Her mother gave her Liu'er's contract

Bai Hua stormed away, refusing to admit she was to blame in the whole debacle. Either way, Bai Yue didn't care much about it and returned to her courtyard. At the sound of rain hitting and rolling off the umbrella, a peaceful feeling washed over her mind and she unconsciously smiled.

Night had fallen a long time ago and the gardens were quiet. Aware that the masters and mistresses ate later than usual, the servants had lit lanterns along the path. The glass outer shell protected the flames from the rain.

She felt as if she was walking amongst the stars. Only the rain and her own footsteps could be heard.

"Young miss, you're here," Liu'er mumbled half-asleep when Bai Yue entered. The little maid was exactly where she left her, in her chair with the left cheek of her face resting against the table in front of her.