I Thought Only MC’s Have Plot Armor?

[A/N: Hello, beautiful people!

Things have been a bit rough on my end and today I didn't have internet for a whole day!!!! @@ So, couldn't even prepare the story properly. *Sad author noises* So forgive the lateness and enjoy the chappie.


Chapter 32: I Thought Only MC's Have Plot Armor?

Jutsu of the day:

Courtesy of Tobi, Zetsu




"Ya hooo~ I am Tobi! Wanna be my girlfriend?"

"HUH!???" Mitsu stared with his mouth agape as he heard the figure ask the most ridiculous question he ever heard.



The first time Mitsu knew that there was someone more ridiculous than him in this world!


And Now~

Mitsu's Room, Wasabi House



There was a slight silence in the room, as Tobi greeted Mitsu and asked the most ridiculous question that Mitsu has ever heard.

Mitsu was still staring at Tobi, not knowing what just happened. While Tobi was fidgeting like a shy schoolgirl, with his index finger pushing against his chin. Trying to act as cute as he could.

Mitsu muttered again, "Huh?!" His reality was breaking... He thought to himself, 'This is sissy's doing... isn't it?....'

Tobi was surprised when he heard Mitsu mutter something, and thinking back he realized his mistake.

"OH! Nononono~ I meant, I am Tobi! Wanna be my friend?"

Mitsu now started questioning his life. As he stared at the ridiculous man in front of him. But he soon pulled himself together, helped by his skill of course.

He sighed and glared at Tobi. This time he was glaring menacingly.

"Oi, Poopy masked bastard. Why are you here?" Mitsu asked.

"Awww~ Please don't be mad at Tobi. Tobi is a good boy!" Tobi replied whimpering like a puppy, When Mitsu was about to get annoyed, he changed to his happy-go-lucky attitude in an instant, The transformation was so fast that it left Mitsu feeling downhearted...

"Sigh! What are you doing here, Tobi?" Mitsu asked the masked figure with a tired voice. He really didn't want to deal with someone like him anymore, at least not at that time of the night.

And not to mention the dancing figure of the man… Truly looked ridiculous.

Tobi replied to the question instantly, "Haiii! Tobi is here to retrieve the rings."

"Links?" Mitsu seemed confused. [A/N: Tobi said it in Japenglish where Ringu(ring) and Rinku(link) sounds similar when said it in that exaggerated manner.]

Mitsu thought in his head, 'The frick? This baboon wants links? Did he hear about my stash of Uber Big- *ahem* No, that's prolly not what he meant. Hmmm maybe he wants the rings.'

"Do you mean rings?" Mitsu asked, he had half a mind to just give the rings and be done with all this...

"Yessh, I am here for the ringsss. So can you give them to me?" Tobi asked while acting all cute.

'Disgusting...' That was all Mitsu thinking. He really felt tired dealing with Tobi.

"Sigh!" He was about to agree. When he thought back... 'Why is Obito still being like this... Shouldn't he have just attacked and took the rings? Something seems fishy. Lemme see what he does when I deny him.'

He then shook his head and said, "Request denied."

Tobi innocently put his index finger on his chin and acted childish, "Bu-but then-then the scary Zetsu will booli Tobi."

'Zetsu!!' Mitsu remembered the freaky Friday Slender man of Naruto world.

'This could be bad!' He got cautious.

He quickly invoked and used it all around him. Including inside, outside, the roof and even the underground.

He used his skill at maximum capacity and found an unknown entity hiding under the ground.

But to his irritation, he couldn't sense the fricks exact location...

on an area, only lets him know the number of available things. So unless he could pinpoint the location of the individual with a sensory method. He had no way to appraise them directly.

This made Mitsu put up his guard.

He remembered that the Zetsus could blend in with the world and never be detected. It was a broken ability, that can make a proper Ninja invincible. If used right of course.

But then he thought, 'Why is this… Tobi, frick it, why is Obito not making any moves? Even if he is acting to drop my guard, he should have acted by now. And what's with this familiar feeling I am getting from this bastard…

Oh, well, I will just check his stats and I will know!'

Mitsu then looked at Tobi menacingly, making the poor lunatic shiver, and invoked .

In Mitsu's head,



Name: Tobi

Title: Guruguru, Madara's Minion.

[A/N: Narutopedia actually says minion!!!]

Occupation: None

-Rank: S (Strength)

Loyalty: 30%

Bloodline: Zetsu form (Hashirama DNA derived) .

Age: 913 years.

[A/N: Kaguya landed Appx 1k years before Canon, lived around 80 years on earth]

Level: 77

[A/N: He could take on thousands of Ninjas when he had a body. His personal strength is high, but he can be way stronger than this.]

- Speciality: End, Vit, Infiltration, Surveilence

Talent: 7.2/10

Chakra: 271, 723

Status Ailment:

- None


< - Extreme Reaction, Rank- C, Lv- 7

Regeneration Ability, Rank- A, Lv- Max

Commone Sense, Rank- E, Lv- 1




All is Suffering, Rank- A, Lv- 2 (Requires Gedo Mazo)

Kanzeon Lotus King, Rank- S, Lv- 4 (Requires Medium)

Mayfly, Rank- S, Lv- Max

Top Transformed Buddha, Rank- S, Lv- 5 (RM)

Wood Release: Cutting Technique, Rank- B, Lv- 5 (RM)

Wood Release: Wood Human Technique, Rank- S, Lv- 4 (RM)



'Whaa? How the frick this monkey has such OP stats?

He is making Kakuzu look poor. And what's with the name Tobi? It's not Obito? The hell? I was sure that Tobi was an alias of Obito…

Now that I think about it, Guruguru...

So.. This was that white blob Guruguru. The real Tobi! Not emo uchiha elder!

