It wasn't his intention

The owner of the shop was serving the man with a fawning expression. Being able to lend money to his customers in exchange for goods, the owner's clothes were not cheap at all. However, even the most expensive thing on his body was not worth the cheapest item of the manservant. As for the master himself, there was naturally no need to compare. Although dressed in a somewhat inconspicuous manner, it was clear that the fabric used was of very high quality, and selling just a small piece of it could surely feed a whole modest family for one full year.

Even without knowing the identity of the people in front of him, the owner didn't dare to slack off. His service had to be excellent! Who knew what kind of rewards he would get if the customer left his shop with a good impression of him?

"What about this one, my lord?" he asked in a pompous tone, carefully unrolling a scroll painting. Although Bai Yue only got a colorful glimpse of it, the unrestrained gasp that came out of the manservant's mouth was enough to tell her it was an expensive and exquisite painting. "It was made by the famous artist Ouyang Cao for the last emperor of the previous dynasty. It is called 'Sunlight shining on the warrior's victory' and depicts the battle between gods and demons."

One had to know, the name Ouyang Cao alone was impressive as the artist had been the most famous and talented of his time. He had also been rumored to be in an amorous relationship with the last emperor, a fact which sparked the embers of rebellion in the heart of one of the Imperial Concubines' family. Which later became the family of the next emperor, thus establishing the new dynasty of the Ji family.

The name of the painting, however, was even more impressive since anyone with a bit of knowledge about art knew that the painting got lost during the insurrection. Some said the last emperor destroyed it so that the rebels couldn't lay a single finger on it. Others said Ouyang Cao hid the scroll after his lover died and he himself was forced to work for the new emperor. Eventually, he managed to escape and no one ever heard of him again, hence creating a legend around the artist and his painting.

To dare say that this was the famous lost painting, was the owner of this shop too gutsy, or did he just take his customers as fools?

With that in mind, Bai Yue couldn't help but wish to take a look at the scroll. Even though the chance of it being a copy was really high, she wanted to know how would someone paint something as complex as a battle between gods and demons. It couldn't be as simple as making one side look good and the other evil, right?

"Isn't it the lost painting, then?" the man in front of Bai Yue said, the mockery in his voice obvious.

The voice sounded familiar in a way she couldn't explain and her heart started racing. Unconsciously, she brought her hand up and placed it right above her chest, her fingers digging into the coarse fabric of her dress. It wasn't longing that she was feeling, nor was it sadness. Instead, it was more of a mix of fear and anxiety. The vivid color of blood flashed in her mind.

Who was that man?

"Lost is too strong a word, my lord," the owner chuckled, his face not displaying even a hint of anxiety. "Just momentarily misplaced."

"For two centuries?" the manservant yelled in indignation. "Do you think we are idiots?!"

"Tang Lu," the man reprimanded his servant coldly, his fingers tapping rhythmically on the counter, very close to the painting. To the owner, he said, "I take it you just happen to find the lost treasure?"

The owner laughed and scratched the nape of his neck, "How could I be so lucky? My lord, that kind of thing only happens to other people. Clearly, it was just some ignorant man who came to sell it because he needed money. At first, I thought he wanted to scam me but the signature is truly Ouyang Cao's. This, my lord, is a real as you and I."

The words failed to move the man who simply reached for the scroll, his fingers trailing over the edge almost fondly.

The owner of the pawnshop finally revealed some signs of agitation.

"Please, my lord, be careful. This is a two hundred years old scroll."

"Two hundred years?" the man snorted elegantly, "Never thought a scroll from two centuries ago could still be in such a good state. Sir, today, you truly opened my eyes."

The voice was cold and indifferent, void of sarcasm. Yet, the words caused the owner's hands and voice to tremble, "Y-you flatter me, my lord."

"Is that so?" the rich man responded with a drawl, his voice now dripping with contempt. "How unfortunate. It certainly wasn't my intention. Tang Lu, tell me, how old do you think this painting is?"

It wasn't a question but an order. Immediately obeying his master, the manservant took a step forward and leaned over the scroll, his small eyes narrowed. The painting was beautiful and it was evident that the artist spent many hours working on it, making sure every detail was perfectly represented. And the colors! So bright! So full of life! Looking at it closer was enough to steal his breath! And meeting the gaze of a demon, Tang Lu couldn't help but shudder in front of the being's ferocity and hatred.

In spite of not being an artist himself, he knew this painting could only be the work of a true master. Perhaps even a god who had personally seen the realm of gods!


"Six decades old at most," Tang Lu concluded with a sigh, uncertain whether he should be disappointed or in awe. Where it not for the fake signature of Ouyang Cao, this painting would be a true treasure without a doubt.

"Six decades," his master repeated dryly and the tapping of his fingers against the counter stopped. As the sound stopped, a shiver ran down the owner's spine. Even Bai Yue who couldn't see the man's face felt uneasy. "Not even a hundred years... Sure enough, this shop of yours is filled with treasures! You even have a painting made by Ouyang Cao's ghost!"