Chunin Exams: Finale!


Chapter 102: Chunin Exams: Finale!

Jutsu of the day:

? No, no, no. It's !

Courtesy of Tsundere Uchiha and Sunshine Fur Ball.


[Previously on NaRUS?]


And as Mitsu thought, as the dust cloud settled, everyone could see 2 figures standing on opposite sides.

Naruto was covered in mud, while Sasuke had some burns here and there.

But both of them were looking excited as they stared each other down. Neither of them were finished. No sir. Far from it.



Continued from Chapter 102




"I win this round, Dobe." Sasuke declared with a smirk.

"Dream on, princess… You look like fried chicken!" Naruto replied indignantly.

"You had help from those frogs, so that means you have cheated." Sasuke scoffed.

"Those are my summons! And they are toads not frogs! It's part of my Ninjutsu!" Naruto glared at his rival.

Sasuke stopped for a second as he pondered on that.

'I guess Niisan also uses his crows… Hmm… Maybe I should get a summon too.'

But he didn't show it on his face as he replied with a snort, "Hmph, it doesn't matter, you still needed help."

"GRRRR…Let's just call it a draw!"


Naruto took a deep breath before his features became serious.

"Let's go all out. No limitations." Naruto declared, and Sasuke developed a smirk.

Both of them looked at each other in silence for a second…


Both of them punched each other's fists, with a maniacal grin on Naruto's face and a slight smirk on Sasuke's.

And the real battle began.

Naruto directly created 100 clones to offset Sasuke's Sharingan as he jumped to grab his Bo.

Sasuke flicked to his tanto and began his sword dance.

*clang* *clank* *Thud*

The exchange of Bukijutsu and Taijutsu continued, as Sasuke had to go all out to cut down the clones while defending himself from the real Naruto's sudden strikes.

The balance was slightly tipping, as Sasuke was getting overwhelmed by the sheer number of clones, so he decided to add Ninjutsu to the mix.

Shurikens and fireballs started scattering everywhere as Naruto himself started pushing more and more clones into Sasuke.

The crowd was going wild watching Sasuke and Naruto fight at that high level.

Suddenly Sasuke showed a breach in his defense, which Naruto took by striking horizontally towards the Uchiha's chest.

But when he was about to hit Sasuke, he noticed the boy's smirk, as his Bo simply went through Sasuke.

'Clone? No… It's Shisui-senpai's…' Naruto realized as he felt a slash coming from behind him.

'When did the princess learn that?' Naruto was surprised, but not scared.

After all, Sasuke wasn't the only one who learned such a useful Jutsu.

On the other hand, Sasuke's tanto hit Naruto's shoulder, only for it to pop in smoke.

That surprised Sasuke, as he was sure the Naruto in front of him was the real one, as he was observing him carefully.

It was then he heard from behind him, where Naruto was grinning while crouching with his hands in a Tiger hand sign.

"You aren't the only one who has a fancy switching skill, princess. I can change positions with my clones with Now face the greatest technique Kakashi-sensei has bestowed on me! "

And he poked… Towards Sasuke's private bit where the Sun doesn't shine… Much to the Uchiha boy's horror.


Naruto was still grinning as his attack was completed. But much to his confusion, Sasuke wasn't sent flying away…

"Eh? Why aren't you flying away? I did it just like Sensei did back then…" Naruto was truly confused and kept looking at his fingers, trying to solve one of the greatest mysteries of life.

Until he felt a dangerous killing intent that washed over him.

With cold sweat running over his head, he slowly looked up to face one of the most horrifying sights he had ever seen.

Sasuke was incensed…

He was humiliated… In front of the crowd… In front of the clans… In front of his Niisan…


The humiliation made him see red as his Sharingan was activated to the maximum.

"PrEpArE To DiE!" He declared.

"Oi… Wait… Sasuke… Wait… Be reasonable…" Naruto was indeed scared.

He had never seen Sasuke that angry before.

It was then everyone in the crowd heard sounds of buzzing.

Horrified Naruto noticed Sasuke's left hand, which was giving off lightning arcs.

"Oi! Sasuke! Calm down! We are friends, right? No need to be so angry!" Naruto gulped and begged, but to no avail, as in an instant Sasuke was upon him with lightning in his hand.

Fearing for his life, Naruto quickly switched himself with a distant clone and started creating a hundred more to stop Sasuke from attacking him.

On the stands,

Guy was surprised as he asked Kakashi, "You taught him ?"

Kakashi shook his head, "No, I taught him the lower version … But that's not it… He subconsciously transformed his chakra nature to create that… It can't be called a Jutsu… Naruto really pissed him off it seems…"

It was then an angry Kurenai interjected, "KAKASHI! Did you really teach your student that appalling Jutsu?"

She was furious.

That thing that Naruto did was disgraceful!

Kakashi sweat dropped before he answered, "Uh… Not really… I just used it on him during the bell test… It's a nice taunting method. But Naruto forgot to infuse his chakra when he used it."

"YOU USED IT ON YOUR STUDENT?" Kurenai was enraged as she glared at Kakashi.

Kakashi, sensing danger to his life, quickly flickered away.

Sasuke kept attacking Naruto with his lightning, and Naruto kept throwing his clones at him, trying to wear the boy down.

And Sasuke seemed to have finally calmed down a bit after he cut down about a hundred clones.

He stopped and looked at his hand in astonishment.

'No wonder I can't hit that idiot fast enough… This lightning is pathetic.'

He then lodged his tanto into the ground as he started making quick hand signs.

