Bai Chen's play (3)

Bai Zhang Wei actually knew a little about this servant. A few weeks ago, the man had been tasked with sweeping Bai Yue's yard. At that time, the girl's condition was truly terrible, and her screams haunted even the strongest mind.

Like many before him, the manservant couldn't bear to hear them and begged to be sent somewhere else. Madam Fu had gotten quite sick of all those people going in and out of her daughter's place and refused the request immediately. Running out of ideas, the man kneeled in front of Bai Zhang Wei's wife's main hall for a whole day.

"You never took your masters seriously to begin with and now you even have the guts to lay your dirty hands on my woman?"

The servant began to tremble.

"My lord, I don't dare! I really don't dare!"

"Do you take me for a blind fool?!"

"I don't dare!" the servant repeated, his eyes wide open and filled with fear. A gasp escaped from his mouth when Bai Zhang Wei's fingers squeezed around his throat, effectively strangling him.

Before her father killed the poor man, Bai Yue decided to intervene. "Father, this man is innocent. Second brother asked him to carry Concubine Xi since he wasn't strong enough to do it himself."

Bai Chen quickly confirmed what she said. "Fith sister is saying the truth, Father." He lowered his head as if he was feeling ashamed. "In the end, I am not like elder brother. I am but a weak scholar. I couldn't even do a single thing to help concubine mother."

He fell to his knees before the bed and started kowtowing dramatically, his head hitting the floor several times with a thud. Hiding from everyone, his thick eyelashes trembled lightly as amusement flashed through his gaze. His lips curled up wickedly. This show was truly too good! Especially with him in it!

Bai Yue glanced at the red spot blooming on the forehead of her second brother, feeling an odd sense of regret. That man was already senseless. What if kowtowing like this hurt his brain too?

Ah, forget it. It had nothing to do with her. She would just pity that poor brain who had the misfortune to belong to Bai Chen.

Yes, truly, what a poor brain!

Bai Zhang Wei threw the manservant down and turned to his second son, his brows scrunched up tightly. Originally, he never punished Concubine Xi because she was the beloved birth mother of his second son. Bai Chen was such a good and filial son. He was also clever in his work and Bai Zhang Wei never missed an opportunity to boast about him.

Even the minister of Rites praised his future son-in-law more than once.

Alas... Who knew that his second son who was so bright in his work... would be so weak in managing his private affairs?

Before, Bai Zhang Wei thought that Concubine Xi taught his son well. Now, he was starting to realize that the situation was far from good. With a personality like this, when his son married the favorite daughter of Minister Song, wouldn't he be bullied by a mere woman?

Bai Zhang Wei couldn't accept it. In a house, a woman should only be a pretty and dutiful servant to her husband at best and a quiet ornament at worst. Concubine Xi raised his son to be meek. Was she trying to rebel?

To think that he had been a little worried upon learning about her condition. Now all he felt was that she really was an eyesore.

"The doctor is here!" the maid guarding the door of the bedroom suddenly announced and a middle-aged man walked in.

Tall with a few strands of white hair, the doctor had the kind of face that people always trust no matter the expression he wore. Whether he was smiling or not, he looked nice and gentle and the crow's feet at his eyes seemed to indicate that he was used to laughing a lot.

After entering the room, he gave a bow and cupped his fist toward Count Zhong.

"This lowly servant is doctor Sheng. Greetings, my lord."

Bai Zhang Wei nodded, inwardly feeling rather pleased to not see the quack who failed to heal Yue'er. At least not all servants were stupid in this manor of his and knew better than to bring back that bastard.

Seeing that Bai Zhang Wei didn't plan to say a single word, a servant ushered doctor Sheng to the bed.

"Doctor Sheng, this is my lord's concubine. Please, do your best."

When he passed by Bai Yue, the doctor couldn't help but glance at the emaciated girl. With just one look he had a bad impression of the Bai family. The concubine had obviously been mistreated and the daughter looked like this. Women in this place must have a hard time living.

He didn't speak though and his gaze shifted away from her when a coldness swept from his feet to his head. His hair stood on end and he gave a cautious look at the young man standing next to the young miss. Yet, nothing was amiss and the man's eyes were on the concubine, worry all but etched on his pale face.

Perhaps he was simply too paranoid.

Doctor Sheng covered the unconscious woman's wrist with a thin handkerchief and took her pulse with a frown. Then he stood up and bowed to Count Zhong again, his impression of the man even worse than before.

"My lord, a cold wind entered this woman's body. Additionally, her fever seemed to be caused by infected wounds. Healing the cold wind is not impossible but there is still the matter of her wounds."

Bai Chen gasped out loudly.

"Concubine mother..." His eyes welled up but he was quick to shut them and hide his tears. When he opened them again, they were filled with determination. "Quickly, show the wounds to the doctor."

No one moved. The wounds were on Concubine Xi's back and the doctor was clearly a man. How could it be proper?

"What are you waiting for?!" Bai Chen yelled angrily. "Do you think that man can heal my mother without seeing her wounds first?!"

Discontent surged up inside Bai Zhang Wei's heart. To forget propriety and dignity for the sake of a woman, it seemed like his second son truly needed to grow up a little. Perhaps he should take the opportunity to teach him a lesson.

"Do as second young master says," he ordered the servants sternly.

The lord had spoken. In a blink, Concubine Xi was lying on her stomach and the clothes on her back had been torn apart. Her wounded back and slender waist were on display for everyone to see.

Doctor Sheng initially wanted to suggest that a nurse tended to the wounds. Now that he was put into that position, he could only steel his nerves and examine the angry wounds and bruised marring the delicate skin. This woman had clearly been beaten and her chest still moving up and down as air filled her lungs was truly a miracle.

A tremor ran through his hand when his fingers brushed against the smooth, icy skin. Having been a doctor for too many years, it was far from the first time he was confronted with a patient like this. It was too easy for him to guess what kind of punishment this woman endured.

"I am going to write two prescriptions. The first is to remove the cold wind and the second is an ointment for her wounds. For it to be effective, don't cover the wounds. Also, it's best if she rests in bed for at least a week."

"Thank you, doctor, thank you! Dong Li, reward the doctor!"

Just like that, doctor Sheng received a heavy pouch filled to the brim with silver ingots. For once, Count Zhong and Bai Yue shared the same feelings and their gazes were filled with ridicule. Bai Chen had managed to ruin his mother on his own. This was truly something few people could do!