Leaving with Ji Mo Yuan

Liu'er wrapped herself around Bai Yue when the latter finally reached her, Ji Mo Yuan hot on her heels. A guard immediately handed his cloak to the Crown Prince to shield him from the rain.

Bai Yue patted the younger girl's back, giving Zheng Fei a helpless look. However, the closeness she felt with him during the fight was gone and he was back to being his disdainful self, happy to ignore her. His face was as expressionless as a white wall.

At least, this time, he wasn't looking at the horses' buttocks.

Seeing as his horses were dead though, Bai Yue strongly doubted it could be considered progress.

"Alright, Liu'er, I'm fine, you can let go." Even with the Crown Prince's cloak, she was still wet and cold. The last thing she wanted to do was to cuddle another person who was just as wet and cold as she. The feeling of clothes clinging to her skin was very uncomfortable.

"Young miss! You almost died!" Liu'er sobbed loudly as an answer.