garner influence!

So I looked at them both. I wouldn't get a better chance than this to check their stats.

So, I invoked .



Name: Uchiha Fugaku

Title: Wicked Eye, Clan Head of Uchiha, Captain of the Police force

Occupation: Police Ninja (Konoha), Clan head

-Rank: Leader, Jonin(Elite)

Loyalty: 43%

[Default for Mitsu is 50, but Fugaku dislikes him a bit now, due to beating Sasuke]

Bloodline: Uchiha Clan, (Sharingan, Mangekyo Sharingan)

Age: 39 years.

Level: 61 - Speciality: End, Destruction

Talent: 7.9/10

[A/N: Fugaku was strong… He was a Hokage candidate]

Chakra: 157,823

Status Ailment: None


Extreme Reaction, Rank- C, Lv- 4



Advance Ninja Theory, Rank- A, Lv-Max >


Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique, Rank- C, Lv- Max


Fire Release: Phoenix Sage Fire Technique, Rank- C , Lv- Max

Shadow Clone, Rank- B, Lv- 1




Name: Uchiha Itachi

Title: The Prodigy of Konoha

Occupation: Ninja (Konoha), ANBU

-Rank: Jonin

Loyalty: 73%

Bloodline: Uchiha Clan, Sharingan

Age:11 years.

Level: 50 - Speciality: Agi, Infiltration, Espionage

Talent: 9.5/10

Chakra: 87,823 (Regression)

[A/N: Remember if you are physically getting weaker your chakra will drop]

Status Ailment:

Hemoptysis- Early stage


Extreme Reaction, Rank- C, Lv- 6



Advanced Ninja Theory, Rank- A, Lv-6 >


Crow Clone Technique, Rank-C, Lv- 3 (Requires contract)

Fire Release: Phoenix Sage Fire Technique, Rank- C , Lv- 8



Fire Release: Phoenix Sage Flower Nail Crimson, Rank-B, Lv- 4

Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet Technique, Rank- B, Lv-3




Fugaku sure is petty! Hating this handsum young prince, because I kicked his son's ass. Sigh!

I am so gonna rip him off.

I smiled evilly inside my head as I reviewed their stats.

Well Seeing Itachi's loyalty towards me was a great bonus.

I wondered why he liked me. I mean, I whopped his sweet little Sasu-cake's ass. But it's nice to be recognized by such a great personality.

DON'T GET IT THE WRONG WAY!! I still like boobies, and thighs.

You know what makes everything right, right? *Eyebrow dance*


I already had a plan in mind and I will see how I can play them.

Hehehe~ I am going to have sooo much fun~~

And as the discussion started.

I had a very stoic face and my aide was standing behind me with my personal maid. Whom I will talk about later.

I furrowed my brows and looked at Fugaku, "Fugaku-sama, I am sure you already know what your son said in my presence, yes?"

Fugaku frowned and nodded his head.

I continued, "I know a bit about the uchiha's, that you all are very emotionally driven. That's why I thought my classmates behavior was peculiar, might have been jealousy working on his part."

Itachi seemed surprised to hear my deduction. He was one of the brightest minds in Konoha. He smiled a little when he realized why I'd behaved the way I did.

Fugaku only nodded slightly, his gaze was bit cold.

"And from the reports of my aide, I have found out that the Uchiha Clan is facing a lot of pressure from the village.

To me their reasons seem… ignorant. But the driving force of the uchiha, which is their emotions, is also having an adverse effect on the situation."

"What are you getting at, Mitsu- sama?" Fugaku seemed a bit impatient.

To which I simply laughed inwardly. It's so easy to get these red eyed idiots rilled up. I wasn't even trying.

"WHAT I am saying is… I did your clan a favor by not making YOUR son's act of treason come to light. That doesn't mean I am not angry about all this." I said as I narrowed my eyes.

Fugaku lowered his head a bit. He was thinking. He probably was thinking about giving me something that would buffer this situation.

