Chapter 153

If you to read the completed novel you can go ahead to https://www.patreó

This novel is complete, currently working on Twilight and Naruto: Pride.



I opened my eyes, from what it felt like a lifetime, in front of me stood Odin and Thor, both ready to fight, I could tell they were uneasy, and who could blame them, "Everything is okay," I assured them, but it was all a lie, accepting everything there was to be of me, had brought forth the gravity of my situation.

There was no point in trying to avoid my destiny, the one that had been forced upon me, for the outer in me would fully awake in four months, and there was nothing I could do to stop it. I could feel the power of Nyarlathotep spreading, like a disease with no cure, and this made me realize, I was all along fighting the wrong fight, which was something I now fully understood.

This was not to say, I accepted the inevitability of my situation, I simply accepted there was no escape to it, which was not to say I was going to let Nyarlathotep use me, I might have no salvation, but this world, and everything I love… they don't have to suffer because of me.

"Are you… okay?" Thor inquired, and I smiled, an empty smile, were my smiles always this empty? I had no idea, not that it mattered.

"You seem different," Odin commented, his eye locked into something I couldn't quite make out.

"I am different," I chuckled, what a strange feeling was to be me, and feel like I feel right now, "I have no doubts this is for the better," it was, before I was living under the blissful path of ignorance, now I knew what I had to do.

"This what?" Thor asked, and I choose not to answer.

"I will end this war," I announced, "Where is Zeus?"

"Adam, I don't think this is wise," Odin protested.

"Maybe," I nodded, "But I don't have much time anyways…. and you know what don't you?"

"So this is the path we are taking," Odin lamented, "I am truly sorry… I… tried my best,"

"This was never your war to fight old man," I chuckled, "But fear not, I intend to make my father as miserable as possible,"

"What is going on?" Thor inquired, his eyes moving between me and Odin.

"He plans to die before the outer in him awakens," Odin answered for me.

"I shan't allow this!" Thor barked, rushing at me, "I won't let you throw your life away!" He growled, grabbing me by the neck.

"It's not like I have any other choice," I chuckled, "Nyarlathotep never intended to keep me around, the power I inherited from him is… not me, the moment that power absorbs… all that makes me… I will be gone, and all there will be left is… whatever my father wanted me to be, I am but the carrier…"

"There has to be a way," Thor protested, his grip tightening.

"No one can defeat the outer," I sighed, "The power he left in me… is more than enough to kill all the gods in this realm, save for a few exceptions, and that's not even the purpose of my existence," not… ending the world was just a… a way to explain what my purpose on the great scheme of Nyarlathotep was… I was a gate, one that would led the outer gods enter this reality… to end all of creation, I was meant to be the escape of those trapped within the outer, including my father who wanted to be free.

"You are a gate," Odin sighed, "A portal that will bring forth the end of times…"

"I…" Thor muttered, releasing me from his grip, "I… can't accept this outcome,"

"Don't be like that bro," I patted him in the back, "This is not to say I will stop looking for another option, this just means… that should I fail, I will die before letting him win,"

"You honorable idiot," Thor chuckled, "I promise I shall protect your legacy should that outcome come to be!"

"I know you will," I chuckled, turning my attention to Odin, "Now where is Zeus… I have four months to solve all the shit I started, and I will start with him,"

"He is where he always is, Mount Olympus," Odin answered.

"Good," I waved at them, teleporting to Mount Olympus.


[Zeus POV]

I was having a great day today, Hera had done that little thing I like, Olympus had finally been repaired since the demonic invasion, and Apollo was making some progress in his quest to find Adam. The key word to all of this being, I WAS having a great day.

Adam out of nowhere had teleported inside my throne room, looking bored…. This for some reason infuriated me, "You have come to die? What a nice surprise!"

Hera, who was recovering from her surprise, started to chuckle, "And this is what Hestia betrayed Olympus for? Pathetic… the war hasn't even begun and you already killed yourself,"

"Begone," Adam said and soon after Hera was blasted out of the room, with enough power to knock her out cold, "I came here to fight you, not Hera… not Apollo…. you,"

"It seems you have improved…." I hated to admit it, but the kid had somehow reached my power, which was impossible, just one week ago he was weaker than me… and now, "A lot…"

"Well… you see, you are not dealing with the average god anymore!" Adam chuckled, "for I have transcended! And now you face the legendary super Virginia!"

"I hate you," I growled.

"Knowing your record, I am glad you do… I can imagine the horrors I would have to live through if you wanted to bang me," Adam shuddered.

"You little shit!" I snarled.

"Now Zeus… we can A fight here, B fight outside… or C you can kill yourself and save me the trouble," Adam chuckled.

"You think because our powers are evenly matched you are going to win?! I will show you why I have ruled Olympus since its creation!" I growled, summoning my master bolt.

"Haven't you heard Zeus… be afraid of the man who's got nothing to lose," Adam replied, summoning his own weapon.