Loot… Whaaa!


Chapter 60: Loot… Whaaa!

Jutsu of the day:

Courtesy of Yours Truly.


On top of the blooming flower.



'Whooooweeee~ Damn the view is shieeeet! No wonder they had to cover it with the mist. Maybe I should try to bring back the mist again…



Etto~ How does one cast an everlasting, hiding in the mist technique??.



Gaaaah~ Forget it. I will just make them clean this place up when I have control. Now lets seee~'

I was talking to myself as I looked at the scenery from the top of the giant flower that bloomed from my Jutsu.

I then thought of the lunatic Yagura.

'Oh what happened to the Lunayaga? Is he dead? Hmm~ hmm. Ah-ha there he is.' I found Yagura's unmoving body in the center of the bloom wrapped in stamens.

He looked like a zombie, his skin burned and melted in places. Some places even showed the inside of his body. But when I peeked inside… There was nothing but emptiness. And from his nose and mouth, broken Chakra strands were dissipating into the atmosphere.

That was prolly the Sanbis's chakra... It will take 3 years to form into Sanbi again.

I knew Yagura was no more. He burned himself out as he fought through the suppression. And at one point his body just wasn't able to hold on anymore. He died due to his own burden…


I had a solemn look as I inched closer to him.


"Oiiii~ Anyone homeee? YOhoooo~ Yaguraaa~ Sanbiii~" I asked while poking the carcass with my sheathed sword.

I didn't get any reaction. Which basically confirmed their demise. But a modern man who read many novels and watched weird TV shows. Knows better than to trust your eyes on enemies of this caliber who could have plot armor installed.

'Pheew, wish there was a better way to know if something died. Ya know? Like something just tells me when I killed something and it has no li-' As I was thinking something hit me.

I got an idea that I didn't use before…

I looked at the body and invoked ''


"You sonofabishhhh~" I cursed out loud as I never thought of doing this before, as a new screen appeared in front of me.


Item Identification: Karatachi Yagura's Remains

Value: Can not be calculated.

Special Attribute:

Karatachi Clan DNA



Karatachi Yagura's Bodily Fluids>


Description: Remains of Karatachi Yagura, the deceased fourth Mizukage of the Village hidden in the Mist. Has historical importance to the Mist and the Karatachi Family. This can be used to bargain with the Water Country.


'This is ridiculous…

I know I am ridiculous myself… But, recognizing a dead body as an item… That's just… BRILLIANT!

It really is like an RPG…

I think Sissy said something along those lines when he let me choose the skills. It was something about. 'All the skills are based on a generic RPG' or something…

Umu, umu. It only makes sense that the enemy dies and turns into loot? Whaaaa~ I have missed out on this feature... Tsk.

Now lets see.


This Karatachi Clan DNA… Is it the same as the Senju cells I stole from Danzo?' I looked at a specific part of the screen and tried to invoke . And what do ya know… It worked.


So you are telling me… I could have taken bloodlines so easily all these years…

But well now that I think about it. I did take Danzo's… and if logic speaks then…

Nah, it's not my fault. Nopeee~ Na-uh, Nieeet, Iiie… I just umm... Aahhhh… was busy, yeah busy. So I didn't have time to test all these out…' I thought as I looked back at all the things I did on my free time.

Lazing around, reading Icha Icha, Sleeping, Thinking of Hina ( Nah that was precious time), Doing pranks with Naruto… Etc…

'Yepp, those were important times spent. Umu, umu. Not wasted at all.

Anywhoo~ Let's see what this little DNA can do. What did the Karatachi Clan bloodline give anyway?

Lemme appraise. Maybe it can be appraised too.



Item Identification: Karatachi Clan DNA

Value: Can not be calculated.

Item Description: DNA containing massive affinity to Water Chakra. Karatachi Clan were known for their impressive pull over the Water Jutsus as they could turn lower rank Jutsu's into a rank higher by using their natural Water affinity and consuming more chakra.


Danggg~ Imma appraise everything from now!!

'Well~ Now I know. I have no idea what my affinities are as I always shied away from testing. But now, I can at least be sure of Water and Wood. Pheww~ that feels good.

Then again.

Having the amount of Chakra that I have… Affinity isn't really an issue, I guess. Unless it's the Kekkei Genkai Jutsus.

Coz to cast the bloodline techniques I need those specific bloodlines myself.

Oh, well, I guess now I will have an extra hobby. Teehee~' I smiled happily as I pasted the Water affinity DNA onto myself.

