It was a fine day in Aincrad the weather was perfect in Tolbana the air wasn't too dry or moist, the sun wasn't hiding or making a scene and the breeze felt cool as it touched the young girls skin. This young girl was none other than Kirito, she leaned back on a stone wall in the village's main plaza. It had been a month since this death game began... 2000 souls had been lost to Aincrad. Kirito was branding new equipment and had hit level 11 due to massive amounts of grinding, unfortunately the mobs on the first floor stopped giving enough exp to level up much after you hit level 10. Kirito was still brandishing the same blue shirt and black pants she had when she first logged in, some might think it odd Kirito was wearing men's clothing but honestly she preferred it, mostly because mini skirts don't have pockets and for other reasons. She had long since sold her Iron sword and now clad on her back was the Anneal Blade, she got it during the beta test and in the death game, it was a 1-handed long sword with a leather grip, a sturdy cross guard, and a blade navy blue in blue colour everywhere but the edges, it was a fine weapon a personal favorite of Kirito's its was a great blade on the first 4 floors which meant you didn't have to keep buying new equipment every floor until the 4th so she could save her money which was always nice. She also had new fingerless gloves made of a fine black cloth, and a new breastplate made of leather with a thin sheet of tin layering it giving it a white appearance. Even though she was small she still looked tough and she had to be for the first floor boss was to be faced soon and she alongside about 40-50 other players were about to hold a meeting to discuss just that very topic. The part that bothered Kirito the most was that even she a beta tester haven't found the boss room yet, the giant towers that connected each floor to each other was massive and even getting to top was a challenge due to the insane amount of mobs in there, and when you did get to the top you still had to go threw one hell of a labyrinth to reach it. But it was also insightful, this meant some things from the beta test were different in the death game, knowledge is power not invincibility.
The meeting was taking place in Tolbana's amphitheater which reminded Kirito of the ones constructed by the ancient Greeks that allowed sound to travel near perfectly no matter where you were sitting. As Kirito sat down near the top she noticed a man with blue hair standing at the bottom, Kirito assumed that he was the one who called the meeting. As the other participants were talking among themselves the man with blue hair clapped his hands together to get everyone's attention. Then he spoke "Okay people! Now that everyones here lets get this started shall we?", ''First of all I want to thank all of you for coming. It's great to see you! My name is Diabel and in this game the job I rolled is Knight!" People started laughing as this game didn't have jobs. But he did play the part well, as Kirito scanned him he noticed the gear he had, he had a bright blue tunic on that matched his hair in colour, he had brown armor covering his breast, shoulders, and wrists he also carried a small white shield on his back that matched his pants, and he carried a 1-handed long sword on his belt. "Do you guys want to hear this or not?" Diabel said to get everyone to stop bickering so they could get down to business. "Right, so here's the deal, our party found the boss room at the top of the tower" everyone was shocked but Diabel kept talking "First, we need to defeat the boss and make it to floor 2. Next we have to tell everyone in the town of beginnings that it IS possible to defeat this game! Fact is, it's our duty as the most capable players to bring hope to the people of Sword art online, do you disagree?" As Kirito watched, he noticed how capable a leader Diabel was, he was honest, charismatic, thought ahead, and figured out ways to bring hope into people. Hell even Kirito was a little giddy from the speech, she felt like a protagonist in an Rpg. Clearly it had quite an impact on everyone else as they started clapping, cheering, some were even whistling.
"Good, I'm glad we're all on board with this, now let's figure out how we're going to beat the boss! First off we'll team up in parties of 6" as soon as Diabel said that Kirito's sank further than the damn Titanic.
As Kirito was look around anxiously at everyone teaming up Diabel explain "A typical party doesn't stand a chance against a floor boss, we need a raid group made up of multiple parties" As Kirito was watch everyone group up he looked around searching for a party member, and that's when she saw someone in a maroon cloak with white leggings and rapier sitting all alone. As she skidded over she asked the person "uhh... hey do you wanna... Party up? Everyone already seems to know each other here and I saw you sitting alone and I was sitting alone so... whaddya say?"
