Serving Bai Yue, or the pitiful life of Servant Dong

Steam was still rising from the food when Dong Li placed the dishes on the table. Bai Yue and Liu'er gave each other a glance before Bai Yue turned to her second brother's manservant. Supposedly, hers now.

"Have you already eaten, servant Dong?" She inquired with a polite smile.

Dong Li, who was suddenly stared at by Liu'er and the scary looking Bai Yue, wished he could run back to his master and beg to stay by his side. He didn't even want a promotion anymore!

Outwardly, however, his expression revealed nothing of his anguish. "Yes, young miss. I ate with the other servants earlier."

"I see..." Bai Yue pointed at the chair next to Liu'er's. "How about you eat again? Look at you, you're so thin. It looks like my second brother didn't feed you enough."

A chopstick calling someone else thin, that was the pot calling the kettle black.

"Er... thank you, young miss, but I'm not hungry anymore."