
The day has passed since the operation, Yusa with an exhausted look on his face laying his head on top of table and looking at the door far on his left side. He was closing his eyes and trying to sleep as soon as possible. When he finally able to rest, the door opened and a slender figure appeared.

"Brother, I have a report for you,..."

In front of him, there's a small single girl standing with lump of paper on her hand. Her brown and silky hair fluttering and her deep red emerald eyes staring deep to the figure in front of her.


Knowing that someone in front of him, he's slowly fixing his sitting position.

Without further ado, Beatrice that waiting for him began her report.

"First, the case about human trafficking which was previously handed over to the Duke William from Rosenberg house, it seems ten nobles has been abolished by him with strong proof that he got from investigating the hide out,"

"Hooh,...he seems fast at doing his job if it was connected to the goverment. But, it was already within our prediction,"

"Yes, indeed,"

"And because of that, the opposite faction lose its power a bit," added Beatrice.

In this country, there was a cold war between nobles. A faction that supporting and faction that opposing current regiment. The opposing fraction was dissapointed by the current situation where human trafficking and embezzlement is rampant. But the supporting fraction was already satisfied and don't want anything to change. But, deep lurking in the dark there's seem to be a third faction that want to wreck current goverment and appoint a new queen as a doll for their convenient.

"How about the ground work?"

"Yes, after we analyze the document that we brought. We found that the hideout that we raided before was only an illegal research institute that backed by mafia,"

"How about the children that had been used as guinea pig?"

"Yes, five of them already dead and the rest is survived the surgery for treating the Borvomite toxication,"

The room gone silent, but before long Beatrice added some extra to her explanation.

"They are all already sended to the sacred ground and will be trained,"

Again, the room went silent.

"I feel,..... we are not different from those poeple in the end,"

"Using children for our force,"

The atmosphere turned grim, Beatrice gone silent and bite her lips and looking at the ground.

"At least,....."

"At least, don't force them to be our troops. Like we always do, give them a ground and let them farming,"

Yusa gave her a command like always, and Beatrice answering with , "Understood."

After the report are done and the atmosphere began to calm. Beatrice sat on the shofa that installed in Yusa's offices. She sat her and began drinking her tea while eating a biscuit. In the meantime, Yusa still glued at the report that she brought with her.

"Say, Bea,..."

Beatrice that still enjoying her time began to stare at her brother with wondering look.

"The adrenaline shot that we found on the rat research area, are we able to know the side effect?"

The adrenaline shot, a single shot that only have 55ml bottle with a small syringe on the top was a distilled Borvomite that can be used for strenghtening people body and blocked all of the pain until it's effect is run out. But the side effect of those are still unknow.

Beatrice who looked at him before began to stared down into her cup of tea on her hand.

"We still don't know,"

"Or rather,..... we lack of guinea pig to test it,"

Yusa putting down the report on his hand and sighing.

"Haaaah,.... as I thought. It was difficult,"

The problem that they have was a lack of guinea pig for testing purpose. But they didn't want to sacrifice innocent people to do that either. And they didn't want to bring suspicious people or even a prisoner because the risk that the organization hideout will be revealed.

On the other hand, in different room than Yusa and Beatrice. There's a girl in white coat with side tail hairstyle on the left. She's still researching the Brovomite metalic ball that had been found on the rat hideout.

With her nimble hand, she was observing the effect when the ball was turned on and write it in her notebook diligently.

After a while, she paused and mumbling.

"As I thought, the ball is still unstable,"

"It is a worse version of our B-ball, but i think it's worth to investigate,"

When she still deep in thought, the door behind her was opened and a woman figure appeared.

"Fina, do you have a time?"

"Hmm? Oh Dorothy, what do you need?"

"Are you done observing the ball?"

Dorothy walking toward her and looking at the room where the ball was tested. There's only a thick glass that separated them with the ball.

"Well, I can't say that it was done but, yes it is done for now,"

"So, how about this ball?"

Fina looking at her note, she is flipping and began to explain her observation result.

"The energy is unstable, at most it is only can be used by one person only and can't take any more than that,"

"The longest time it can be use is 3 minutes, lower than our Borvomite ball that the organization develope,"

The explanation is short, but she delivered the point out without dragging.

"I see, so it is inferior type,"

And then the atmosphere became awkward. At least for Fina.

She's a social awkard, a silent type of girl by nature even though she is really smart. Even when she is developing a new theory, she is always working on her own because of the distrust she has with other people. But she is really spoiled when it comes to Yusa and Beatrice because the three of them are considered as sibling.

After awhile, Dorothy began to walk away and left the room. But before she reach the door, she is turning around.

"Ah, that's right, you should bring the report to him as soon as possible,"

"It seems the next mission will be held soon,"

Fina only staring Dorothy as she began to continou her walk and left the room.