A Giant serpent chased a couple of kids in the forest as they ran with all their might a boy took a quick look back at the big snake as it slithers past grasses and plants alike. The boy shocked by the snake's speed suddenly sped past the two other kids as he passes them.
"Koa wait up!" A boy let out as he was behind the his friend.
"Then speed up Kris!" Koa responded.
The one known as kris quickens pacing behind koa as his heartbeats pounded faster and faster.
"Hold up you two!" A Girl named Kris spoke up as she ran next to her brother.
They have been chased after by the snake for a while though they are ahead of the serpent, the gap between the three of them and the snake was getting smaller as they ran but the good thing was is that koa sees that they were running towards their objective which was only a few yards away. Koa signaled for kris and makera to prepare for a jump makera looked confused for a moment until koa gestures for him to look forth for which he understands soon. As they get near the trap they had ready for their pursuer the three of them jump high enough and quickly grabbing the vines as they swing over the pile of round plants and big leaves and landed on the ground.
The snake opens its mouth wide as it came forward koa smiles when the serpent was about to gulp him and the other two when the snake suddenly falls as the leaves and plants were pushed down easily due to the large body and weight of the snake.
Koa quickly runs to a tree and cuts the vines that were holding something else. Coming down from bushes of leaves as a twelve-foot stake falls downward ending the life of the snake as the last thing the trios heard was the serpent shrieking to death.
Koa steps forth and looks down at the dead snake while Kris and Makera we're standing behind frightened still thinking the snake is alive.
"I Don't think the snake would scare you guys anymore," Koa says as Kris and Makera looked at each other and walks forth.
"Are you sure it's dead?" Makera questions regardless of what koa had said before.
"Come check out for yourself," His friend told him knowing how he is when it comes to snakes.
The two siblings looked down at the dead snake. In the center, the stake stabbed right through the snake's body and stuck onto the dirt ground with blood oozing out of the body. The hole was only about nine-foot width of a circle while it was an insufficient hole the forty-foot-long snake fell for the trap that Koa, Kris, and Makera had laid out.
"So any idea on how to bring our dead friend out of the twenty-foot hole?" Makera said as Koa knows what was to come.
He walked into a bush pulling out a rope and walked back towards the hole. Koa wrapped the vine around a tree close by bringing it around and threw the other part of the vine down the hole.
Koa hops down the hole it was kind of high from where he stood as he looked up at the other two. He wrapped the vine tightly enough to where the snake won't slip through.
Climbing back up to the surface kris and makera watches as he started to pull the serpent up while it slid against the side. The two siblings rushed to assist koa...
Finally after pulling the snake up without much effort koa and the two siblings proceeded to drag their kill along the way.
They arrived at the entrance of the village as two guards were checking the kids first which wasn't necessary as they always see the three of them together. The second one went and check out the snake scanning it over he was impressed by their accomplishment of killing a snake this big. Not only that the big snake
After talking to the guard's the trios were allowed to pass the gate entrance as the giant wooden door of about fifty feet starts to retract and sliding between the wall.
The wall is made out of bricks that are four feet wide in a rectangular shape and four would stick together building a hundred feet wall that stretches for twelve hundred yards. And inside was a couple of cabins, cottage, and houses was inside the wall it was about the same as the attack on titan circle wall but smaller.
The trios hear the gate closing again. They proceeded to drag the snake along passing by some of the villagers who were always used to seeing the three of them doing their usual thing go outside and slay any animals or beast alike and bringing them for them to see each of their kills. Koa smiled and waved his hands at some of the people while Kris and Makera were struggling to pull the snake, their big brother koa who they consider their older sibling was doing fine as he was doing most of the pulling barely any struggles.
Kris and Makera did quite fine the first twenty minutes until eventually, the twenty-five-thousand pound snake with its weight begins to wear them down and it's a good thing koa was always with them cause without him and his remarkable strength, they were sure their kills would arrive very late until night time.
Koa, Kris, and Makera reached the house of Rydin and Velvin. The two lived only further away further from the rest of the citizens.
"I See you three have made another successful hunt," Velvin says as the kids dragged the snake while koa lifted and set it on a flat brick.
"Yep, all thanks to koa's plan in killing this big boy," Rydin spoke as he leaves the barn wiping his hands, it looked like he just got done with something with how dirty he is.
