

Windchimes and oriental bells played in unison with a young monk's ancient chanting. Gardenia fragrance sticks, combined with the scent of diffused lotus, filled the small ragged house with families dressed in black praying for the deceased. An old woman, one of Ryo's elder aunts, passed away from natural causes. The Japanese ritual continued for hours on end with the chanting continuing in unison with a drum's beat. Occasionally, a light gong would crash through, rattling Ryo's spine every time it played in tandem.

Hours passed, and Ryo's family was one of the last to leave his aunt's mourning site. While his father and mother were speaking to his elder aunt's closest relatives, Ryo stumbled through the backyard garden where he was instantly attracted to the bright contrasting colors of the afternoon crisp sun and the reflection of a lily pad on water. A Japanese green frog pounced from lily pad to lily pad to feast upon a trapped bug webbed between two leaf stems. Ryo peeked in closer to witness the frog slurp up the bug. Such a fragile and delicate-looking creature with a torturous method of judgment, Ryo thought. Much like the passing; a fragile old woman with a somber reckoning.

"Ryo?" Ichijo, Ryo's father, called from behind the entrance to his elder aunt's mourning site. He peeked out and saw Ryo tranced by the frog's movements. "It's getting late, son. It's your first day of school tomorrow."

"Can I not go?" Ryo asked, drawing a picture of an alien's goofy depiction on television with a small stick traced in the dirt. "After today… I just don't feel like it."

"I know, son," Ichijo agreed, sitting next to Ryo with his legs crossed in the dirt. "This was just terrible timing, I know. And I know that it's your first time ever experiencing something like this, son. But the harsh truth is, you're going to see a lot of this in the future. You're going to see people that you love and care about pass away. And most of the time, it'll be out of our control."

"I know," Ryo said, purposefully not looking at his father because of his overbearing emotions. "Auntie Nakai was always so nice to me…" His face remained dull and lifeless as if his aunt's death did not phase him.

"You know she always talked about you whenever I would visit her," Ichijo confessed, placing his hand around Ryo's shoulder. "She told me that you were going to grow up to be a brave man. Someone that understands that being different isn't bad. She knew that Earth mingling with the other outside planets was a wonderful idea, and she knew that you would help them feel safe and happy."

"I don't know what she's talking about," Ryo denied. "I don't know how to do that."

"You'll learn, son," Ichijo pat Ryo's head. "The point is, she was so hopeful of you. She was always the kind of person to always hope no matter how bad something got. Even if something was out of her reach, she would always hope. Even when she lost something… she would always hope," Ichijo shuffled his legs to come closer to Ryo, who was still silent. "That's the kind of person I want you to be, son."

"Dad," Ryo called, turning to his father as speckles of tears began forming on his eye's surfaces. Despite having a lifeless feeling, the idea of hope was Ryo's marvel. A person who hoped for their entire life never deserved to die. He reckoned that those who were hopeful were considered immortal by spirit. But having his aunt perish when she had become the hopeful beacon of light she was destroyed Ryo's heart. He couldn't contain himself any longer. He wanted to understand why this was the case, and what he should be doing. "What do you do… when the world isn't on your side, and the people on it don't listen to you? What do you do when you're so mad that you feel like the world is ending? When someone dies… what do you do when you feel like you've lost everything?"

Ichijo remained silent and stunned that his son would ask such a question at such an early age. He was only in elementary school, and he realized that Ryo had subjected himself to such life-changing moments, including the arrival of Aries and his aunt's death. Ichijo looked towards the center of the lily pad garden's pond and remained still. "Never…" He began. "Never punish yourself… for something that you didn't do. And even if you did… never do it anyway."

"What do you mean, dad?" Ryo asked.

"I mean…" Ichijo shifted his gaze onto his son. "There are some things in this world that just aren't fair. There are bad people out there who want to do harm. But the good part is that not everyone is bad. When the world isn't happy with you, and you're not happy with the world… just move on. Take one step at a time. Because I'm sure that out of all those times when you're not happy, there'll be something to cheer you up no matter how down you are."