While Itachi simply smiled. It was a bit creepy… Of all the Uchihas, only two aren't 'totally' driven by emotions… Itachi being one of them. So he is probably thinking rationally about what I might be thinking.

Was I already found out? Damn, I might not be as smart as I thought. Booo~

But my customer was Fugaku, and he was sureeely taking my bait.

I glanced at Itachi one more time and seeing he isn't going to intervene. I went for what I wanted, from the 'current' Uchiha clan.

"I will help you by telling you what I want in compensation! Don't worry, I just have two tiny requests."

Hearing me, both of them straightened their backs.

And I started with a smile.


That night~



"Mitsu-sama, is it really okay with that deal? I mean it seems a bit… umm, unnecessary.." said a very confused Fuse.

Mitsu smiled playfully, "With this deal, they think they have gotten out of the deal without any loss. But they will soon realize that, I have both saved them and gotten their full support for the future."

Fuse looked at him skeptically, "But how is taking Shisui Uchiha as your aide, going to help you with influence?"

[A/N: Before you get angry and talk about timelines and other things, I request everyone to read the chapter and the A/N's as I will also explain the timelines as I have researched them]

Mitsu smiled at him, "If I say what I have in my mind. I am sure you will start thinking that I am a raving lunatic, my dear Fuzzy."

Fuse was still confused. He has never doubted this lord of his… But today's actions were a bit bizarre. [A/N: You're sure his other actions weren't?]

Just the thought of taking only a single Uchiha Jonin as an aide was ridiculous. But what was more ridiculous was the idiotic Uchiha head, almost starting a fight, in order to stop the recruitment.

They even needed to visit the Hokage for permission. The Hokage didn't want to give a skilled Jonin for aide duty at first but after thinking about what happened earlier and seeing Fugaku's precarious position.

[A/N: He let Shishui go easily, because the talks about the coup hasn't started yet. It happens around July~September, currently it's around March - April, As Naruto doesn't have a calendar system, it was super hard for me to establish a proper timeline. But I assure you I am doing much research before I am writing any of the canon things. As for my bullshitery with skills. Umm that's different *~ tehee]

Fuse still doesn't understand, what key this Shishui holds. But he shrugged it off as his lord's shenanigans.

But his second request was way too weird. Even for his lord.

'Well this has nothing to do with me, so it's fine!'

He then heard his lord calling him, "Fuzzy, tell our elderly samurai that I heard a rumor about a one-eyed villain. Who apparently has been going around the villages killing off samurais."

Fuse was alarmed, "My lord! Even if you want to cause trouble, you shouldn't go that far!"

Mitsu gave him an amused look, "Stop being so dramatic! He is an experienced person, he will know that I am only saying so to scare him.

As I 'believe' that he is a weak little samurai, and we are inside a ninja village. So I would obviously try to scare him."

Fuse frowned and asked, "But what should I say, when he asks about where you found this information from?"

Mitsu smiled and said, "Tell him, a little talkative beetle told me. She tells some really taaaaall tales."

After saying so Mitsu chuckled. [A/N: Let's see how many gets the reference]

Fuse was confused but he was a loyal servant. So he did as he was asked.

And just as he expected, the elder just laughed and told him, he already knew about the young lord's playfulness.

But Fuse could swear he saw a serious frown on the Samurai's brow when he was leaving.


Around the same time, Mitsu in his room was writing some gibberish. He smiled as he thought, 'I don't know much about the details of the Naruto world, but I do know the approximate event timers.

And till now most of the things that I knew occurred. So I know I am not too far off.

Hiruzen will start to suspect Itachi in a few months, but before then I will make Shisui a proper minion.

And this new jutsu will be of much help in my endeavors…'

[A/N: Guess which jutsu *Chuckle*]'

He then looked out the window as he said softly, "Don't worry little Uchiha, I will give your clan a new prospect to build upon… And you shall be my first pillar to build my foundations.."

Which Uchiha he said that to.. No one knows.


