
Chapter 49: Electrocuted!

Jutsu of the day:

Courtesy of The Emo Uchiha's older brother.


[Previously on NaRUS?]


The story focuses on Itachi as he starts gathering information on Maishima Island. There he finds an infamous Kiri ninja named Ao, with the moniker Byakugan killer.

He soon starts tailing the man, as he believes that he might find some information if he follows him. Itachi believes that he is well hidden, but Ao being a sensor proves him wrong. Itachi then finds himself in a situation where a confrontation is inevitable.


And now~

Time: Early morning

An Alley in Maishima Island



Itachi was staring intently at Ao's right eye, as it showed bulging veins around it.

'The Byakugan... This might get troublesome.' Thought Itachi as he pulled out his tanto. He didn't think it was necessary for him to activate his Sharingan. But that action managed to rile Ao up.

"Uchiha boy, I am not going to go easy on you, just because you are a kid. Use your Sharingan now! Or you might never get the chance." Ao was clearly displeased with Itachi. To him, Itachi not activating the Sharingan right away was an insult.

And a prideful man like Ao would never take an insult lying down.

But Itachi simply ignored him and disappeared with a flicker.

"Tsk, let me show you, why the young ones die early in the war." Ao clapped his hands together as he released his terrain Jutsu.

'' Ao invoked, as the area around him started filling with water.

"You will pay for your over-confidence." Ao declared as he controlled the water and started expanding his water boundary.

But Itachi didn't have any reaction. He simply kept flickering around, while Ao kept on attacking him with different water techniques.

Ao was acting very aggressive, but inside, he was analyzing the situation.

'The Uchihas are a well-trained clan. If they were a part of the resistance then we might have a better chance…

But what is an Uchiha brat doing all the way here in the Water Country. From what I remember they rarely take missions to other countries… Well, it doesn't, I will find out soon either way.


Good the boys are taking their positions.

This kid is strong but still wet behind the ear. Let me show him his place? Huh?' As Ao thought about his hidden motives.

He realized some of the chakra signatures around them started going chaotic.

He looked at Itachi to see what was happening and saw that Itachi was throwing Kunais and Shurikens at random…

But in reality they weren't random at all. All the tools were thrown at strategic spots and one by one his subordinates were falling under a Genjutsu.

'How? How is he casting that? Wait. The reflection from the weapon surface? ABSURD!' Ao narrowed his eyes in anger and started casting jutsus much faster trying to corner Itachi.

But Itachi very calmly avoided the water pillars by creating simple rock blocks under him as he used the water thrust to move to a different spot.

He did not stop putting Ao's subordinates under his Genjutsu. Killing two birds with one kunai.

Ao was getting impatient when he registered another chakra near them. The signature was very dense. To Ao the chakra had the bright molten color and felt hot as lava.

'So she is watching? Good.' Ao stepped back a bit and started making hand seals.

Itachi noticed that his opponent started focusing on hand seals. So he stopped as well and made a few seals himself.

Ao noticed that lightning started circulating on Itachi's hand, but he simply laughed.

"Boy, you really are inexperienced! We Kiri nin have been fighting all our lives in this water terrain. You think no one else tried to electrocute us?

Heh, go ahead and try. Let's see how you use that lightning of yours…" Ao said with a smirk on his face.

But he started having a bad feeling. He closely studied Itachi when he noticed a slight smirk on the boy's face.

"You are right, not many people know how Kiri survives the lightning Jutsus. I didn't a few years ago either. But…

The person I serve has shown me a few things during his long-running shenanigans spree. And electrocuting people while they peed… was one of them…" Itachi said the last line a bit awkwardly.

The observers felt awkward as well, hearing the line.

'What type of master does he serve? A demon?' People's thought was a along those lines.

But Itachi continued without being fazed. "Ahem! He has discovered many things that we don't usually think about… In the name of pranks, he has created many theories. And here is one of them."

Itachi jumped high as he transformed his electricity and transferred it to his tanto, as he threw it directly downwards where the water from was still present.


"I told you that wo-... AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" Ao was about to dismiss the boy when he got electrocuted as he screamed in pain.

The observers were stupefied. They always thought that pure water would never be executed, then how could this have happened?

They started thinking about the Uchiha's master electrocuting peeing individuals…

'Don't tell me Ao was peeing? No no…' Thought one of the observers.

They wanted to save Ao, but no one moved. They didn't want to get electrocuted while saving him. So they waited till the effect of the Jutsu was over.

Ao was lucky as the effect didn't last long. He had severe lightning burns around his feet and his body was convulsing, but he wasn't in any mortal danger.

The ninjas from the resistance quickly came to his aide and the rest surrounded Itachi from all sides. But Itachi didn't seem much concerned.

He was intently staring at a certain direction .

There was a beautiful woman with auburn hair and green eyes. She was staring back at Itachi as if looking at a hot piece of meat.

