Hey all~
I'm sorry to say this, but I'll be dropping this story.
My heart and passion for this story has been fizzling out, and after another 2-3 months of barely getting anywhere on writing a chapter and a long time of debating with myself, I've finally decided to let this story go.
There might be a possibility I'll pick this story up again in the future, but that's up to future me. So think of this story on "Permanent Hiatus" until then.
Even though I won't be writing this story anymore for now, I still loved posting chapters for you all. So I'm thinking of starting a new story, but I haven't really settled on anything so far.
Should I do another Fanfic? Or attempt something more Original?
What do you all think? I have some ideas for multiple different fanfics (Harry Potter, Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum, Sims 3, Doom, Fairy Tail, etc.) and two more original stories (A dungeon building/kingdom slice of life; and a Pokemon inspired, but not Pokemon, story).
I would love hear what you all think.
(Again, sorry about the 2-3 month gap without any chapters/news.)
Thanks for your time <3