Hokage's office



"Shisui, I have received a request to assign you elsewhere." Hiruzen spoke softly.

"Hokage-sama, is it another espionage mission?" Shisui asked wondering.

"You could say that. From now on you shall be an aide of the third prince of Fire country. He has requested for you personally. Apparently he is a bit of your fan." Hiruzen said the last part with a chuckle.

He didn't know the reason Mitsu wanted Shisui, but he guessed this was the most logical reason.

~* In Mitsu's room, Mitsu hit his head while getting up, He thought, 'someone might have said something stupid about me!'*~

Shisui felt a bit embarrassed but also excited!

His best friend was on watch duty for this prince, and all he could talk about was how talented the prince was.

He thought it might not be a bad decision to work for him.

[A/N: Sigh… someone tell this idiot to run…]

He simply nodded to Hiruzen and went to prepare for his new job.



Orochi was in a tattered black robe with red clouds. He was lucky to survive the assault of a Danzo who went 'cuckoo for cocoa puffs'. He could swear the man might have dementia.

As he was attacked for no reason what so ever…

Not to mention he was almost killed. If he didn't master his shedding skin jutsu… He might have died today.

But he didn't just take damage… Oh, no, he cut off Danzo's paralytic arm and even managed to get his uchiha eye.

Sadly the eye was already a dud and of no use.

But he wondered, what could have transpired... for the senile fool to attack him with such force…


In another view~


The ROOT Nin that survived carried Danzo back to their headquarters. Danzo now missing an eye and an arm was shouting like a maniac.


But his Nins just stood still. They could not fulfill this request as there was no more eyes that was usable for Danzo.

When a brave Nin told this to the madman. Danzo simply cut him on the spot.

The air turned silent…

Danzo calmed a bit after killing the Nin. And asked another one to bring him....

a certain file.


A lot will go wrong as Danzo reads the file. But that doesn't concern us. As this will happen in the near future…


[A/N: I know a lot of you will have questions about this chapter. And I will answer all of them. First of all The Shisui ~ Uchiha Massacre has no proper timeline. There is a huge plot missing in the main canon.

But after a lot of searching and agonizing… I have finally found a plausible answer to the questions…

When Sasuke recently turned seven years old the talks about the coup started. Shisui recently awakened his Mangekyo from his guilt of letting his teammate die out of jealousy. And Itachi joined ANBU a bit later.

Shisui is tasked to follow Itachi when Itachi being a double agent, shows sus, behavior. Shisui's death and his plea to the Hokage is very vague but I believe it happens in one or two months after the coup talk starts. So considering Susuke's birthday being July 23, this should happen around September.

Our story at the moment is around March~ April.

The date of the massacre is also vague. But I found a source that states it happened on the first day of the year. But we don't need to go there. The plot change will take place from now.

Honestly, this chapter was super hard for me to write as I needed to figure out most of the timeline issues.

Another thing I have learned is that, Kotoamatsukami doesn't have a cooldown if the main user uses it, it is only limited by the chakra reserves, similar for people with Hashirama's cell, it requires a few days of recharge but not 10 years. So I was not wrong on my speculations before on Danzo already having a Kotoamatsukami and using it multiple times before. It's possible, not exactly canon, but possible.

The only reason the 10-year time was stated, as it was mistaken in the dub, but if someone other than Shisui uses it then it has that long a recharge period as stated by Itachi.

Sighhh! Sorry for the long A/N, I was a bit upset about the messy timeline available and my course teacher trolling everyone…

Also, please, if you want to drop a review with bad ratings, then please drop one with constructive criticism. Not because the MC is OP, and why the MC isn't doing exactly what every other fanfic mc is doing… I got a recent review who read three chapters and assumed the story would be bad and the logics kinda affected this chapter. But then again it was funny reading the logics xDD I recommend you good-looking people checking it out!

Anyways, I see WE are already in top 100 ! Thanks for the support guys <3

Anyway My exam should start in 6 hours after this is uploaded. Wish me luck]