"Heh, these two also helped out with the kill," Koa responded as he rubbed kris and makera hair. "Beside without Kris's genius way of trapping the snake im not sure I'd come back," He told them.
"Oh, you are always such a modest young lad," Velvin said complementing him.
"So the snake," Rydin spoke up as he scanned the serpent. "What is it, you kids are going to do with it?" He inquired.
"We wanted to see what the forest snake tasted like and with its teeth able to cut through steel maybe it'll be useful," Koa said answering the older man.
Rydin stood still contemplating thinking about it, it is true of what the boy had said. The snake tooth can be able to slash through steel. While the serpent is strong and heavy, plus of what it can do it can still be slain, one of Its many downfalls is the delicate and weak skin, and the insides of the mouth is a vulnerable spot. Rydin knew about it from his long years as a soldier and an experienced hunter.
He used to go hunting a lot but due to a certain amount of time as the chief of the village, his fun time hunting beasts and animals are shortened to where he focused more on regulating the troops and safety of the village. The guards were well trained and disciplined although the problem is that there's only about fifteen of them or less, most of the men were those who've worked with Rydin for years, others were only men in their early twenties.
He gestures for one of the kids to get a cleaver. Koa entered inside the barn, he arrived in the fifth section where a four feet long cleaver was hanged on the wooden wall. Koa reached out with his arm as he leaned forth and grabbed the edge of the cleaver as he then carefully lifted off of the hook. Koa grabbed the handles and proceed to carry it out.
Rydin thanked koa as he gave the cleaver to him. Grabbing the mouth opening it wide, and cutting it while continuing with a straight line slicing the upper part of the snakeskin off for a few minutes, thereon he began to remove the bones or skeleton of the serpent. The bones of the snake were hard as steel or harder depending on how substantially dire the steel teeth snakes are. Or steel teeth for short which anyone in the villagers calls it.
The bones of the steel teeth snakes take a few hours for anyone to wait as it melts into a puddle of hot lava so Rydin decided to wait patiently as he left to go inside the house.
Before reminding koa that his mother Kyra wanted him to go see her. "Oh! Koa your mother asked to see you," He says.
"Oh really... I'll be on my way then," Koa replied as Kris and Makera along with Kyra waved goodbye to him.
"Be safe out there koa," Velvin told him.
Koa smiled as he was appreciative of her concern for him. "No need to worry Ms. Velvin," Responded Koa. "I'll be fine," He says leaving to go home.
Koa and his parents lived outside of the wall. It was built for a reason, not because of the invasion or raid of attacks anyone but to safeguard the people from any of the beasts that lurk on the outside, most of the monsters and beasts are more active when the night arrives. And there was no need for Kadok and Kyra to worry they had been through worst and that such mere beasts were nothing for them to fear.
They lived on the other side of a mountain close to a river. To keep anything or anyone away from their house they had a fence made from wooden poles build around their homes standing at fifteen foot high.
Koa soon arrived at the gate walking past the entrance seeing that the window opened he figured that his mother was probably up and working. Whenever the sun is up and shining at whatever part of the village Kyra would leave the window open something that koa picked up on as he was used to it.
Opening the door as he entered, koa searched the living room for his mother kyra but she wasn't there so he went and checked the kitchen and again she wasnt found even when he aearched everywhere in the house. For that he exits the house and went outside turning left he hears the sound of woods being chopped obviously from the sound of an ax cutting it.
Kyra noticed koa coming and stops at what she was doing, she strucked the ax on a piece of wood sticking it there, and gave koa a motherly hug.
"Where have you've been boy, I woke up and you were you gone?" Kyra asked as she ruffles his hair. "Your hair sure is thick like your father kiddo,"
"What do you mean mom it always is," Koa responded sounding like a shy kid. "And speaking of dad where is he?" Asked Koa...
"Your father is out hunting," She retorted. "Which reminds me, koa I want you to go find your father and help him," She tells him.
Koa listens to her and left to go find his father. "Whatever you say, mom," Koa answered back as he ran off into the woods.
