Recap (Ch. 1-62) For returning readers

Naruto: Reborn With Useless Skills? Recap~


Jutsu of the day: Flashback No Jutsu Full power~

Courtesy of Author-san!


The story began with a depressed, depraved, and aimless university student named Jason, who had a flair for theatrics and mischief.

To him, acting and donning faces and justifying his actions made him feel alive.

Because without the monologue in his head and his self-imposed justifications, he would have committed suicide long ago. A person who was lost.

Having not much to live for, after another failure that he brought upon himself, he expressed his feelings through theatrics and how much he wished he was isekaied to another world.

Although all of it was his usual nonsense, yet somehow a Cosmic Entity of the main world, who also happened to be a reincarnation office clerk, heard his prayer.

The entity thought that he might possibly be the perfect candidate to test the reincarnation system. A system which the creation God of the Omniverse, One above all, implemented to control the ever expanding lower worlds.

And thus the reincarnation of Jason, last name not important, started as he was brought to the reincarnation station by Scooty-chan the reincarnation vehicle.

After Jason met the Reincarnation Clerk, and got his wishes, he chose skills he had seen in a novel that he read in his main world named .

Where the MC could cut and paste any skill that he could observe, and Jason thought this was the best possible way to get a cheat out of nothing, as the reincarnation clerk refused to give him any good skill, because of his rudeness.

So, he chose the skills: Appraisal, Gamer's Mind (not Jinwoo's, but any other gamer's mind as a gamer is never affected by his character inside a game), Cut, Paste and Delete.

With this skill set, he was fairly confident to tackle any worlds. And so he chose the Naruto world. The Clerk put another resistance to mess with him, by telling him that he could not be reincarnated in a Ninja Clan.

So using his smarts, Jason chose to be born as the Prince of the Fire Country, even though he could have chosen some Otsutski descendants to reincarnate into, which never crossed his mind.

But to be honest, there was no point worrying about that, because the Clerk probably would have made some arguments to put him down a peg.

And thus he was born as the 4th child of the Daimyo of Fire Country and his wife Madam Shijimi. As the 3rd Prince of Fire, Kaneko Mitsu.

His early life was extremely questionable. He took nothing seriously. To him, who had nothing to really live for, also nothing to lose, all of this was a game.

He saw characters and NPCs in place of people. Which affected his morality hard. As his moral compass was almost nonexistent.

Doing something evil, like taking skills from an innocent woman, meant nothing to him at that point, as for him the reality of the world hadn't sunk in yet.

To the young prince, life meant nothing. He kept sane by trying to entertain himself as much as he could, and thinking of 'Fun' ways to enjoy life. As he kept another persona inside his head to talk to himself.

Honestly, experiencing his time in the womb might have increased the effect of his already existing eccentricities


Insulting, making fun, stealing skills and other atrocious thoughts came to him easily. He had nothing to endear himself to. Nothing that bound him to this life. And yet he had the delusion that he had a dream in this world, a dream where 'I will be strong enough to eat in the middle of a war'.' A ridiculous and childish dream indeed.

And yet he had no idea what that even actually meant. Talking about starting a war so easily, as if it was an everyday affair. He was deprived of moral reasoning. Which was bound to impact the world around him...

Even his new birth mother meant so little to him at the start, until the attack of Kyuubi happened, and he finally found something that connected him to this new world, his new mother Shijimi.

A woman who shed tears for him. For the first time, in both lives, he felt the undoubted love, the unconditional feelings of a mother showering him for the first time. Yes, he finally understood that he had a mother. A woman who actually loved him in this new life.

A new feeling that might just bind Jason or rather Kaneko Mitsu to this world of slaughter.

After the Kyuubi debacle, Mitsu started living in the fire capital, and the only person he was always serious with and started to love as a family was his mother.

While his father also showed him love. But it wasn't unconditional like his mother's. Him being a genius helped in that regard. But Mitsu never came to love him like he loved his mother Shijimi, as he too felt that his father was an unimportant mob.

He didn't like his 2 brothers much. One was controlled by Danzo, while the other was just too average to even be remembered. But his sister, now she was the second person who connected with Mitsu.

Mind you, no matter how depraved Mitsu was because of his living style. He craved family, though he didn't show it much. His love for his mother and sister trumped everything else. But he still kept his mischievous and eccentric personality to keep himself sane, and away from the reality of the world.

Mitsu simply wasn't ready to take this new life seriously.

Soon it was widely known that Kaneko Mitsu, the third prince of fire, was a prodigy. The nobility adored him, because of his 'value and status'. While the commoners celebrated anything the higher ups wanted them to celebrate.

