The point of no return

A loud splash sounded, followed by Bai Li An's screams when water engulfed her. The cold burned her in spite of the layers of clothes she was wearing. She tried to call for help, only for water to enter her mouth and choke her.

"Young miss!" Dumby shouted loudly, panicked. Next to her, mama Jiang didn't look any better. "Help ! My young miss fell into the water !"

Her screams were loud and naturally attracted the attention of everyone present in the gardens. The Emperor and his followers were no exceptions. They quickened their pace to see what was going on.

Bai Li An was struggling in the water, rapidly losing her strength. Feeling as though she was encased in ice, her breathing became labored.

"Young miss!" Dumby shouted again before deciding to jump into the water to save Bai Li An. "Young miss, I'm here!"