Naruto noticed this and knew that whatever Sasuke was trying to do wasn't good. So he decided to use his strongest Jutsu.

He looked at the clones around him and ordered, "Oi! Help me make the Rasengan!"

The clones quickly got to work and started helping Naruto create as fast as they could.

And the moment they were done, Naruto heard the sound of thousands of birds chirping in a buzzing noise.

He turned to where Sasuke was and saw his hand was covered in lightning, much more potent than the one before.

Sasuke's blood-red eyes stared into his crystal blue ones as the Uchiha disappeared.

In an instant, he was right above Naruto and shouted, "!"

Naruto was lucky enough to have his body react to the danger and shoved the right into the lightning.


In the Kage box,

"Aren't you going to stop them, Hokage-dono?" Mei asked.

"Nah, let them be. As long as they don't die, I will fix them right up." Tsunade just waved it off.

The other Kages sweat dropped.

'She is flexing her medical prowess…'

In the Clan box where the Uchiha Clan was situated,

Fugaku, Mikoto, Itachi, and Izumi were quite embarrassed for Sasuke after what they witnessed.

"W-will Sasuke-kun be okay?" Mikoto asked with some trepidation.

"Hn." Was all Fugaku said. But if someone looked closely they can see the stoic Uchiha blushing slightly in embarrassment.

"Don't worry mother, Sasuke will be alright." Itachi did his best to comfort his mother. But in reality, he was actually a bit annoyed at Naruto.

The collision between Sasuke and Naruto caused a small explosion. And as the smoke covering the arena cleared, everyone gasped to see the two contestants.

Both Naruto and Sasuke kneeling.

Sasuke was gasping for air. His left hand had burn marks.

On the other hand, Naruto was on all four panting. He didn't seem as injured as his opponent.

"Sasuke… Give up… You lost that exchange." Naruto said in between gasps.

"Dream… On… Dobe." The Uchiha retorted the best he could.

"Oh yeah?… Then finish this with… One last… attack." Naruto declared.

Sasuke only nodded.

They slowly got up with difficulty.

Naruto made 2 clones to help him with the .

While Sasuke again made hand signs for his , but this time he used his right hand.

Lightning started forming on his hand, while on the other side Naruto stood with his Chakra orb in his hand.

And then,

They attacked.

*Chirp* *Shui**BOOOOM*

Two powers collided.

Everyone in the arena was waiting with bated breath to see the outcome of the confrontation.

Whether they were civilians.


Ninjas or Kages.

They waited while they watched the two impressive Genin at a standstill as they fought the other's Jutsu with their own.

The collision seemed to go on forever, as neither side gave in to the other.

But truthfully…

This was never in true equilibrium.

Even though Naruto and Sasuke were similar in battle power…

There was one thing that vastly separated them.

Amount of Chakra.

[A/N: For those who have forgotten. This isn't canon Naruto.]

Within seconds of the confrontation, the Uchiha noticed the drain all his Jutsus created on his body.

He could no longer maintain his , so he closed his eyes, and pushed the last of his Chakra into his .

On the other hand, Naruto still had enough chakra to make another Rasengan, even after his tiring battle against Gaara.

And so.

The balance tilted.

"Winner of the Second Semifinals, Uzumaki Naruto."

The whole stadium burst into cheers.

Naruto was battered after the straining fight. Not only had he to go all out against Gaara, he even had to face Sasuke with more than his 100 percent.

Panting heavily, he turned towards his rival, who was lying on the ground with his right hand bruised and burned.

Naruto wanted to go to his friend, but he couldn't find the energy to keep standing and fell backwards to the ground.

So he simply called out.

"Oi, princess…"


"Good fight…"





After Tsundere Uchiha and Naruto's fight, Naruto could barely move, and Tsunade-nee-chan declared him unfit to continue and sent him to the hospital.

Naruto didn't show it during the fight. But during his fight with Sasuke, he had broken a few bones, had a severed ligament, and had lightning burns on his hand.

On the other hand, Sasuke suffered from second-degree burns, 3 broken rib bones, and Chakra deficiency.

So ultimately, the tournament ended without a final.

Many were disappointed.

But others were happy about the last fight. It was dazzling after all. A good fight to end the show.

Hina was worried about her teammates, so she went to see them in the hospital after giving me a kiss and reminding me of our date tomorrow.

I chuckled at that and promised her that tomorrow will be amazing.

Later, it was the dinner party with the dignitaries, clan heads, and the Kages.

There I met with the Kages, Daimyos, and many of my associates of different nations, congratulating me on Konoha's performance.

The socializing was nice and simple, with the usual probing and prodding and subtle insult to my brother, not that the said brother could catch them…

I was happy to see that Koyuki-Nee-chan and Mei-Nee-chan were getting along with my family.

The other Kages had solemn faces, as I was sure, watching Konoha's performance had scared the shit out of them.

Other than that, the dinner was quite nice. I just wish Hinata could come.

But only the Clan heads were invited to the dinner.

All in all, the night went well.

Though at the end, my father reminded me.

"The grand council meeting will be held in a week. Be prepared son, yours and the Land of Fire's future depends on it."

I knew that very well.

But I wasn't nervous. As I had everything already prepared.

Looking at the half-moon in the sky, I smirked involuntarily as I muttered, "God help those poor sods that are conspiring against me…"



[A/N: Hey there, beautiful people!

Pray for my electricity… Damn the power grid!

If you want to join the discord! The link is on the synopsis!]