I didn't know if it was supposed to be this obvious or not. But here on Kiri, where there was water everywhere, I could feel the Chakra in the air more accommodating towards me.

Honestly it felt like home.

Not to lie, the feeling was wonderful and most refreshing.

Then I stretched a bit and looked down from the flower towards the ground where the other fights were taking place.

I was surprised to see Mei and Fuzzy both had finished their fights. I could understand Mei finishing so fast, because her enemy was just the noob Deidara not the badass that almost made the kingdom come to the emo kid and the gang.

But Fuzzy was supposed to face the red sand puppet weirdo. How the hell he finished so fast? I will have to take a look at his stats later…

'Alrightyyy~ Where is Ichi and the snake bastard? I still have to pay that speech interrupting son of higshit back with a cactus though his glory hole…

Now let's see.

Hmm, hmm, Ahhh~ There they are.'

I noticed the place Itachi and the snake bastard were fighting, but it seemed like they weren't really going all out…

I wondered what that was all about. Well, I didn't worry as I would find out soon anyways.

I grabbed Yagura's dead body with one hand and flicked away with a swish.



Location: A few miles away from Mitsu and Yagura's battleground.



"Kukukuku. Sssss. If that isn't Wood Release. I wonder who can it be. Care to guess, Itachi-kun? Ssss." Orochimaru smirked as he stared at the gigantic flower that bloomed over hundreds of converging trees.

His eyes red with greed. He had lived enough to watch the first Hokage in action. And knew that the skill that was just used, was almost as strong as the First Hokage's.

He already had an answer to his question, but he just wanted to confirm from Itachi.

Beacause no matter what rumors he heard... What he just witnessed was just beyond absurdity.

Itachi at that moment was looking nonchalant as he took his sword stance. He glanced at the huge spectacle from the corner of his eyes and smiled gently.

'So he really acquired that elusive bloodline… No wonder all of us felt so much vital aura around him… This is amazing. Mitsu-sama was already a monster at his age. Now… I don't think even Fuzzy-senpai and I together can beat him…' Itachi smiled.

He already knew how strong the Wood Release is. As he fought against the masked Uchiha not too long ago. And that time he was forced to use his Susanoo which put a lot of strain on his eyes.

So he was happy to know that the master he served had become so strong. And at such a young age at that.

He didn't lose his concentration on his opponent though.

They had been fighting for a while where the snake kept asking weird questions all the time. Seemingly not interested in the fight. But something else...

And Itachi discovered one thing for certain…

The snake seemed to be after... his body… As weird and perverse as it sounded… Itachi didn't want to get captured and find out.

He has been fighting the snake without using his eyes and simply with his skills and Jutsus alone. At first, he cut the damned pervert a few times, but the bastard kept coming back uninjured somehow.

And as time went by, the bastard seemed to get used to his fighting style and was blocking and dodging more. This alarmed Itachi a bit.

He knew that he could beat the snake certainly if he used his eyes, but he was worried about the regeneration of this guy.

Because Orochimaru kept coming back unharmed like a snake who kept shedding its skin.

He was sure that there was a limit to how many times the snake could use that technique. But he didn't know the exact number...

But now that his master had won his side of the battle. He didn't need to conserve his Chakra anymore.

'I was saving my chakra just in case something unexpected happened, but I guess I should just finish this fight fast.' Itachi thought as he eyed Orochimaru like a prey.

Orochimaru simply grinned evilly at this and wet his lips as he stared at Itachi like a hungry asshole.

Itachi's eyes turned red and his tomoes started spinning anti-clockwise.

Orochimaru didn't mind and was instead fascinated with the eye movement when suddenly…

The atmosphere darkened and the sky looked bloody red and the ground was filled with corpses.

His corpses.

Orochimaru's eyes widened in surprise as he felt his feet being tugged by many hands… His hands…

He saw many copies of himself, cackling and trying to climb on himself, and others started to bite him everywhere like snakes.

He was in disbelief as he stared at the sky where the bloody red darkened and two enormous glowing red eyes appeared, which were looking down at him from above.

As if a God was looking at an ant that was about to be squashed.

And this began the era long torture of the snake…




On the outside world, Itachi was staring at Orochimaru with his glowing Mangekyo Sharingans.

He did his best to use his to its fullest. And just as he finished with his Jutsu he heard someone clapping lightly.

*clap clap*

He wasn't surprised because he already knew who it was.

Itachi turned and said with a smile, "Congratulations Mitsu-sama on unlocking your Bloodline."


[A/N: Hey there, beautiful people! The illustration for the last chap. It was hard to draw, not really happy with it...]

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