Kirito really hoped the individual beside her would say yes, you see Kirito was a massive introvert and hated talking to people, she could tolerate it but preferred to keep to herself. So this was a prime opportunity to party up with only 1 other person. The person in the Maroon cloak seemed surprised, like she didn't even realise Kirito was there until she spoke, as she looked over at Kirito she was surprised to see another girl here and replied "Oh! Im sorry... I didn't see you there, what did you say?", Kirito was surprised to see another girl here but repeated herself "i was wondering if you wanted to party up seeing as how were the only girls here and there's no one left to party up with really", The girl clad in the cloak replied "Sure thank you for the offer" Kirito opened up her menu and sent her a request to join a party, the cloaked girl accepted and her health bar appeared under Kirito's "Asu-na, Asuna huh? That's a pretty name", Asuna seemed shocked at the small black haired girl calling her by name "ho-w How do you know my name!?!" Kirito simply replied "top left under my health bar is yours, your names on it, should be the same way for you.". Asuna looked up seeing the name "Ki-ri-to, Kiri-to, Kirito. That's an odd name." Due to her having to look up to see the girls name Asuna got a good look at her ally, and was instantly flustered, the girl was short with long black hair and eyes to match and had the CUTEST little face ever!!! Asuna had to use all her willpower to stop herself from grabbing her wittle cheeks, and then pondered how old the girl was before she could Kirito asked her out to lunch so they could get to know each other better before the boss fight.
They went to a restaurant and Asuna ordered something akin to a salad with grilled chicken in it and Kirito ordered some steak. As the two waited for their food they got talking "So Asuna what other games have you played before SAO?" Kirito asked hoping to get to know his partner better " oh SAO's my first" Kirito did not know how to respond to that "But i do fencing in real life so i'm not entirely useless!" Asuna explained, hoping not to make Kirito doubt her skill. "Well I guess that's something at least, and you did manage to make it to Tolbana so I guess you're not too much of a noob" Kirito explained. It was now Asuna's turn to ask a question "So you look really young, just how old are you?" Kirito's right eyebrow started twitching as soon as Asuna said that and then replied in the most calm and collected voice she could fake to mask her anger "You know... it's impolite to ask about the real world, but seeing how this is your first real time playing a video game i'll let you off the hook. I'm older than I look . I'm actually a high schooler." Asuna was dumbfounded, how did this Adorable little munchkin go to high school!?! Just as she was about to ask what year she remembered the first part of what Kirito said, and she decided it would be best to drop it. "sor... sorry for asking", "it's fine just be weary of that people can get worked up about stuff like that" Kirito explained to her, then their food came. Asuna Ate with dignity and was very polite whilst Kirito used a sword skill on a steak knife to cut it straight in half and then stabbed it and scarfed it down like a mad woman, to be fair she had not eaten breakfast as the meeting was at 8:00 sharp and lasted 4 hours and she was absolutely starving. Asuna could not help but stare at Kirito and giggle, she could tell they would become great friends. As soon as they were both done they looked at each others skills Asuna was level 9 and Kirito was level 11, Asuna had more speed but lacked in strength and dexterity in comparison to Kirito, they then both came up with a strategy to defeat the floor boss and with that they went to do some training to get Asuna up a level, after word they upgraded their weapons, and parted ways to their respected inns that they were staying at. Tomorrow was the first boss fight of the death game and both Kirito and Asuna could Barely get any sleep. Tomorrow 1 of them could die.
Author Notes:
Ahh this was a great chapter. I'm glad to have Kirito and Asuna finally meet. In case you haven't notice i've made Kirito look like the cover art mixed with Yui X 10 on the cuteness i thought since Kirito was kind of Edgy and introverted in the beginning of the seriess making her really cute, short, and young looking would be great for comedic effect, among other things. I decided to have Kirito and Asuna get to know each other and hunt mobs together for a little while because i always thought it was weird how they barely knew each other during the 1st floor boss and worked so well together, so i figured they'd get to know and trust each other a little but than learn how each other fight get Asuna up a level run some errands in preparation for the boss fight and stuff like that so they could work better together. In case you're wondering, I have a lot of free time as of late which is Why i've been uploading 2 chapters a day but dont always expect 2 some days there might only be 1. Any way the beater episode will have 2 parts and then come to an end as after this part the fight is all that's left really. Remember to leave a comment. I appreciate constructive criticism if you have any negative or positive feedback too let me know, and thank you for reading the Black Swordswoman! Also go read on wattpad, The first story arc is already fully uploaded over there.