Entering The Imperial Palace

By the time Bai Hua left, the sun had started to disappear on the horizon. Soon, night fell, hours passed by, and a new day dawned. Servants who took the first morning shift hustled around anxiously. Today was a big day! The new fifth young miss was going to enter the palace and meet the Dowager Empress!

When Bai Li An arose, her bathtub had already been filled with hot water and rose petals, and delicate, colorful, brand-new clothes were waiting for her to put them on.

She blinked wearily, her mind still hazy as a maid fed her while another did her hair. When the maid eventually put down the chopsticks, Bai Li An was ready to face the day. From an already pretty girl, her maids had transformed her into a gorgeous young woman. Gone was the child. In her place now stood a woman who knew her worth.