Following his father's trails left behind by him, koa breathed in the scents of his dad going after it. After an hour of seeking, he saw eerie sights in front, he slowed down and examine them. A Tree had blood splattered on it, koa went ahead and touches the blood as he took a whiff of it his eyes widen... This blood belongs to that of his father. Koa began feeling uneasy about it whatever kadok is doing he knew he was in trouble he walked back five steps further until his foot hit something else.
Koa crouched down as he moves the plants away and inside the bushes and tall grass was the dead body of a giant being roughly around seven feet from the way it lays on the ground.
Koa quickly left for kadok wherever he is In the forest whether he is lost or hurt koa rushes off following his scents, although thanks to his blood koa smell heighten, koa inhales in the tinting air and leaps up at a tree proceeding with climbing upward, koa hopped on and off after every tree, koa wasn't worried about falling cause he was used doing this of course after every time he fails at it.
The nafistic land stretches out long to where it passes both Boston and new york in size and distance. Trees were big standing at fifty feet while some weren't as tall as the others, compared in size and height it also adds a stunning view of the lands whenever it shines giving the surrounding areas an elegant fall look.
Clashings of metals and steel Alike sounded. Koa quicken his pace and quickly skidded to a stop, what he saw was his father fighting two hulking figures. The two figures stood around eight-foot-tall, the other one was few inches shorter than his colleague.
Koa watches as kadok hit the first ogre in the knee, ducking down and used the head of his sword to hit the ogre hard right in the chin, his head rocked upward from the hit. Kadok swings the sword up slitting the neck opened blood blistered out.
The other ogre trotted forth to kadok but he stabbed the ogre in his foot and then swinging the sword clockwise slicing the ogre's foot right off and sliced the left one clean off as the giant fell on his back. Kadok stepped on the chest and ended the ogre's life.
Kadok picked up on the sound of twigs breaking, turning around another ogre attempted to attack him, he was a little late as the ogre's club came close to him until he hears a familiar voice and turns towards it, a certain boy immediately leaps from a tree.
"NoOO!" Yelled koa punching the ogre across the mouth as he leaned onto a tree next.
The ogre stared at the young koa as he stood next to his father. He had been hit harder before in his previous life but didn't expect such a punch from someone smaller than anyone he has fought.
"Father, there is more of them," Koa warned him. He could smell a couple more scents surrounding him and kadok from each direction.
"Get ready koa," Responded kadok as he prepared for the upcoming fight.
Exiting the forest as ten ogres revealed themselves. Five of them standing from each side surrounding kadok and koa. There wasn't anywhere for them to flee like as it was gonna be hard for them to do.
"What are you fools waiting for!" The one ogre said holding his jaw. "Get them!" He shouted pointing at the two individuals.
Grunting in approval they walked towards their target. One reached for the small kid but koa jumps up and with a quick spin his foot touched the face of the ogre as he fell face-first into the ground followed by the sound of a skull breaking from the force kadok had stabbed the ogre's head with his sword.
He and koa both split from where they stood as an ogre slams his weapon on the dead body of his comrade. He did not care if he missed the two and proceeded on attacking after them.
"Whew... That was fast!" Thought koa as he dodged a hit rolling forth and stood by using his hands to stabilize his balance, koa boots connected to the ogre's face as it bounced back from the kick.
Two other ogres joined and tried to hit the Saiyan wanting to kill him quickly. Koa jumps up as a hand tried to grab him, he saw a giant shadow behind him, looking back an ogre brought his foot up and stomps his towards the saiyan.
"Child annoying!" The ogre says as he swings at koa.
"Heh, come get me then," Teased koa as he ran from the ogre.
They gave chased after child as koa just laughed at their failed attempt to catch him. He slipped past the the big hands of the ogre and punches him in the knees. Stunned by the hit, the ogre felt a little lightheaded as another punch hit him in the knee.
The ogres right knee bent backwards from the opposite side as it breaks
The ogre yells out in pain as he fell down. One other ogre saw this and rushed the kid from behind, koa ducked down and kicks the attacker pushing him back and dodges another one from his left. Seeing that two other ogres had chose to attack altogether.
The weapon they held was an ax as it glowed in faintly green color. Koa wasn't willing to get touched by it not wanting to lose a limb. He winces at the sight of the tree behind him the ax left a cut on it and after a few seconds leaving a mark on it slowly rotting.