If I remember correctly, he was an early victim of Kaguya. Welp, I can use that fact, I think. And why does this frick even have such good loyalty towards me?

And…. What's with this common sense? Lv 1? Really? My OP common sense stealing wont even work on this bastard...'

[A/N: There goes Mitsu's strongest skill.]

Mitsu was appalled, as he read the status menu, of the man named Tobi.

Nothing made sense...

The only thing Mitsu was sure about was the connection between them.

'Someone who perfectly integrated with Hasirama. He is the same as me!'

Mitsu thought for a while on what to do. He then asked, "Tell me Tobi, why do you feel familiar?"

It was to probe.

Mitsu wanted to know if the familiarity was mutual or if it had anything to do with the loyalty.

"Haiii! Isn't it because we are the same? You should come with me too! Madara will take good care of you."

Mitsu smiled as he heard this. And already finished his plans.

He knew this being, even if familiar, was still a goon of Madara.

He didn't feel any remorse as he proceeded his plans forward.

'Invoke ' Mitsu shouted in his mind as he pillaged all of Tobi's abilities.

He felt a bit happy, but then when he looked at the status screen again. He was shocked.

The ability was still there.

'The frick? How is it still there? I know I took it.' Mitsu was confused. Narrowing his eyes, he checked his S.S.C where he stored Tobi's abilities.

[A/N: *wink wink*]

And there it was, the ability .

'Is this shit like the disease farm? I can't steal it permanently from him?'

Mitsu tried again. And the result was the same.

He felt interested and tried to use this time.

He heard a prompt,


[The skill cannot be Deleted, the user does not have enough Levels on the skill to Delete an S ranked Skill]'

"….." Mitsu was speechless.


How come some two dollar villain is being protected….' Mitsu really wanted to hit someone.

But then he heard Tobi speaking,

"Unnno~ Can I have the rings now?"

Mitsu was a bit annoyed, so he took the next step of his plan. He was feeling a bit petty and vengeful.

So he asked directly, "Oi Tobi, do you know Kaguya?" He smiled after he said that.

Hearing him ask that... The man named Tobi became still as a statue.

His face couldn't be seen, but Mitsu was sure that it was showing a horrified expression.

"H-how do you know… that name… Who are you… HOW!!" Tobi started shouting hysterically.

At the same time Mitsu felt a disturbance on the ground.

He smiled and thought, 'It worked! Chance ball!' He was waiting for the 'other' to show up and it worked.

He saw a black hand coming out of the ground trying to grab Tobi, and he wanted to use this opportunity to take away all of Black Zetsu's abilities, and be done with this vengeful evil baby.

But right then,


'The frick??' Mitsu's concentration broke, and he looked at the direction of the noise.

But he quickly remembered the situation and looked back.

Both Zetus and Tobi were gone…

[A/N: If people have forgotten, then it's for them, The appraisal ability needs a visual or at least a chakra pinpoint of an individual or an object to be used. And the Cut and Paste needs the user to look directly at the screen while cutting and pasting the skills or whatever. Mitsu has gotten way better at using these as he had been practicing for so long. But if his concentration is broken like right now, he can't really use the skill.]

He sighed... And again looked outside…

There he saw a Giant skeletal frame attacking the ground for a bit then dissipating.

Mitsu sighed again and muttered, "The 'Plot Armor' game of these villains are too strong…."


A bit earlier,

Outside the parameter of the Wasabi Mansion,



'I can't believe that Mitsu-Sama's speculations were right.

These goons are actually planning something.

And to attack at this hour of the night… They must be mercenary assassins.'


I took out my tanto and activated my Sharingan.

*Swoosh… Fwish… Shaiii*

I hurried about the area and stopped after a few seconds.

Sheathing my tanto, I looked back at the scene that I just created.


All of them were lying dead.

"Sigh!" I sighed audibly.

'I need to report this to Fuzzy-Senpai, he is watching the other side of the valley if I remember correctly.'

I was about to flicker, when I felt a presence behind me. I also felt the activation of a strong Jutsu near the upper body of my assailant.

The whole process felt familiar, so I, with routine movements, dodged the attack.

Now that I was in the clear, I Looked at my assailant.

I saw a masked figure, wearing black monk clothes.

He had a gunbai behind him, and his mask was shaped like a… Sharingan?

The mask was white and had three eye slits.

And all of the slits looked like tomoes.

I became extremely vigilant, as I stared into one of those slits.


Staring back at me, were the eyes we Uchiha are so proud of.

'A Sharingan that evolved… Who is he?'

I frowned as I didn't know anyone else, other than my father and myself who had the Mangekyo Sharingan at the moment.

'Well there is Kakashi Senpai… But he can't really use it.'

I really wanted to know who this man was. How does he posses a Sharingan. An evolved one at that...

I wanted answers and I got them quickly.

"You are quite impressive, fledgling Uchiha. You make this old man feel proud of his blood!

You must have already noticed the tie of blood we have. *Points at his eye*

So let me, introduce myself, I am Uchiha Madara. The strongest of the UCHIHA!" The masked man said tilting his head upwards. Giving off a proud countenance.

'Uchiha Madara? It can't be.' I knew for a fact that the traitor Madara died a long time ago.

There was no way this man was Madara.

It might be someone playing off as Madara, probably someone who wants to follow Madara's ideals.

'But which of the Uchiha turned traitor? I don't remember any genius of our clan turning traitor other than Madara…'

'Well, there is one way to find out.

Capture him and then ask!'

[A/N: Itachi... Mitsu is rubbing off you..]


And this started the battle that Itachi will regret... Letting the man escape...




Next chapter will be Itachi vs Obito! I will try to include a panel if I get enough time!

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