How to make a child happy?

The girl currently appointed as Bai Yue's maid led her to an exquisite courtyard.

"This is His Highness' courtyard," the maid explained as they reached the entrance. "Young master An lives in the side hall. Whenever a problem occurs, His Highness is always the first to reach him."

Logically speaking, children weren't supposed to live in the same building as their fathers. If the mother was alive, then it was fine for the child to live with her for five or six years. Afterward, they were supposed to move into their own courtyard.

The little prince's birth mother had died long ago. Hence, he should be living in another courtyard as he did in the Eastern Palace. However, ever since the Crown Prince moved out of the palace after the big fire, His Highness had disregarded all the informal rules to make sure the little prince was always safe and comfortable. And more importantly - close to His Highness.