"But what about Auntie-"

"Your aunt was my role model, and she lived as happy as she could be. She was a carefree star that only knew how to give rather than receive. She may have passed, but at least she smiled before she did. That proves how happy she was. Even though she may be gone… you can't lose hope, you understand me, Ryo? If anyone of us passes away, we have to be ready to face reality. Face it… and grow stronger. Because even though they've passed… a part of them will always remain in your heart, just like Auntie Nakai will always be a part of us."

Ichijo patted Ryo's black hair once more before standing up. He moved towards the entrance while Ryo thought twice about his words. However, he wanted clarification for one more problem.

"Dad!" Ryo called once more.

Ichijo turned around without another word to face his son.

"But if they're gone… what will I have left?" Ryo asked.

Ichijo smiled. "Hope, son. You still have hope," He said. "Because nothing's ever over as long as we're alive."

As Ichijo reunited with Hina, his wife, Ryo laid down in the grass to gaze at the tricolor afternoon skies. Even though today's funeral had been a plague filled with suffering and misery, Ryo learned the concept of moving on, and that was to be hopeful regardless of any situation. To stick to morals, to find shelter, and to stick with his principles were all filled with hope. For any other to perish, Ryo thought, it mattered that he was alive.

Ryo closed his eyes and opened them once more, reawakening in the present after slumbering soundly. His enraged personality from last night's battle had waned and calmed down. His injuries were fully healed and restored to normal from Nana's expert healing technology. Although light bruises were still present on Ryo's face, his face was no longer disfigured.

He slipped his blanket away from his body and placed his feet on the cold wooden floors. He clutched his hands together and thought about his father's words, believing that he had appeared as some sort of cosmic messenger from the past informing him of his prior actions. Even if Sumire had perished, Ryo was still alive and the last member of his generation who still strived for freedom from guilt. And even if Sumire had perished, there was one thought that crept up in Ryo's mind that eventually engulfed his mind into a hopeful state.

He denied her death. His sister couldn't have died right there in then without fulfilling her hopes and dreams. He knew his sister was too passionate and stronghearted to die based on her spontaneous and heroic behavior. As the mental image of Sumire surviving filled his mind and heart to the brim with hope, Ryo remembered exactly what his father told him the day his aunt had died. And he was right.

From last night, Ryo knew he had hurt many people, including Naoto, Jinni, Nana, and himself. He wasn't sure if Claude had received the news of Sumire's disappearance and possible death, but he guessed that it was possible that he was informed. The person who had been hurt the most was Natia, however. His outburst of uncontrollable emotions only crushed his reputation to the bone and served as evidence for his indifference to Natia in the first place. Their most recent connections had been satisfying and fulfilling for both of them. Ryo learned more about Natia's thoughts more than anyone, he said to himself. And for him to toss that out and act as if he cared no longer crushed her heart.

He knew he had to apologize.

His door opened, revealing the shadowy silhouette of Naoto who had arrived to inspect Ryo's health and manners. It was early morning, and the faint light from the early sun reflected upon Naoto's figure to cast a shadow outside of the room. He stepped forward and tightened a red and black striped tie, revealing a light navy blue suit combination. His formality made Ryo ponder what the occasion was, considering he had just been rescued from Lucia's forces and the plight of the Melody Dragon.

As he stepped forward, Ryo opened his mouth to speak. "Naoto. I wanted to apologize for my behavior last night." Ryo began.

"There's no need," Naoto replied immediately, sitting by his side with a calm expression. After the experience of being kidnapped, rescued, and losing someone that he loved dearly, Naoto seemed to be even more mature than usual based on the tone of his deep and refined voice. "I felt the same way as you. Losing Sumire was just as devastating as I thought it would be. But now, we have no other option but to move on."

"And Jinni?" Ryo asked, concerned about her after she sacrificed her sanity to defend him from Natia.

