During the 1-month Break!

Edited by: Lazy_Cat#6384


Chapter 93: During the 1-month Break!

Jutsu of the day:

Courtesy of Yours Truly's Clones.


21st July, Year 78

Kaneko Mansion, Konoha



It has been 2 weeks since the end of the second test. And things had been mostly peaceful.

I have mainly focused on creating my own seals. Most of my time is spent on that. Otherwise, I spend time sparring and advising Hina, or going on dates with her.

Mother has been super chirpy since she found out about me dating Hina. And I was glad that Hina was getting along with my family. The servants have already started calling her Oujou-sama, much to her embarrassment.

But spending time with her was always a pleasure.

In the past week, we have developed a new hobby of taking strolls down the shores of the Naka River. The place where we shared our first kiss…

We don't really talk much, simply enjoy each other's presence in the comfortable silence as we walk hand in hand.

Hina has improved a LOT. She was already hitting low Jonin level in Taijutsu and Speed. Though her Ninjutsu is very weak… But not nonexistent like in canon.

As for Genjutsu… She can't use them properly. But she can't be put under a Genjutsu either. So that's a plus, I guess.

By the way she is already Level 41.

Which from my experience was the level of a Low Jonin. But then again… Something was wrong with my

After all, I was still Level 99…

As was Fuzzy and Tobi… Ichi was close… So I don't really know how to describe this.

I will need to find a solution soon…


Wish I could talk to Sissy… It's probably him messing with my levels…

I mean, my Chakra and power are still growing!

So, I for one am sure that this isn't my maximum level? I don't know…

Welp, I will have to think about that later.

For now, let's talk about the interesting things that happened in Konoha,

First of all, Possum Boi can finally sleep! Pervy-sage was able to fix the seal with Yondaime Kazekage Rasa's permission.

Secondly, Temari and Hina have started a weird… friendship?

I am pretty sure it's not one of those anime rivalries over a guy.. AKA me. Because, I can see that Temari was already coming to like one lazy Nara as they interacted more due to them staying back in Konoha for the month.

But for whatever reason, she always throws jabs at Hina… While Hina seriously wants to be her friend? Huh? I sure as hell don't know how that works…

Thirdly, Kiba and Shino were extremely depressed because of their loss. But they didn't blame anyone for it. Instead, they decided to take a small break before restarting their training with vigor.

Their loss did them good, I guess… Because one pink-haired Banshee has started to realize how weak she was.

As I heard from Haku. Apparently, the pinkette asked her for help, and Haku, seeing the chance to help a poor, poor girl… gave her a reality check.

Sakura is still down in the dumps, but she will probably start improving with the new motivation she got.

Fourthly, Tsunade-nee-chan has agreed to take Hina as her disciple. No, it's not because I asked her to. Hina earned it by herself.

With her Byakugan, precise chakra control, and the earlier medical studies that she did as per my suggestions have made her the perfect student for Nee-chan.

Maaaan, Hina literally impressed her sooo much, she wanted to take her as a disciple then and there. But told her that she will wait till the exams are over.

Fifthly, what was the fifth thing again?... Oh right!

The Tsuchikage and Raikage have 'requested' a visit to the village to 'appraise' the new generations and to 'propagate' friendship.


I laughed so hard when Nee-chan showed me the letters, that I had tears in my eyes.

But we accepted either way. We knew that we were on the higher ground now, and can get many benefits out of it.

Not even one of their teams passed the second test of the Chunin exams. Which was super embarrassing.

As the 2 villages had no contestants… When the 2 Kages come to the village they won't be able to throw their weight around. So, negotiations will go smoothly.

And finally, the last important thing that happened was… My father, the Daimyo has called for a Grand Council meeting here in Konoha after the end of the Chunin exams.

Now, this insinuates a lot of things.

Just the fact that the meeting will be held in Konoha, instead of the capital, means that the main issue will involve the village.

Second, my dear older brother will be attending the meeting. That just means a lot of stupidity will be thrown around.

And finally, through my clones, I have found out that my father isn't particularly happy with my eldest brother.

Apparently, he has been doing a lot of things behind his father's back that has displeased him. My dude thought he was being cautious and secretive. But apparently, he didn't know about the uber competent advisors (My clones) our father had.

So yeah…

In a nutshell…

In the next Grand Council…

Yashiro, my dear eldest brother… Will be fucked sideways.

I might not even need the incriminating evidence I collected against him. Oh well. Maybe I can send him and his fiancé to one of those premium permanent vacations. Hmmm… Food for thought.

But for now, I can simply enjoy my current schedule and just wait for all hell to break loose, so I can duct tape it later.


27th July, Year 78

Meeting room, Hokage tower.



5 days before the start of the final round of the Chunin exams, all the dignitaries started to arrive in Konoha.

Among them were rich merchants, high nobles, clan leaders, and even Daimyo's and Kage's of different Nations.

And it was Sarutobi Hiruzen, the retired Sandaime-Hokage and one of the current Elders of Konoha's Elder council, was responsible for greeting the foreign dignitaries.

That was exactly what he was doing right now, as 4 people with 1 Ninja each accompanying them arrived together in the meeting room. They were wearing customary haori's that indicated their honorable position as Kage's, and hats that denoted their respective nations.