Mitsu was still not serious about life, unless it was about his beloved mother and sister. But he liked the Naruto anime and wanted to do some stuff here. Even if he still thought that this world was fun and games.

For him this world was an escape. To fulfill his so-called 'dream', was also an escape, and maybe getting 'Adult Hinata's Thighs' (His obsession for thighs came from his previous life, for some reason he was attracted to thighs as much as he was attracted to boobs).

So he decided to study in the Konoha academy, no, not to be a ninja, as he deemed that it was unimportant. As he was a prince, he still wanted a reason, a cover to learn the ninja arts (or steal some of them). So that he could justify his knowledge.

His mother reluctantly agreed to let him study in Konoha.

He returns to Konoha with 3 Guards and many servants, including his butler Sanda Hisashi.

As for his guards, there was an ex- ANBU captain turned Guardian Shinobi of the Fire country (whom, Mitsu didn't actually know of as his appraisal showed that the Shinobi's allegiance and title had already changed to him), a young man, his mother chose for some reason, who just happened to be extremely loyal to him (not suspicious at all *rolls eyes*) called Fuse Daisuke, who Mitsu started calling Fuzzy.

And finally an old Ronin, named Aki Shimabukuro, who was a hidden Samurai, a leader of a Samurai Clan named the Aki Clan.

During his time in Konoha, Mitsu meets the rookie 9, and even gives Naruto some skills just for some gags, as he didn't really care, but his bestowal turned young Naruto's life in a different direction that fate didn't dictate.

And right after, he met the Third Hokage, who somehow was under the control of Danzo's Kotoamatsukami, not from Shisui's eyes, but from one of his ancestors, (probably Kagami).

Mitsu then realized that he could store stolen skills in a gold coin or any object after he took a leap of faith, which he later named as S.S.C or Super Skill Coin.

He also realized that he wasn't using the full potential of his Appraisal skill. And decided to do more experiments later on, which he ultimately forgets.

After that debacle, school life began and Mitsu met Hinata for the first time. And he was smitten. He had never loved before, nor did he ever take an interest in dating in his previous life.

Yes, he clubbed and fucked whenever he could. But those were only means of stress release. He didn't have the emotions or time for something as delicate as a relationship.

But then again, his adult brain in a hormonal child's body was smitten with the beautiful eyes of one Hyuuga Hinata. And unbeknownst to himself, Mitsu developed new feelings for the first time in his 2 lives. (Mitsu mainly fell in love with Hinata's eyes)

He later saved Hinata. In a damsel in distress, kind of cliche.

To him, he thought that he was manipulating events, but deep inside, even he himself was unaware that he was being driven by his new found feelings.

Kaneko Mitsu never realized that he started to develop feelings for the people near him. Even though most of the time he took everything as a game, he was still a human.

He did receive a wake-up call when he met Danzo for the first time. When the old bastard wanted to use Kotoamatsukami on himself.

Which was proven when Uchiha Sasuke insulted his father. For which he showed the Uchiha his place.

He started to take the game a bit seriously and decided to put a big Fuck You in Danzo's plans.

As compensation for Sasuke's actions, he took Uchiha Shisui as his subordinate, but deep inside, he did want to stop the needless massacre of the Uchiha, as he hated what Danzo was.

And as he took the game seriously, and to answer back for the insult that Danzo unknowingly inflicted. He started to move his plans.

He started keeping tabs on Danzo, using his most powerful skill, 'Taking away someone's common sense.' He started to orchestrate the events that were bound to happen in his favor.

Unknown to himself, though he thought he manipulated everything at level 10. But misunderstandings between people near to him, and other factors that drove the story had turned the manipulation a few notches higher in other people's eyes, many unstable factors connected without his knowledge. Which created a bigger pit than he himself wanted to create.

But as luck would have it, it easily turned to Mitsu's favor. But how long would Lady Luck support him through the misunderstandings?

Kaneko Mitsu didn't want to consider that treating everything as a game could have repercussions. Though he was saved from facing a harsh reality in this scenario, he wouldn't always be as lucky.

Due to his planning and other factors aligning, the Uchiha Clan was mostly saved while the radicals were taken care of, and the prince earned the favor of a founding clan as well as a lot of civilians due to these events.

While the Hokage and the ANBU commander, Shikaku Nara started acknowledging his abilities and impact on society.

Shisui was made head of the Uchiha clan. Because under Fugaku's lead, something like a 'coup' was planned. This in turn made him and his family unfit to lead.

They no longer could retain the title of head family, but they were pardoned due to Mitsu. Earning Mitsu, fervent allies.