The ogre kept swinging after the small form of the kid while he had help from his other colleague.
Koa watched the two giants as they swing wildly everyplace hitting plants and creating small cracks in holes as they missed him. He can tell that the two ogre's didn't have any training due to their lack of attack.
Koa turns around widening his eyes In shock as a fireball the size of a boulder came his way. The saiyan jumps up as he could feel the heat from the touch of his feet.
"Koa, look out!!" Warned Kadok.
An unsuspecting ogre use this chance to attack the boy while he was distracted. He came and gets ready to swing hard at the small body of koa as the saiyan was sent smacking into a tree creating a small size dent.
Strolling towards their target, the ogres think to themselves that koa was gone for good. One of them stepped closer to the hole to take a closer look inside. To his mistake koa popped his head out smiling as he poked the ogre in the eyes.
His pals were about to attack him till an axe came flying straight at one of the ogre's back hitting him in center. Kadok roared outward at the other ogre while it grunted and responded with a roar of its own.
They ran at each other, kadok blocked a hit and in return slammed the ogre on the head with the hilt of his sword, he backed up and headbutted an incoming ogre knocking him back as he skidded three feet away.
The ogre that got his eyes poked shook his head even though the pain was still present. He stared at koa seeing him getting out of the hole in the tree.
Koa looks up and sees a big shadow covering his small frame. Planting his feet down as small cracks formed around his foot, clenching his fist, koa leaps up and gave a hard uppercut that rocked the ogre's head back and forward a few times. As the horned giant wobbly walked backward he felt a slight pain where his chest is, the ogre looked down to where a sword seemed to have strucked him right in the heart, he slumped down to his knees.
Koa recognized the sword just from the looks of it, it is good that his father brought his sword as an extra weapon with him. Besides you never know when you'll need it just in case.
Koa planted his feet on the ogre's back, grabbing the hilt he pulls it out slicing an extra flesh till it was already out. The saiyan smiles for a Lil bit as he looked the sword over its sharped edges. It was well forged perfectly by kadok thanks to his smithing skills.
Kadok P.O.V. Earlier Before...
Elbowing an ogre in the nose kadok used the pointing sharp edge of his ax and stabbed him right in the chest puncturing the lungs, The two of them stood there for a few seconds till the ogre attempted a right punch for the orc's head and failed when kadok caught him by the forearm.
Kadok clamped his hand tightly, pulling the ax out, and just swiped right followed by a blood-red line as the head falls off the body after being decapitated.
Kadok Continued to battle against three more ogres as they ganged upon him in a three v one fight. Kadok was more lenient towards the defensive side, he sidestepped forth hitting the ogre instead he blocked the sword strike with a wooden shield. The second ogre rammed the orc pushing him further to the other side.
Kadok grunted in pain and slowly stops the shove from the ogre, he turns his head back and caught up on what his enemy was doing. The ogre pushing him was trying to shove him towards his other colleague as he rushes the orc from the left side. Unfortunately for them, he wasn't going to let them have it.
Kadok quickly stepped around the ogre pushing and slashing at his back, the ogre stumbles forth trying not to fall until he collided with his colleague. Kadok with a quick move pulls out his sword and in an upward form of defense blocked a club coming down for his head. Glancing at the attacker, the ogre felt a sudden pain when kadok maneuvered around him to cut at his midsection and then jabbed the sword through his heart.
The two other ogres foolishly rushed him once again and began fighting kadok in a melee fight. Kadok was having a fairly good fight against the two ogre's now that he has two weapons in hand. He struck the one ogre with the shield leaving a decent cut on it.
Swiping down at the wooden shield again breaking half of it, the ogre expected another one till kadok used his other arm paring him in his shoulder.
The other ogre attacked Kadok from his right, he backed off ten feet away from the two ogres as the one ogre gets back up and glared at him angrily. Kadok sees that the club indicating a faint green light as parts of it drip down. He already has a fair share of understanding that the injury could be a risk for him if he gets hit.
Hitting his chest as a sign of a war cry while the ogres responded one of their own, kadok this time drove in first and clashes weapons with them. He drove a punch to the mouth of his first target followed by a kick to the stomach, blocking an attack from his sides spinning around striking the ogre in the back of his leg leaving him immobile for the time being.
