Leaving Bai manor (2)

The room was quiet and only the sound of breathing could be heard. Sitting in the main seat, Madam Fu was looking down at Bai Li An's mother and Bai Yue who were both kneeling on a mat, a teacup on their laps.

To say she didn't have any feelings at all for the daughter she decided to forsake would be a lie. At the end of the day, she was the daughter she gave birth to after months of carrying her. However, for her son's and her own future, she couldn't afford to be merciful. One had to be sacrificed, and it could only be Bai Yue.

"Madam Fu," Bai Yue said in a soft voice all of a sudden, breaking the silence. "Grandmother wishes to know if there is poison in my tea."

She spoke with an indifferent expression, drawing a clear line between them.

"You think I want to kill you?" Madam Fu responded, aghast.