Medium red

"Can you explain it to us now, Patrick?"

"Ohh right here? Or later on the fourteenth floor?"

"Here will be good, skinny guy", commented Josh.

"You and your nicknames will kill me one day."

"Love you too, babe."

Hearing that made my body melt like a love candle. I couldn't believe what was happening to me. A 19 years old boy, has a strong, nice, funny, handsome, short tempered boyfriend? Hell yah. Patrick signaled us to come over this small corner, barely enough space so the three of us can hide.

"Ok. Before explaining, I need to ask both of you something."

"What is it?"

"Did your parents tell you about the 1988 incident?"

We both showed a no sign using our head.

"40 years ago, a man named Mister Porituf was found dead, in the middle of the street, close to a blue lake."


"What shocked me the most was that his back was exposed to the sun, and guess what?"

"What?, we said in union."

"Two wing were seen"

A moment of silence fell upon them, trying to process what their new friends just said.

"Ok. So what does it mean, Patrick star?"

"Are you guys dumb or are you guys dumb?"


He sighed.

"Look here, he said while taking out the journal. He died with wings growing from his back. If you look closely on the side, you see something, am I right?"

Me and my boyfriend looked at the area where Patrick was pointing.

"I see...trees?"

"I also see peoples and cops."

"No you idiots! There is a white swan on the lake! And another one who's black with purple eyes! Behind this tree!"



"Language, you paper foild."

"Glad you took my habits, sweetie."


" Anyways, my theory is that the black one is like this because he got injected with something."

"What do you mean?"

"If you look extremely closely, you will see two small holes behind his head. Here, he cercles, and here, he pointed. It is the job of needles. Trust me. Being someone that was the number one dummy for experience and always hanging out around the operation room....Yeah."

"But why would a human do this to a poor majestical animal?"

"Maybe because he wanted something new to the society or...bring chaos?"

"Elaborate, Johnny."

"Well as you guys know, equality was the right definition to define us. We we're a perfect and peaceful nation. Even a too perfect one...I have to remember you guys that there were many who were against that maybe-"

"He wanted changes...corruption, finished Patrick."

Why am I always getting cut. I hate this...

"So you are basically saying that an old crazy scientist-"


"Civilian got mad that the country was fair and created a huge hate towards man by using swans as a curse???"


"How ducking great..."

"Also, Josh and Johnny, I think your fathers...can tell you guys more details."


"Let's get going, no?"

We all nodded in union, getting ready to go down. Sadly, something unexpected came by....

"You guys can walk home tonight...come back or y'all little legs will be gun *charges weapons*"

"Here we go again...whispered my boyfriend."

"Better come with us before they find you guys."

Everyone turned their heads to the voice, shock by what she just said.

"Name's Sonia, doctor working under the gouvernent, wanting peace to come again. They aren't a threat. Get your weapons down."

The so called "doctors" put their thing down. A medium-red dot brought my attention. What is this?

" can we trust you, first of all? And how are you sure you won't tell your stupid boss about us? And what is the red thing-"

"The famous Johnny and his whole squad. Josh and Patrick. Please come with me."

We all gave a look towards each other, doubting if we should do it.

"Well, I mean...better try or we won't have a true aventure?"

"I....Josh sighed. Let's just go. Maybe she can answer some of our questions and give us advices. But if she does something bad, can I blow her head up?"

"Whatever, I said. Let's just go."

One by one, we followed them to the fourteenth floor. We kept glancing at each other, making sure we are still alive. I was close to Josh, precisely beside him, holding his hand, while he holds mine back.

"What a cute couple you guys make..., whispered Patrick."

"Thank you, I said."

"By the way, I heard a rumor about this floor. When you enter the 14th floor, you won't be able to come out again."

"Huh, we both said to Patrick."

"A medium red stuff will wait for us and make us...."

"And make us??"


A smiley look was visible behind the people's face in white coat. I squeezed my boyfriend's hand, transferring my fear to his body.