And even though Shisui didn't have any chance for this position before. But his patriotism, support from the Mitsu and the propaganda by Hiruzen made it possible.

Thus the 15 year old boy was accepted as the next head of the Uchiha Clan.

The situation with the elders came to light, and they were executed. Even though Hiruzen was reluctant to order so.

But for the stability of the village he had to do what was right. Feelings be damned.

By this time, Hinata realized her feelings for Mitsu. Being from a Ninja Clan and having Chakra meant developing the brain early. This Hinata realized that she was indeed in love with Mitsu.

Mitsu still didn't realize that he was actually in love as well. Because in his previous life, he never tasted it.

Although he was pretty sure that he liked Hinata, and would probably date her when they get older.

The birthday of the prince was filled with all sorts of emotions.

Mitsu slowly became good friends with all of rookie 9

He started making different businesses, especially food related ones, which easily got him the friendship of the Akimichi Clan.

He even gave Naruto a job, to help support himself.

And seeing the blonde knuckle head delivering food with a smile, started changing the view of the people of Konoha. They started to see Naruto as any other hardworking orphan, instead of the so-called demon spawn.

If their own prince could tolerate the child, then what was stopping them? Propaganda had an immense effect on the life of commoners. And with the death of Danzo and his deeds coming to light, helped on this matter as well.

Mitsu went to travel outside the village and was pursued by Kakuzu and his partner Mori, who was easily killed by Mitsu's preemptive strike.

While Kakuzu was captured due to Fuzzy, Itachi and Aki's abilities.

Mitsu then took their rings and sent Kakuzu to the T&I in Konoha to be interrogated. He was nonchalant at first, but in truth he was really angry.

Tobi, as in Guruguru, then tried to steal the Akatsuki rings back. In the most ridiculous way possible, but was stopped by Mitsu.

Mitsu even preached to Tobi, making him all kinds of confused.

Obito, masquerading as Uchiha Madara , confronts a new and improved Itachi. A Itachi who had no burdens of the village and clan on him, and had a new secure life, as well as a 'honorable' (he still misunderstood Mitsu being a saint) master to fight for. He was way stronger due to the help of Fuzzy and Aki, but less experienced and less murderous than the cannon Itachi.

Itachi and Obito then engage in battle where Obito was forced to use Wood Release to keep up, but he was stopped by Black Zetsu, who then orders a retreat as he was terrified by Mitsu's power.

Mitsu arrives late at the scene, he becomes disappointed and acts like a child, blaming something absurd as Plot Armor and decides to return to Konoha.

Tsunade returns to the village after she hears all the atrocities the elders of the village had committed. She simply couldn't leave her beloved family's legacy in the hands of such hungry wolves any longer.

She mentally prepared herself to return to the village to make changes, that's when she learned about the third prince from Jiraya, and was intrigued.

She even suspected that the dormant bloodline of her family might show up in Mitsu, but she wasn't sure.

The Senju were married to most of the noble clans and families of the Land of Fire to create connections after all. And one of the recent ancestors of the Dynasty was from the Senju clan, so it was quite possible in fact.

After Mitsu returns to the village he meets Tsunade for the first time.

Though he started having deranged thoughts when he saw her. And tried to justify them in his head, he himself felt close to the woman.

Whether it was due to his Hashirama cells or his own lineage, he wasn't sure.

No matter how depraved he was, he felt a familial bond with Tsunade. Even calling her Onee-sama came naturally to him, and he addressed her as such without realizing.

Yes, he believed that the Senju cells were affecting him, but he also had the Gamer's mind to negate such an effect, which he conveniently forgot.

But little did he know, Mitsu was already changing, accepting the world as his own. Though he was still self-centered and a scheming man child.

He still had a long way to go. At least he started taking steps towards the right direction.

Mitsu and Tsunade asked the Hokage about his findings from T&I about Kakuzu. But they are immediately enraged when the Old Pacifist answers that it was done by the Land of Lightning.

But when Mitsu asked about the repercussions they would take, Hiruzen declared that he wanted to end this without conflict. It disappointed and angered both Mitsu and Tsunade.

Mitsu obviously wasn't happy and knew who were the other culprits for this decision.

So he decided to take control of the situation by himself.

He then created permanent wood clones and made them kill his father's advisors, and take their places in his father's court.

He then sent 2 wood clones to Kumogakure and a few more to the Lightning Daimyo's castle. And havoc ensued.

It was another childish move by Mitsu, as he didn't care about the world. And it ended in a war between Kumogakure and the Lightning Daimyo, only to be fueled by Iwagakure and Akatsuki.

