
Bai Li An massaged her tender wrist to get the dull pain out and hatred flashed across her face. 

"Bai Li An?" she sneered. "You actually dared to call me by that name?"

Although she didn't care much about Bai Yue's name, she cared a lot about the identity attached to it.

"Well... it's your name, isn't it?" Bai Yue said with a wry smile.

"You really think you're still the Bai fifth young miss! Let me remind you in case this isn't clear enough - I am now the fifth young miss. I am the one called Bai Yue now. And you - you are just some worthless, nameless orphan my birth family has to take care of."

As for how her biological parents planned to take care of Bai Yue, Bai Li An was very clear about it.