Prussian blue

"Holy sh*t..."

Was the first phrase that I heard when he entered the room.

"What's wrong?" I asked, half screaming.

"Don't scream dummy!"


He went on asking me, Johnny, a question.

"Are you easily scared?"

"Why are you asking me this?"

"Just in case. Don't want to get out with a traumatized boy."

"We'll see in the end. We'll...see..."

He got out of the room then proceeds to stand right in front of me. I kept staring at his fine but muscular-ish torso.

"So, my answer?"


"Ok. Be prepared...It's pretty...disturbing in there."

I gave him a worried look.

"Don't look at me like that. You wanted to know it in the first place. And also, I will be here if you need a hug :)"

He released the hug then turned around and stood right in front of the door frame. I gulped, fear sailing in and eating me.

"Let's get going, shall we?"

I moved my head up and down. *Ding*

I slowly stepped up, going right beside Josh. I entered the pitch black room. I couldn't see anything. How did he see in the dark??

"I can't see anything. Are you sure you aren't trying to scare me??"

"No I'm not! I saw something few minutes ago!"

"Josh, you're imagining, right?"

"No I'm not I-"

Screams could be heard. Now being closer to the source of it, I was able to distinguish the voice. It wasn't a females like scream. It was a deep, roque scream. Something hard then fell, touching a light switch. My eyes boggled from surprise.

"Holy goddess."

"...Now that's clearer in my head."

"Are we really the only ones here?"

"I'm not sure..."

"If we didn't escape, it could've been us, Josh!"

"Guess we're lucky to have big brains."

I looked around, once again. It was truly traumatic. In the center was an empty chair, surrounded by black, white flowers and feathers. Candles we're place on different circles. A big đŸȘžmirror was also present.

"Don't tell me...."

"...They played the Bloody Mary game...?"

I snapped my head towards Josh, staring shockingly at him.


"Does it looks like I know?"

He walked, heading towards the side. He stopped midway.

"Johnny. Come have a look."


I walked towards him, scanning the room. I squeezed my eyes, thinking it might help me see better.

"What language is that?"

"Does it looks like I know?"


"No. It will be more complex."

"What about Vietnamese?"

"Dude. Don't."

Josh went on to read the phrase.

"Un zambe deux de lĂ  du momde."

I also went on reading it too.

"Ohhhh!" I went on saying.

"Une chambre au-delĂ  du monde!"


"A room beyond the world."

"So what language is this?"




He had a confuse look. He suddenly went closer, hugging me in his arms.

"You're a smart one, ba-"

I slammed his mouth.

"Don't you DARE say another world."

He nodded and let go of me.

What could this possibly mean? Why was it here? Why wasn't the phrase on a board or something like that? Millions of questions went inside my heads, unable to find answers.

"A room beyond the world...Are they saying they will make a new species"

"But aren't we already one, Johnny?"

"Yes. But what if they are trying to change us?"

"Like how?"

"Idk...non-human thing that attacks anyone that's attacking the gouvernement? Or weapons to use during upcoming wars?"

"Don't mention it right now..."


"Because I'm going to enlist..."

I smiled at him.

"Guess what, Josh?"

"What, Johnny?"

"I'll be enlisting too :)"

We both looked at each other, smiling from ear to ear. Suddenly, the room went completely dark again. We didn't touch the light switch, if I remember well. Screams of pain, fear, happiness.

"Why isn't it in this room??"

Loud hits.

"I think it was a trick to trick us..."

Loud banging.

"Better get going if we want to be out alive."

Loud laughing.

"Indeed we should."

Complete silence.

Josh took my hand, signalling me to get moving. Why tho? Because I was completely star-truck from the unplanned events happening.

"No! We can't!"

"Why??! Isn't it what you wanted??? What WE wanted?!?"

I stomped away, going where my feet brings me. Josh followed behind silently.




I ran into the room, opening my wings to go faster, ticking my head from left to right.

My left hand went immediately towards my mouth, the other grabbing onto the arm around my neck. Josh immediately hid behind the nearest object, watching carefully to know when to get into action.

"L-Let me g-go."

"What a joy to see you again, beautiful brat!"