Unknowingly, Mitsu's little powerplay ended in costing many, many lives that he didn't know about, as he again started to treat the world as a game.

Yes, he had new feelings of belonging and created new bonds, but still didn't understand just how much his actions were impacting the world. As he kept justifying himself with his eccentric behavior.

But, the day that he realized how his indifference and not taking things seriously was destroying the world, wasn't really far away…

After the Kumo debacle, he decided to graduate at the age of 9. Not to be a ninja, as his main purpose of the Ninja academy was to find a proper excuse for him to show his techniques, he no longer needed to be in the academy.

He graduated with perfect grades and was hailed as a genius, even by Kakashi himself. Who agreed that no one else could learn Jutsus' as fast as Mitsu, unless they were very proficient with the sharingan.

Mitsu met his friends for a farewell party, where Ino and Hinata were especially sad. Mitsu didn't have any feelings for Ino, so he didn't try to bother with it. Another of his escaping reality.

But he finally started to realize that what he felt for Hinata might be real.

No, not as a fan of an anime character. But feelings for a real live person. For the first time, his cold unloving heart was beating for someone other than himself.

He then took Hinata out for a walk, where he stumbled to express what he felt. He finally asked Hinata to wait for him till he came back.

As he decided that he would date her once she became a Ninja. Hinata understood the gesture and sweetly agreed.

She also found the ever confident Mitsu, having doubts and acting shy, very cute.

By this time, his sister Hakune and mother adopted a kitten named Tora, and he may or may not have given the cat extra abilities to dodge Genin squads.

At first his mother was reluctant to let him go on another journey as the last one was particularly dangerous, but he somehow managed to make his mother agree to him.

Mitsu was called into a council meeting to choose the next Hokage and for other improvements to the society, which even the Daimyo attended. This showed the village just how much influence he held.

Mitsu's father was surprised to see him at first, but was even more surprised when he realized just how much influence Mitsu had in Konoha.

Mitsu's novel ideas about the future and his brilliance shone through and were easily accepted by the councilmen.

Even though he was still not taking things seriously, as he was only at the development phase of his change. His brilliance from his past life showed itself, which aided in his planning and improvements of the village.

Honestly, in most cases he would be a real boon to society, but alas, his indifference was stopping him from doing so.

Though through impeccable misunderstandings from all who knew him, he was still being revered as a perfect prince, unbeknownst to him of course.

Most people saw Mitsu as the perfect prince, though a bit eccentric, but his genius and talent was unrivaled in his generation. And due to many misunderstandings, people started to have the delusion that all he did was for the good of the people.

Yes, it could be interpreted that way no doubt, but honestly, Mitsu had little to nothing to do with it. He was selfish and mostly did it for himself and for his entertainment, but people's view of him only improved for the better.

And it was slowly helping Mitsu understand that people did respect him. And maybe he should slowly change?

He was still not sure, but deep inside he felt amazing to see that people loved him and he wanted to help a bit if he could.

His reason for traveling to the water country was dubious at best. At least at first he simply wanted some entertainment and he thought that traveling around the world would give him that.

Well he didn't know how wrong he was.

Water country was in the midst of war between the rebels and the government of Kirigakure.

Mitsu with his half baked knowledge about the cannon timeline, didn't take the butterflies and the plot holes into consideration as he went head straight to a war-filled country.

Him being reborn brought on a lot of changes, and one of the biggest changes was accelerating the Kiri war unnecessarily.

The war that was supposed to end in 5 more years, took a turn for the worst.

This ended up causing thousands of deaths and a famine in the water country.

And Mitsu didn't even realize that it was all his doing.

By this time, Tobi (Guruguru) joined Mitsu as his shadow, and started doing as he was ordered.

Mitsu also received the coffin of the first Hokage from Tobi with the body still inside.

He also found a survivor of the Yuki clan named Yukina and learned about the strife of the country of Water.

This encounter forcefully made him realize just what kind of world he was in.

He genuinely starts to help after he learned about the 'reality' from Yukina. But alas, the changes in the story and his half knowledge created another mess that might finally make Mitsu understand the gravity of the world.

He met the rebels and even enticed them by offering them help to free Kiri.

His plan was good, but only if the situation was the same as cannon.

Mitsu didn't consider that the Cannon story ended the moment he was born, and his influence in the water country caused plot changes. Thus, the operation by the Rebels ended up angering Yagura a lot, and as there were no Akatsuki attacking Yagura like in Cannon, a disaster was bound to happen.

A tragedy struck Kirigakure, as Yagura, losing control, destroyed almost half the village with his uncontrolled Jutsu.