This seriously impelled Itachi to be more cautious.

'That woman is really scaring me… I better warn Kaneko-kun when I see him again. He needs to avoid this lady at all cost…' Itachi thought as he fought his goosebumps.

The resistance ninjas started getting in position to attack when the auburn haired woman ordered them to get back.

She got down from her spot and addressed Itachi, "Boy, you are more handsome than any male here on Kiri. Now tell this Onee-chan your reason for being here.

You know… It always hurts my heart to melt a good-looking guy… But you're going to have to die if you don't answer me honestly." She smiled very sweetly, but Itachi felt the smile was that of a devil.

'How can such a beautiful woman be so vicious... She seems strong. Extremely strong. I might need to use my Susanoo to beat her.

What should I do now? I can't possibly let them know about Mitsu sama wanting the information on the resistance…


Well, I can surely try that. And it's not really a lie… I mean he expressed it himself, and I believe that's his end goal. He hasn't told me or anyone that yet. But watching him till now and how he conquers the heart of people… It's obvious, I think.

Yes… He will surely try to liberate them…

Hmmm… I can try this… This is only an assumption...

But this may be a good chance. I think I have found the resistance's leader already. Things should be easy if I play it right.' Itachi thought as he smiled slightly.

Mei blushed a bit seeing the smile, but she got serious within a second as he motioned Itachi to start talking.

Itachi took a deep breath as he started, "I am here to talk with the resistance's leaders! My lord has arrived in the Water Country a few days back and witnessing the situation of the people really hurt him. He too thinks that the country needs a better ruling party. So he would like to talk with the leader of the resistance."

"The leader, eh? Well unlucky for you… He isn't here.

But lucky for you, I would love to hear more about this… Lord of yours…" Mei replied as she licked her lips lasciviously.

But Itachi didn't seem to take any interest in her and simply kept smiling as he answered, "Of course, and he would love to meet a wonderful lady like yourself."

Mei was a bit disappointed, but she kept on teasing, "Oh? But I am more interested in you than your old lord…"

Itachi wanted to laugh out loud but kept his calm. In his mind he thought, 'Kaneko-kun old? Haha, I don't think that would ever be possible… He does seem incredibly mature sometimes but others… Wel that's just how he is, I guess.'

Itachi didn't reply and just smiled politely. This disappointed Mei more, as she couldn't get any information out of Itachi.

She then sighed and gestured Itachi to follow, "Fine! If you are not gonna spill the beans, then I will just have to meet him myself and see what he is all about… Hmmm, but can you at least tell us how you electrocuted Ao?

I know that pure water can't be electrocuted…"

Itachi didn't answer directly, he only pointed at the broken rock blocks all around the area. And simply said, "Who said the water was pure?"

Itachi giggled a bit and started walking towards the direction of the resistance headquarters. Leaving behind a thoughtful Mei as she kept staring at the battlefield.



Two days after Lightning Daimyo's demise

Hokage Tower, Konohagakure




"Are you sure about this information? This could be a ruse. Who would actually dare to attack a Daimyo… Not to mention they have succeeded." Asked a very irritated Tsunade.

"No point yelling at me, Godaime-sama. I am only letting you know the information that Jiraya- sama has sent to the intelligence division.

And I too feel baffled at the news." Answered a sighing Shikaku.

"So do we know who the culprit is?" Asked Tsunade.

"From the information, it was the mercenary group Akatsuki… But who commissioned them, there is no such news.

Many are pointing at the Raikage because of the last incident. Some are saying it was Tsuchikage. Some are even blaming you Godaime-sama." Replied Shikaku.

"Blaming me?" Tsunade felt confused. But she soon came to a realization.

"So they think this is a powerplay? I am cementing my position as one of the five great Kages by pulling of such a stunt? Ridiculous!"


The table in front of Tsunade broke down.

"What a drag… That's the fifth one already… I will need to make a new fund for Hokage tables… " Shikaku muttered his complains.

"What did you say?" Tsunade asked menacingly. That sent chills down Shikaku's back. He shook his head quickly, trying to defuse the situation.

"Sigh! What about the Daimyo? What did he say?" Tsunade asked.

"I don't think he has heard the news yet. But him being the way he is… He will surely send aide to the lightning Daimyo… And our enemies can use that in various ways…" Shikaku answered.

"That idiot of a man… What about Mitsu? Where is he?" Tsunade asked.

"Mitsu-sama… Seemed to have started a new journey. Where he went exactly, no one knows… He only said he wanted to travel all over the globe for the next few years." Shikaku answered.

"What bad timing… Send a squad of ANBU. I will write Mitsu a letter and ask him to return as soon as possible. He might be young but his out of the box thinking might come in handy. And the current situation is no where near safe for him to travel leisurely." Tsunade said seriously.

'Why is another one coming so soon? Who is pulling the strings this time…' Tsunade thought as she started writing a letter.



[A/N: Hey there, beautiful people!

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