"Resting as we speak," Naoto said. "She needs time to recover after what happened last night. I hope you understand. I've already talked to her about everything. She's up to date."

"I'll talk to her later then," Ryo said, still concerned about her. She was one of the only ones who appreciated Ryo and stood up for him. "I need to apologize to her."

"She'll be fine for now," Naoto said, standing up from Ryo's bed. He moved towards his desk and placed two unidentified objects sealed in bags on it. "But I need you to pack your equipment and grab a spare nanosuit. We're going to visit someone."

"Who?" Ryo asked, remaining still. "And what are those things on the table?"

Naoto held up the first unidentified object sealed in the bag, holding it from the top. The bag had multiple dented bullets placed inside the bag with a blue piece of tape labeled "E1" taped on top. "I visited Bellastraza after you went to bed last night. It was late, and I figured that I should have, considering how we barely made it out. Some of the officers investigating the scene retrieved some of the bullets that the sniper fired at us. And after some clear analysis, I found out something interesting."

"What is it?" Ryo asked.

"Well, if you take a look at this other bag…" Naoto retrieved the second bag labeled "E2," revealing a shard of translucent metal placed inside with an unidentified leather scrap inside. "It's part of an ancient alloy from the bullets and was manufactured ages ago. And after scanning this leather scrap, I've come to the conclusion there's a link between these three items, and the scrap startled me for a bit."

"Why?" Ryo asked.

"The scrap came from the Asahikawa Yakuza," Naoto concluded. "Does that mean anything to you?"

Ryo blasted off of his bed and looked at the evidence with extreme caution. "Yeah. It does." His voice panicked, realizing that his past history had caught up to him. The possibility of the marksman being Sezan nearly made him vomit after thinking of him. "Did you really find a match?"

"That's right," Naoto said. "Sumire's incident had to do with the same Yakuza clan you were in," Naoto grabbed both bags of evidence, straightened his tie, and made way towards the entrance to the door. "Grab your things. We're going back to Asahikawa to visit someone close to me."

Ryo swallowed a large portion of his guilt down, believing he was about to confront his past demons after they were responsible for his sister's presumed death. If they had anything to do with it, Ryo believed that they deserved justice and that they were both responsible for the incident. Ryo wanted to hold the situation accountable and uncover the truth behind it all. "Okay. Who are we seeing?" Ryo asked, standing up and dressing into a black medium-sized T-shirt with a flamboyant tiger logo on it.

"This'll be a challenge for the both of us," Naoto said, peeking down at his feet in embarrassment. "I can't believe I'm saying this, but we're going to visit Sophie. That name rings a bell to you, right?"

"Yeah," Ryo said, remembering her childhood face, criticizing voice, and protective personality. She was one of the main catalysts to Ryo's traumatic demise. He knew he would have to face her sooner or later, and stalling for time wouldn't make it any better. It was now or never, he thought. "It does. But why her?"

"She knows some people in Japan that'll help us track them down," Naoto said. "She has an interesting job. You'll see."

"Okay," Ryo said, inhaling a deep breath. "I'm willing to do this. For Sumire." For Ash and Sophie herself too, he lastly thought.

Naoto nodded and placed on two blue latex large gloves. "I know this is going to be hard for you. We're going back to your roots to solve this problem. Right now, we don't need to worry about Lucia and the Melody Dragon. She won't purge Aries just yet. Not until Genesis reveals itself. But if we can find a connection between the Asahikawa Yakuza and Genesis, then maybe Lucia will back down."

"It's a shot in the dark," Ryo said, having faith in Naoto's link. "If this is what it has to come to, then I support it."

"All right then," Naoto nodded in confidence. "Our next stop is the transportation system in Virgo. Let's move."

Ryo followed Naoto out to the upstairs hallway. But before he moved down the stairs with him, he turned his head to see Natia's door locked completely. His eyes drooped down in worry, but after Naoto debriefed their mission, Ryo believed it was for the best that he leave her alone after what he had done.

Little did he know that the door was slightly open, and Natia would be looking out at him from a distance.