Greetings, Godaime-Mizukage Terumi Mei-dono, Yondaime-Kazekage Rasa-dono, Sandaime-Tsuchikage Onoki-dono, and Yondaime-Raikage A-dono, I welcome you all to Konohagakure. I hope you had a pleasant journey and enjoy your stay here. Hohoho." Sarutobi said with a gentle laugh.

The four Kage's returned the greetings, none of them acting arrogant.

Which was especially true for the Raikage. As he was infamous for his hot temper and arrogance. But it seemed to have diminished with the loss of his arms.

"Thank you for your hospitality, Sarutobi-dono. But if I may ask? Where is Hokage-dono?" Asked Mei.

"Ah? Hokage-sama is currently waiting for Mitsu-ouji and they should meet us here together in a few minutes." Sarutobi said with a smile, and indicated for someone to serve tea and snacks.

Hearing that Mitsu will join their meeting caused the four Kage's to have different expressions.

While Mei looked nonchalant even a bit happy, Rasa had a calculating look. While Onoki was frowning, as he had heard a lot about Mitsu, and he didn't like that the Fire Country was hogging such a talent. While A was scowling.

A still remembered Mitsu… How could he not?

Even though he told no one about the fight where he lost his hair, he engraved the memory into his heart… He had made so many plans to get his revenge on the prince… Only for them to start and lose a war.

Not only that, but he also lost so many high-ranking Ninjas to the Phantom it weakened his village immensely, and he could only forget about his revenge… At first, he thought that he could bide his time… But even that seemed pointless now.

Because, the rumor of the Golden Prince being a natural user has thwarted his plans… After all, everyone still feared the name of Senju Hashirama…

'He was already strong when he was a literal baby… How strong is he now?... How strong will he be when he is an adult?' Simply that thought was enough to deter A from making any impulsive decisions…

"Oh? Why would the young prince join this meeting? If you don't mind me asking." Asked Onoki.

"Hohoho, don't worry too much about that. Hohoho, Mitsu-ouji is a smart young man… he has a lot of influence in our small village, not to mention Tsunade adores the prince a lot." Sarutobi said jovially as he sipped on his tea.

But all four Kage's understood the meaning.

'He is really important. So just shut up and wait for him.'

Mei already knew about it, so she simply chuckled before taking a sip of her tea.

Rasa made no fuss either, as he also knew about Mitsu's 'prowess' from his children.

Onoki had a frown on his face. He didn't know exactly how strong or important Mitsu was. But he knew that he had connections with 5 Daimyos. Which was a lot. Not to mention everyone knew about his 2 S ranked subordinates.

While A forced himself to stay silent.

But their subordinates were a different story. As not all of them had the proper info on Mitsu.

Mei had brought Ao with her, so she was safe from her subordinate saying something inappropriate. But it wasn't the case for the others.

Baki, Rasa's subordinate, was displeased at this, but he was a smart cookie. Seeing that his Kage was okay with it, he decided to stay silent.

But Darui, being the hot-blooded man, spoke up.

"Should a child even be in this meeting? What does he have to do with a meeting between Kage's?" He drawled out in a bored tone.

"I agree… Not to be rude Sarutobi-sama… But why are you allowing the prince to be in the meeting between Kage's? As exceptional as he is, it still doesn't make it alright for him to be in a meeting between hidden village leaders." Spoke the Jonin Onoki brought.

They thought they were speaking facts. As letting a child, even if he was a prince, attend a meeting between Kage's was an insult.

But to their surprise, it wasn't Sarutobi who reprimanded them.

"Darui… Don't talk nonsense…" A said with a somber tone.

"Tsuda, you are talking out of place." Onoki said in a reprimanding tone.

Then he turned to Sarutobi and apologized, "Forgive us Sarutobi-dono, Tsuda didn't know about the Golden Prince's importance to your village."

"Hohoho, it's quite alright. Children do make mistakes. And I am sure Mitsu-ouji wouldn't take it to heart. Hohoho."

'Yeah right…' Thought Ao, Mei, and the hidden ANBU in the room.

Darui and Tsuda seemed baffled at their Kage's, but decided to stay silent.

They were experienced Jonins, so they quickly realized that the prince was much more important than they thought.

They wanted to apologize, but before they could, the door to the room opened, and walked in 4 people.

Walking side by side was the Godaime-Hokage Senju Tsunade, and beside her was a boy that looked around 14-15, with brown hair and golden eyes. It was, of course, Kaneko Mitsu.

Behind them in a Sage's get up stood Jiraya, the Toad Sannin. And beside him stood another of the S Ranked Ninjas of Konoha Fuse, the guardian.

As they walked in, they carried a regal aura around them, making others take them seriously.

It was then Tsunade greeted the room, "Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen to Konoha. I am Senju Tsunade the Hokage, with me are the Golden Prince of Fire Country, Kaneko Mitsu, the Toad Sanin Jiraya, and the Guardian Fuse Daisuke. Let's get this negotiation started."




[A/N: Hey there, beautiful people!

If you want to join the discord! The link is on the synopsis!]