Concubine and Crown Princess

Bai Yue only learned of Bai Hua and Concubine Xi's punishments in the afternoon after Liu'er came back from one of her errands. Listening to the girl's soft but excited voice, there was an indulgent glint in Bai Yue's eyes.

"Young miss, I just saw Concubine Xi kneeling outside the ancestral hall. She doesn't look well. Do you think she will survive the night? Although it is not winter yet, nights are cold."

Concubine Xi was no innocent woman. Her fair and delicate looking hands were both her pride and weapon. They could poison women to stop them from getting pregnant and slap and disfigure maids she found too pretty. When a servant disappeared mysteriously, Concubine Xi would always be involved in one way or another. Yet, because those people had previously signed a life and death contract, her actions were never punished.

"Are you sad for her?"

It was a very simple question but to Liu'er it sounded as though the young miss was questioning her loyalty.

She shook her head and kneeled down. "No, young miss! I already promised you. I will serve you forever. Only you."

Bai Yue was stunned by the sudden outburst but she quickly regained her composure. She heaved a sigh, feeling helpless in front of the silly girl, and helped Liu'er stand up.

"What are you doing, Liu'er?" She furrowed her brow and scolded the maid softly. "Just a question and you react as if I am going to kill you and your whole family. Am I such a horrible person in your eyes?"

"Oh... I am sorry, young miss. I thought you were dissatisfied with me."

"Well, I am not. Come with me." Bai Yue turned around and walked out of the bedroom to enter the study. Liu'er followed her obediently and stood up in front of the desk with her hands folded before her stomach.

"Don't worry about Concubine Xi. Human bodies are stronger than you think. Besides, Father is bound to come back at one point or another. Knowing him, he won't let her spend the whole night outside. At least not without a coat."

"Young miss..." Liu'er hesitated a little. "You don't seem to be angry. Why? Don't you hate Concubine Xi? Don't you want the Lord to hate her too?"

Hate? Bai Yue didn't even hate her parents. Why would she hate her father's concubine? Hating people who lived with her sounded far too exhausting.

"I despise her for her actions but no, I don't hate her," Bai Yue explained calmly. "A concubine's life is not in any way easier than an official wife's life. No matter the status, no one can escape a little bit of unhappiness throughout their life."

Liu'er nodded, thinking her young miss was right. Whether it was Madam Fu or Concubine Xi, neither was happy. Madam Fu was four years younger than Count Zhong yet she already had a lot of grey hair. Next to her husband, she appeared as the older one.

As for Concubine Xi, one just had to take a look outside and see her kneeling in front of the ancestral hall in thin clothes, the back of her gown stained with blood.

"Speaking of a concubine, this servant has something to report."

Bai Yue lifted her eyebrows. Her stare on Liu'er was now filled with curiosity. It was rare for the girl to act like this.

"One of young miss' previous servants came to find me earlier. She now serves the Lord in bed and he told her something shocking yesterday."

"Well, what is it? Don't act mysterious and quickly tell me. The suspense is going to kill me."

Liu'er bit her lips nervously. As far as she knew, the Lord had yet to talk about it with Madam Fu and Concubine Xi. Although Liu'er didn't understand many things about politics and the like, even she knew it wasn't good to know too much.

However, the young miss couldn't remain ignorant on the matter.

"She said... to be careful not to anger fourth young miss. In the last three months, the Crown Princess and the Crown Prince's concubines all died. His Highness' harem is now empty and the Lord hopes for Bai Hua to enter his manor and become one of his new concubines. The Crown Prince only has a young disabled son disliked by the Emperor. If Bai Hua gives birth to a son, she could become an Imperial concubine in the future."

"Such a thing happened?!" Bai Yue all but shouted, her eyes wide open and her heart pounding.

How could it be? This never happened in her previous life! Especially that immortal Crown Princess! Even when the demoted Crown Prince was thrown into prison, she was still enjoying a luxurious life in a villa with hundreds of people catering to her every need. Many people tried to assassinate her but she always survived. Could that woman really be dead?

"Why am I only hearing this now?"

"This... I am not too sure, young miss. I thought you already knew. Did none of your previous servants tell you anything?"

Bai Yue could feel her head throbbing and her hand went up to rub her temple. After her rebirth, she had been either in a catatonic state or screaming her lunges out. It was only recently that she felt a little better.

Her former maids couldn't be blamed for not telling her such shocking news.

"Forget it," she sighed tiredly, "just tell me what you know."

"Actually, not much is known. Three months ago, a big fire started at the Eastern Palace. The Lord said it burned down almost completely. Many servants and concubines died either in the fire or from their wounds afterward. It is said that the Emperor is furious and all the remaining Crown Prince's concubines and servants have been sentenced to either death or prison. The Crown Prince moved out of the Palace into a manor in the city."

