Climbing up the ladder

The two girls sneaked out of the bedroom, keeping to the shadows as much as possible. Silence descended upon them the moment they climbed out of the window in Bai Yue's study. Nevertheless, the absence of verbal communication was far from a problem as their eyes drifted to the other every few steps. Just like that, a single gaze carried more information than any spoken word in the world. A nod here, a wave of the hand there, and sometimes a finger on the lips. Their bodies moved through the shadows and communicated with each other.

Security had been reinforced because of the Crown Prince's visit and Liu'er knew better than to try their luck and pass the gate between the inner court and the outer court. Neither she nor Bai Yue wanted to find out what the punishment would be should anyone find them out.  Fortunately, Liu'er recalled there was a hole in one of the inner walls and led Bai Yue there. It was located in an isolated corner of the inner court, hidden from sight.