Most of the rebels died, and Haku was scarred for life as he watched the scene of his village being destroyed and his master killed…

Tobi gave Mitsu the news and even questioned him, 'Are you sure you are not a villain?' This finally made Mitsu realize just what he had done.

He finally felt the gravity of his actions. And realized the gaps in his knowledge.

But he wasn't a kid and as a person who lived 2 lives, he did what he needed to do to stay sane. He justified this as Yagura's fault.

If not he might have broken down.

Instead he promised that he would avenge all those who died. And make Kiri a better place.

Yes, he felt guilty inside.

His morals were questionable when he arrived in this world, but now they started to change as he started to realize that this was a real world and his actions had consequences. He was playing with real people's lives.

Not to mention his interpersonal relationships and interactions with the world was helping him grow as a person.

This only fueled more guilt in him. Which he crushed with the promise of becoming better than yesterday. To finally help the world for real.

He cursed himself for being blind, and trusting something like future knowledge, and made up his mind to truly engage himself in this world.

He changed his plans. This was no longer something he did for entertainment, as he started to feel the weight of the people that died due to his indifference.

He finally started growing up, and he himself started to notice that.

Mitsu knew that he was a broken man, so he didn't completely let go of his eccentricities, but he promised to tone it down.

He was going to do his best to mend himself.

If not for him then for his beloved mother, his loving sister, his first love Hinata, his supportive friends or his wonderful minions.

If even that wasn't enough, then for his people.

Because what was a king without his people?

But alas one doesn't change in a day. He still retained his eccentric and playful personality.

No one blamed him as no one knew that the mishap happened because of him. So, the blame still landed on Yagura.

But deep inside, Mitsu knew that he was the reason, and he would work from this day forth to help the land of water prosper. And carry the memory of his blunder till the day he died.

Soon after, Mitsu made plans to confront Yagura with the help of Mei and her elites, while the rest were going to evacuate the villagers to safety.

It was then that Mitsu and the team were confronted by both the Akatsuki and Yagura.

A battle was unavoidable.

Mitsu took down 2 Ninja swordsmen, cut down Samehada in half, and took on Yagura alone.

He made the mistake of taking away Yagura's common sense which turned him into an enraged senseless beast of destruction.

But due to the incredulous amount of Chakra that Mitsu had, he simply super powered his Wood release to create a giant wooden death trap that led up to create a towering Flower where the final battle commenced.

Yagura, enraged, started charging a giant Bijuu dama which Mitsu cut in half with his but that simply wasn't enough as the surrounding energy simply filled the gap and the Bijuu dama stabilized.

Realizing that if the attack was complete it would devastate the land, Mitsu decided to use one of the skills he had been trying to replicate from an anime. Which turned into thousands of cherry blossoms, as they started to cut the Bijuu dama and Yagura into millions of pieces simply destroying the beast in an instant.

Upon Yagura's death, Mitsu finally realized that he could take skills and bloodlines from dead people and started to feel stupid.

But this opened new windows for him, and he started to accept his place in the world.

But after he took in the Karatachi DNA he felt closer to the water element as he stood tall in the towering flower top like a King.

Mitsu made a direct effort to rebuild Kirigakure, as he took on the office of the temporary leader of the village, and sent his clones towards the capital to take care of the Daimyo. He decided to do things right from now.

He finally realized that this wasn't a game anymore. He started to treat life seriously.

When Mei, an advisor and another young man came to visit him, he realized that the rebels were hiding the six tails' Jinchuriki, which annoys him but he understood the reason. And showing him now shows that the rebels trust him, well at least respect his strength.

Which gets him a new idea to all this.

So when the advisor of Daimyo tries to get a rise out of him. He simply declares.

"Huh? Who said I want to be Mizukage?"


[A/N: Hey there beautiful people, Surprised?

I know that many of you have never even considered the story from this angle. Most of the fun and bad jokes and references hid so much more of Mitsu's real issues.

Many simply thought that Mitsu was an asshole and needed to die, some thought him as a psychotic clown. And many readers even rage quit the story because of that. But so much was hidden in this one eccentric character. And so much he will grow as chapters to come.

This was mainly for the returning readers to recap the story, and also for all readers to see this story from a different angle. Instead of the rose tinted fun filled shenanigans, just how deep the character Mitsu is.

Hope you all start to understand Mitsu a bit more from now, and hopefully don't drop because of this xDDDD. And I promise you, Mitsu will grow and grow and grow. He is our golden boi after all.

PS. Actual chapter will still be uploaded from Sunday. Thank you.