Rose's pov

My stomach dropped from fear and excitement. I clutched the phone in my hands as I swiftly got off the couch. In the process Noel falls on the wooden floors with a slight thud.

He groans and shifts to wake up. "What the fuck!" He hisses.

I ignored him and started pacing, my fingers brushed through my hair in nerves. I knew that scary movie would get her into labor. She should have listened to me. "What hospital?"

"Jude's." He answers, I hear a soft curse that sounded exactly like Lily and winced when she let out a scream. "I'm going to kill you Asher, look what you did to me." Her cries filled my ears and my heart clenched at how pained she sounds.

"We're on our way!" I rushed out then hung up the phone. Noel gets up and glares at me as he dusts himself off . He searches my face and his brows knitted in confusion. "What's wrong?"

I tugged at the strands of my hair as I nervously bit my lip. I wasn't the one about to give birth but the thought of another human being pushed out of someone's vagina slightly gave me fright. "Lily's in labor."

His eyes widen, orbs identical to mine stares at me stunned and excited. "Then what are you waiting for, let's go!" He rushes out and starts walking towards the door. Not hearing my footsteps following him, he turns around confused. "Well?" Impatience seeping from his tone.

He grabs the car keys off the little wooden table beside the wall and swings it around his finger. "Oh come on Rose." His tone is impatient, frown creasing in his forehead.

I sighed. "I'm scared."

Noel groans, throwing his head back in exaggeration. "Scared of fucking what? You're not the one that has to push out a fucking watermelon out of your vagina."

He had a point. "But what if something happens to her? She sounded really pained just now. Oh God I hate the sight of blood." I uttered out as I paced up and down. My finger pinches the huge shirt I wore and I realized how undressed I was to head to the hospital.

"Rose calm the fuck down! Nothing will happen to her, Lily is a tough bitch who can handle anything life throws at her. So she can definitely handle this." Noel urges and opens the door. "Now I'm going to the hospital, hurry up before I leave your ass stranded." He grumbles and walks away, leaving the door parted for me.

I sighed, he was right. There wasn't a reason to be afraid for her, she can handle this. With that thought I walked to the corner of the wall and slipped on my white flip flops.

I tugged the shirt down feeling undressed, even though I had on short cotton pants and a bra I still felt bare. Oh fuck it, it wasn't like anyone important would be seeing me.

I sprint out of the apartment not forgetting to lock the door on my way. The shirt clings to my body at my speed as I try to catch up with Noel. I knew he was being serious about leaving me here and I wasn't going to miss my best friend giving birth.

I cursed when I spotted him getting in the car, hands on the ignition ready to start it. I stumbled against a little rock but didn't stop running towards him. My heart beating fast and hands clammy. If he left me here, I'll surely kill him but not before pushing a banana up his ass. He hates bananas.

The engine roared the moment my hands grasped the door and opened it. I flung my body on the passenger seat and buckled up. "You asshole, you really were about to leave me!" I hissed, hitting him on the shoulder with my hands.

He roars with laughter and drives off, his foot on the accelerator as he drives to the hospital." You can't blame me bitch, you're the one who was taking forever."

We were now about eight minutes in the drive, near the hospital. Noel starts bumping a bit in excitement, his hands gripping the steering wheel as he bites his lip. "Oh gosh, I'm going to witness a birth. Hallelujah, doctor Noel is on the way." He says giddily.

I rolled my eyes and looked out the window, loving the scenery as we passed it. "You do know that you won't be allowed to be in the room when she starts pushing right?" I questioned, now head on the glass, staring at the street lights in fascination.

"Way to rain on my dreams and hope Rose." I could hear the pout in his voice, not having to turn to witness it.

I chuckle and straighten up when he starts slowing down. He looks for a space to park and I point to a vacant spot that was near the entrance of the hospital.

The car came to a complete stop and I looked at the vehicle that was parked beside us. A vehicle I knew by heart. "They're already here." I stated, motioning to Asher's car.

I unbuckle myself and with clumsy hands opened the door. The cold wind beat against my face and a slight shiver rocks my body. I looked at the building and with a little pep talk to myself I started towards it. I hated hospitals, they screamed of death and pain.

Noel walks beside me and I could feel the excitement rolling off of him. A smile stretched on my face from his changed mood from earlier, I was happy that he seemed to forget about the breakup, at least for a little while.

He opens the door and gestures for me to pass through. As soon as I did a waft of disinfectant brushes through my nose. I hated the smell, it was suffocating but I continued on, determined to be there for Lily.

I walk to the front desk, scanning the area for the familiar faces of Lily and Asher. They weren't here. Noel braces himself on the desk nearly halfway on top of it as he smiles at the two nurses before us. "Lily Collins?" His eyes darted between the two, almost impatient as he waited for them to speak up.

One with a small sleek bun responds in a bored tone, typing away on the computer before her. "Maternity Ward, second floor room number 102."

Without so much as a thank you Noel speed walks to the elevator having me to catch up with his long fast strides. I looked back at the nurses feeling guilty for not saying thank you and opened my mouth to shout it.

They both looked stunned at my very loud voice which had brought attention to me from everyone. I squirmed under everyone's gaze and got in the elevator where my impatient brother waited.

"A thousand years Rose, a fucking thousand years. Can you be anymore of a slowpoke?" He whines and hits the button for the second floor. I rolled my eyes and folded my hands under my breast.

The elevator door dings open a minute after and we strutted out, both of us now rocking with anticipation as our eyes scanned around in search of room 102. We didn't have to look for long because Asher comes out of the room that was a few feet away from us.

His face was twisted into worry. His tall frame pacing back and forth as he rakes his hands through his strands. He lifts his head when he hears us approaching and visibly calms down.

"Is she okay?" I asked once I reached him, my body on edge as I waited anxiously for his answer. I prayed he would be giving good news.

He nods and then sighs. "I hate seeing her in pain, it hurts me." He says so softly that I barely heard. I would've swoon at his words if I too wasn't so nervous.

"She's already dilated, 10 cm, the doctor has given her the go to start pushing soon. I just needed a little bit of air before I go in there, I don't want to faint." He confesses and scratches the back of his head.

He was about to give us more information when the door slowly opens and a female nurse pops her head out. She smiles when she sees us and directs her attention to Asher. "She's ready to push." She informs and goes back into the room.

Asher sucks in a breath and looks at us one last time. "I guess it's time." His voice shakes. Noel taps him on the shoulder as I give him a thumbs up.

"You got this paps!" Noel cheers. "Take care of them!" I stated before he closed the door.

I walked to the two chairs on the opposite side and sat down. My bum half off the chair as my feet bounce in nerves. Noel comes to sit beside me and leans back, his head on the wall. The elevator dings open and I move my eyes away from the wall to see who was coming out.

My heart lunches in my throat at the sight of a tall muscular boy rushing our way. His baby blue eyes connected with mine and suddenly I felt everything around me stop.