Blood rain

It didn't take long before the smell of rust permeated the air.

"This is not rain!" Bai Yue gasped out in shock. She opened her hand and watched the red liquid roll down her arm, pool in the palm of her hand, and slide between her fingers.

It wasn't a mere drizzle in the middle of winter. It was blood.

Warm blood.

And yet, all she could feel were shards of ice pervading her flesh and seeping into her bones, stabbing at her heart.

Her pupils constricted. "What kind of sorcery is this?"

"Sorcery? You think too highly of the race of men," Zheng Fei said darkly as he moved his hand to rest on the handle of his dagger. His eyes darted around and scanned their surrounding warily. "Go back to the house and stay inside."

Bai Yue didn't want to continue soaking in the blood so she nodded. "What about you? Aren't you coming too?"

"Not yet."

She hesitated for a moment and then told him, "Be careful then."