"And the Crown Princess?"

"She was never found. After a week, the Emperor declared her dead." Liu'er lowered her head, thinking that this matter was very mysterious.

"Never found?" Bai Yue repeated in a low voice. She couldn't believe that the vicious woman was dead. She really couldn't. "And the little prince?"

She never met the Crown Prince's son. His mother was one of the servants who taught the Crown Prince about bed matters once he reached adulthood. She died of illness not long after the birth of the little prince.

Later, an accident destroyed the child's legs. The Crown Prince was a cold and busy man. In the big Eastern Palace, the disabled boy was alone. He killed himself when he was thirteen, eight years from now. At that time, there were many rumors in the Imperial Palace. At the center of them was the Crown Princess, accused of bullying the pitiful boy to death. Two weeks later, the Crown Prince got accused of embezzlement and everyone forgot about the poor little boy.

"Fortunately, he was with the Crown Prince seeing a doctor for his legs when it happened." Liu'er paused before she decided to explain. "The little prince had an accident a few months ago and is now crippled."

So this tragedy already happened... Fortunately, the Crown Prince in this life seemed to care more about his son.

"I know." Bai Yue stopped rubbing her head and lowered her hand. Her forefinger unconsciously began to tap on the wooden surface of the desk. "Have you heard anything about a new Crown Princess?"

With just a disabled grandson and an empty harem, the Emperor should be anxious to see his son marry another Crown Princess. It was just that...

"Ah young miss, you don't know," Liu'er responded dreamily. "The Crown Prince and the Crown Princess were in love. Now that she passed away, the Crown Prince declared that he will be in mourning for at least a year and won't marry another Crown Princess within the next three years."

Love? Bai Yue's lips curved into a cold smile. More like hatred.

"You said that Father wants Bai Hua to become the Crown Prince's concubine?"

Even if her father really decided to offer Bai Hua to the Crown Prince, the latter still had to accept. However, how could it be easy? The man went as far as burning down the Eastern Palace to get rid of rats. Would he accept new ones in his manor?

Moreover, her cousin Fu Huang Yuan should propose to Bai Hua soon and there was still the deal with the Emperor.

"This is what the maid said."

"I understand. Let's just stay away from Bai Hua then. It's no big loss." Bai Yue grabbed a sheet of paper and a brush and gestured for Liu'er to sit down. "You forgot that we had guests today. Mother must be angry with you. It is best for you to hide from her for the next few days. If anyone asked, I will just say I punished you myself."


"Yes," Bai Yue nodded somewhat eagerly, "and your punishment starts now."

She drew two characters on the paper and then turned it towards Liu'er. "This is your name. Write it down until you can do it by heart."

These words left Liu'er stunned. Was young miss... going to teach her how to write?

"Young miss..."

Bai Yue forced the girl to hold the brush and placed between them a bottle of liquid ink. Usually, a servant was needed to grind the ink while one wrote. Here though, Bai Yue had kept the ink in a bottle, adding water to the black substance every once in a while. The black color was more diluted but she still found it easier to use.

"Start writing. If you ever wish to control your own life, then you need to learn how to write and read."

"... I understand young miss." Her young miss was simply too amazing!

Bai Yue watched the girl write a little and corrected the position of her hand when needed. After a while, she grabbed another sheet of paper and a brush.

Since she decided to follow her own path in this life, it was time to take action.


The Crown Prince who was said to be mourning after the death of his one true love was currently walking in a dark and damp underground passageway with a cold expression. On both sides of the path were cells, most of them empty. But for those with inmates, it was difficult to know whether the one inside was still alive.

Ji Mo Yuan's steps were steady and he was looking right in front of him. Wariness was completely absent from his gaze. He was clearly walking in an underground secret prison, yet it seemed as if he was simply taking a stroll in the garden of his home.

At ease but aloof, nothing seemed to bother him. Even stepping into a puddle of stagnant water didn't cause his steps to slow down.

His face was handsome and flawless, his black like ink hair combed into a tight bun on top of his head and his eyes were the color of a moonless night. Looking at them would leave one breathless and scared as if all their darkest secrets were suddenly revealed.

In this cold and dirty prison, Ji Mo Yuan was like a god untouched by the ugly matters of this world.

The last cell was also the darkest. When Ji Mo Yuan stopped in front of the bars, his manservant Tang Lu quickly came to stand next to him with a torch. The fire cast a soft glow on Ji Mo Yuan's face, momentarily softening his beautiful features.

