Who let you out?

Once Bai Yue was done bandaging Liu'er's hands, she decided to take the little girl out of the bedroom.

Outside, the sky was clear. It stretched endlessly above their heads as if to dare them to try to catch it. The autumn wind was chilly, causing the hands and faces of people to redden. Although the sun was shining brightly, its light was void of warmth.

Bai Yue cupped her hands together and blew on them to heat her skin. She then placed her palms on her cheeks, a sigh of relief leaving her lips at the warm feeling. Liu'er, who was used to run errands outside and work in harsh conditions, giggled at the sight.

"Young miss, should we head back inside?"

The idea was incredibly tempting and Bai Yue found herself hesitating. After a bit of thinking though, she shook her head.

"I haven't been to Mother's place in quite a long while. Today is not a bad day. I should go give morning greetings."

Although she had mixed feelings towards her parents, Bai Yue did miss them. No matter their actions, they did raise and love her for many years. It was just that, in the end, their love for her wasn't enough.

Bai Yue resented them. However, she didn't hate them.

"Madam will be so happy!" Liu'er exclaimed happily, even if inwardly, she felt like she was forgetting something. "Just yesterday, she said she misses young miss a lot. Don't look at how rarely she comes to see you at your courtyard, Madam worries a lot about young miss."

Bai Yue's face lit up with a smile and turned to Liu'er with a warm gaze. Obviously, that little girl was the one worrying about her the most.

"I know. Mother's love for me is true. It is just that she had too much to do as this manor's mistress."

As ancient people said, you marry a wife for virtue. You bring in concubines for love. Meaning the wife worked while the concubines looked pretty.

"Yes, yes, Madam is always busy managing household affairs."

Liu'er's nose scrunched up when she thought about the Lord's concubines who never had to work and kept showing themselves in front of the Lord. Especially Concubine Xi. Somehow, her things always ended up on the floor in the Lord's and Madam's presence. And because she was the kind of woman who would never bother her maids in public, she would always insist on picking her things up herself. When it happened, her cleavage and fair neck never failed to enter the Lord's sight. Such a temptation couldn't be resisted and the Lord would then spend the night with her, forgetting all about his wife.

The courtyard of Bai Yue's mother was located at the center of the inner court of the manor. As her daughter, Bai Yue's own courtyard was naturally not far from it. A short walk of ten minutes was more than enough to cross the distance between the two places. Of course, that was only if one didn't stop to admire the fake mountains, the ponds, and the colorful flowers in the garden.

After ten years in the imperial palace, Bai Yue admitted in the privacy of her mind that the garden of Bai manor was a bit lacking in beauty. However, there was a peaceful atmosphere reigning in it, far from the oppressing feeling hanging over every part of the imperial palace.

Thus Bai Yue walked at a slow pace, taking her sweet time in spite of the cold breeze.

"Young miss, should I run back to bring you a thicker coat?"

"It's fine, I'm not cold."

The red on her cheeks and nose belied her words but Liu'er nodded obediently. In any case, a bit of fresh air was good for young miss' health. She would just ask for a coat once they reached Madam Fu's place.

Just as she was thinking about this, footsteps sounded in front of them. Bai Yue halted, watching with a blank face the two young girls walking towards them.

One was grandly dressed, her hair adorned with gold hairpins and a ruby hanging over her forehead. It swayed seductively at every step. As for that face of hers... One look was enough to steal one's breath away. Clearly still an unmarried girl, yet she already possessed the charm of a young woman.

Behind her stood her maid, dressed in a fine but shapeless garment. Next to her mistress, she was almost invisible.

Bai Yue racked her brain to remember the Bai Hua of her previous life. Did she become like this too? The fourth sister of her memory was annoying and haughty but she never forgot to display an innocent and elegant front. Her clothes would always be proper and in accordance with her status.

Bai Yue had been 'sick' for three months now... Could this be the reason behind such a change?

Surely no? Could she really have such a big impact on Bai Hua's life?

"Little sister, everyone says you are possessed by a ghost but I don't believe it. Clearly, your face is more than enough to scare ghosts away," Bai Hua said instead of greeting her, a mocking smile on her bright red lips. Such clothes, such behavior, an outsider would wonder who was the legitimate daughter and who was the one born to a concubine. "Showing yourself here, don't you feel heartache for the people you encounter? Really, little sister, who let you out?"

Scare ghosts? Since she came back to life, Bai Yue decided to take this as a compliment. Besides, the living was scarier than the dead.

"Little sister?" Bai Hua insisted when she didn't get the answer she wanted. But then again, it wouldn't be the first time. Fifth younger sister might be the legitimate daughter but all she was before was a pretty and empty vase. As for now, even a chamber pot was more attractive.

Bai Yue finally revealed an expression. Her eyes narrowed, she pretended to be confused and peered at the gorgeous girl in front of her. To people like that, the best way to answer was to act dumb.

"Sister?" she repeated the word hesitantly. "My apologies, but you are mistaken. I am Madam Fu's daughter... Are you my father's new concubine? To give you clothes like this, he must love you very much. I wish you to give birth to a healthy son soon."

The effect was immediate. Bai Hua's beautiful face contorted in anger, her mouth half-open as she pointed her finger at Bai Yue.

"You!" she yelled, her voice painfully loud. The few birds tweeting in the trees all flew away. She took a few breaths, trying to calm herself. However, just looking at the dumb look of that b*tch was enough to anger her again. "What are you talking about?! Are you trying to slander me? To ruin my reputation?!"

Bai Yue took a step back, acting as if she planned to hide behind Liu'er back, the latter not understanding what was going on. Obviously, her young miss was clever and her eyes had no problems. How could she not recognize fourth young miss?

Moreover, what her young miss said... It really didn't sound right! Reputation was the most important thing for a woman. Yet her young miss' words...

Although, Liu'er had to admit that anger did suit fourth young miss' face well. Her face was now as red as her lipstick.

"I'm sorry?" Bai Yue responded in a small voice. "If you aren't my father's concubine, then are you an esteemed guest? Madam, could you be the wife of an official visiting my father? Or a friend of my mother?"

Liu'er's brain tingled when she heard the word 'guest'. Now, she was sure she had forgotten something. Was someone visiting the manor today? But who? And when?

Bai Hua interrupted her trail of thoughts. "Stupid cow, are you dumb or blind?! How dare you say this?! I better give you a lesson or people would say the Bai family can't educate their daughters!"

Completely lost to her fury, Bai Hua didn't take notice of her surroundings. Quickly walking to Bai Yue and her stupid maid, she raised her hand to slap the damn girl.

"Please, don't hurt me," Bai Yue begged loudly even though her eyes were looking past her sister at the figures striding towards them.

Before Bai Hua's hand could reach her face, a furious voice boomed.