Kadok was furious when koa was sent smashing into a tree. Seeing his boy being maim like that triggered him as he gave a vertical cut into the head of the ogre as he screamed in anguish pain of his lost eye. Kadok swings his sword as blood splattered on the grassy area. He watched as the head of the ogre slowly slides off of his body decapitated.
He had his sword by the handle and hurl it at the the one ogre walking towards koa. Kadok then turns around facing the other ogre who was holding onto his injured leg.
Koa. P.O.V.
Koa clamped his hands tightly around the hilt of the sword facing it towards the two ogres. The sword was only five feet long including the handles, kids his size or age would have trouble keeping it still in one place due to the weight of it. But for koa, it wasn't a problem since he wasn't a normal human being, his strength was enough to hold with one hand if he wanted to.
The two ogre's stood still for a moment staring at each other as they laughed at the antics of the small fry in front of them. Slightly annoyed by their response koa decided to make the first move by jumping towards them as he came back down and stabbed the one ogre in his foot. The other one quickly stops laughing when he heard the scream of his fellow ogre and tried to grab the boy, instead, koa pulled the sword out receiving another scream, and with a downward swipe he cut off the arm of the second ogre. From the corner of his eyes koa sees a club coming for him and in time he blocked it but from the force, the ogre put in the swing koa's feet dug deep into the dirt as he was dragged further back a few feet.
Promptly trying to pull his feet off the deep dirt as the ogre began running towards him, after a few more attempts koa finally got himself out of the trouble. The ogre arrives ready to smash the little insects as they refer to call koa that they r anything smaller then them.
Both weapons clashes against one another as koa held his ground against the giant, the ogre began pushing forward as the Saiyan could feel feel his feet digging into the dirt again. He hated making the same mistake and so he used the leverage by directing the club in a different direction then he strikes the ogre in the forearm followed by second and third one on the midsection.
With the pain he recieved from the many hits the ogre ignored and continued to attack the boy.
"You have a chance to leave in peace Ogre, if not then I'm afraid you'll be the only one left of your friends," Koa told the ogre as he dodged a another swing.
"Me no care if they die, I will kill the orc and you and I'll have you both all to myself," He replied.
Koa figured that was coming from someone like him, he had a feeling that the ogres only wanted to eat him and his father. The ogre was kind of slim built and only wish to eat and not care for his other kind.
Too bad for him koa wasn't going to let that happened as he didn't wanna know what's inside the the stomach of the ogre if ends up in it.
Grabbing a rock as he then threw it at the eye of the ogre he dashes forth striking him in the leg and then on the back.
Koa wanted to get this fight over with as he was beginning to get the hang of the fight, the ogres fighting style was predictable. Koa can see that the only thing the ogre was good at was swinging his club around of course he did block and got out of the way as he can sense that it is imbued with some sort of poison which he quickly caught with during their fight.
The ogre didn't expect the boy to move that fast, as he turns around to see koa leap forth with the sword in hand, and with a quick and painless death, the ogre slumped down on his knees as he reached up and touched his neck and he could feel the blood trickling on the palm of his hand.
Koa watched the ogre's last moment of life as he dropped the club and fell on his back. Finishing the life out of him was alleviating koa and it was kind of susceptible of him, the ogre throughout the fight was impertinent in himself which made it simple for koa to end him for good.
"Are you alright boy," Kadok spoke up as he walked up next to him.
"Yes, father," Koa says as he handed him back his sword. "Thanks for the sword," Koa told him.
Kadok caught the sword and used part of his tunic shirt to wipe the blood off of it. He had to admit that koa knew how to handle it pretty well. He was always a good learner in sword fights thanks to him. Kadok was a better sword fighter making him an experienced warrior in battle, something he was sure koa would one day be better than him.
Koa looked around for any more intruders. "Father! What about the other one?" He asked him.
"Hmmm, let him. Surely he's on his own for now," Kadok answered him.
One ogre seems to have taken the chance to flee for his own life.
"Come boy, it is time to go home, your mother will be waiting for us both,"
After what the two of them had been through they began heading home, kadok went with koa to fetch the deer that he had hidden before the fight. It was a well good enough meat for them to eat, and that they wouldn't want it to get eaten by some other animals like saber cats most commonly known as saber tiger or lion.