Tang Lu blinked. Looking at his master's face taught him that even the most beautiful face could hide the darkest heart. Clearly, the man looked handsome and regal but his heart was that of a beast.

A beast Tang Lu didn't dare to disobey.

"How is our guest?"

Ji Mo Yuan's voice shook Tang Lu out of his thoughts and he retreated his gaze, choosing instead to focus on the cell in front of them. A guest? Your Highness, if this is how you treat a guest, then what about your enemies?!

The guard next to them bowed to Ji Mo Yuan with a reverent and respectful expression.

"She still refuses to cooperate."

Ji Mo Yuan smirked coldly and his gaze flickered.

"I hope you are treating her well."

Amusement and cruelty flashed in the guard's eyes upon hearing this.

"Your Highness' guest naturally receives our best service."

"Open the door. I haven't seen my dear wife in two weeks. Visiting her today... Most widowers are not as lucky as me."

Tang Lu wanted to say: Your Highness, don't call yourself a widower when you are visiting your wife. Just kill her if you want to be a widower.

Obviously, the Crown Prince didn't hear his manservant's thoughts and went into the cell. The smell was strong and the floor was only covered with a layer of soiled straw.

Seeing the shaking figure of the woman in a corner of the cell, mockery filled his gaze.

Indeed, this Crown Princess didn't look as mighty once the roles were reversed.

He stepped forward and pulled out a handkerchief, using it to grasp the woman's dirty and tangled long black hair. Her eyes instantly widened in fear and her pupils constricted.


"What? Did you thought I was my sixth brother, coming in to save you?"

She struggled a bit but three months in the Crown Prince's secret prison had reduced her strength to nothing.

"Doing this to your wife, do you feel proud of yourself?" she spat out, seemingly finding a bit of mental strength.

Ji Mo Yuan gave a snort. Looking down at her as if she was less than dirt, he corrected her, "Late wife. Did you forget? I am a widower now. Now it is my turn to ask you a question."

He lifted her body by the hair, drawing a scream out of the former Crown Princess.

"Doing that to your husband, did you feel proud of yourself? Breaking a child's legs and abusing him mentally, did it make you happy?"

"You know!" she gasped out, her face turning pale under the dirt. A shiver ran down her spine. What exactly did he know? And to what extent?

"I know," he responded vaguely before throwing her onto the floor. He dropped the handkerchief with a disgusted expression. "And because I know, you can expect a long sojourn in this cozy place."

"I didn't want to! I-I was forced to! The sixth prince said he would kill my family if I didn't and the Empress also threatened me. I had no choice."

"You know, your outcome would have been better if you chose to work as a comedian. You are very talented."

She crawled on the floor desperately and reached out for his coat. Ji Mo Yuan mercilessly kicked her hand away. Then, looking at his shoe, he frowned in displeasure. It was dirty now.

"Your Highness, husband, please, I won't do it anymore! I will give the sixth prince false information."

Ji Mo Yuan walked away. When the door closed behind him, he turned to look one last time at the woman behind the bars.

"Of course you won't do it again since you will spend the rest of your miserable life here, forgotten by everyone, including your beloved Ji Mo Zhen."

Then he walked away, Tang Lu following behind him.

The former Crown Princess clung onto the bars, madness shining in her gaze. She screamed his name again and again but Ji Mo Yuan acted deaf.

"Ji Mo Yuan! I told you to stop! Stop! Let me out! You hear me?! Let me out!"

When Ji Mo Yuan reached the entrance of the underground prison, he suddenly recalled a bright figure standing in the imperial garden and the shocking words that came out of her mouth. He halted.

"Tang Lu, have my late wife's legs cut off. Make sure she stays alive."

After all, she told him all about it when she visited him in prison in his past life. Since she found it funny, he would be kind and let her experience it.


Mini theater.

Ji Mo Yuan stood in the dark underground prison. From his sword-like eyebrows to his perfectly shaped lips, his flawless face was one of peerless beauty.

He was like the brightest star in an ocean of darkness. Even one glance was enough to render one enamored.

Ji Mo Yan's perfect eyebrow twitched.

"Tang Lu, step back with your torch. You are going to burn me if you keep getting closer."

Tang Lu blushed and obeyed. Then he was stunned. Without the firelight, His Highness' face... was almost invisible because of the dark!

"Where is my brightest star?!"

Ji Mo Yuan rolled his eyes.

"Do I look like someone with a superpower? I have plain black eyes, a nose and a mouth. No flashlights on my face."

"But... My brightest star in an ocean of darkness..."

"You can't find a star in an ocean, you idiot. I need a new servant."

"My peerless beauty..."

"Someone, come and take this idiot away!"