
15.3 p͏a͏t͏r͏e͏o͏n͏.c͏o͏m͏/S͏t͏r͏a͏t͏o͏t͏h͏r͏a͏x͏A͏f͏t͏e͏r͏D͏a͏r͏k͏

Little breathy mewling sounds came from around the fox girl's paws as her hips rocked violently side to side in desperate squirmy wiggling motions.

The elf finally took notice of where Rina was looking and turned to see Vivi. Vivi whipped her paws to her side and stood up straight, trying to plaster the most innocent look that she could manage on her face. Ellaria narrowed her eyes at the sweating vulpine, who was avoiding looking the elf in the eyes.

After a moment she turned back to the lamia. "Hmm. Anyway, what do you think, miss, ah, Rina?"

"...uh, yes?"

"Excellent. I'm sure our work will be agreeable."

Rina blinked at the elf, having trouble getting past what the fox girl had done with the adventurer's plate.

"...I- I suppose I do owe the centaur-"


"I suppose I do owe Fey for helping Zal when she was in need. Uh, I can get off her now huh."

The still slightly distracted lamia began shifting and moving her tail, uncoiling it from around the soft giving mass that was the tummy of the dogkin. She slipped from around the dogkin's body, her scales shifting against Zal's bare skin eliciting a soft whimper. She managed to carefully unwind herself and her tail pulled from beneath, fully revealing Zal laying atop her own belly, her cunt still firmly clamped around Fey's dick.

Zal was a five foot three labrador dogkin, her long golden blonde hair set in wavy spirals, topped by a pair of cute floppy labrador ears which matched her hair in colour. Her body was on the thick and curvy side, her broad hips flaring out below her heavyset chest which was currently being pushed up by her enormous belly. A little above her rotund rear poked a big fluffy golden tail that waved back and worth happily, the floof along its length swaying with the motion. Contrasting with her golden locks her irises were a baby blue framed by golden eyelashes and eyebrows.

"Y-you c-can stay, uhm, if you l-like," murmured Zal softly, glancing up at Fey.

Fey bit her lip. "Sorry but I need to pull out, maybe next time?"

The dogkin let out a little soft whimper of neediness in reply.

Fey set her hooves and backed up, turning and sliding her hips with the motion. With a long wet SCHLUUURPP her length was eased from the dogkin's pussy which desperately held on to her trying to prevent her from leaving but could not resist Fey's overwhelming strength. The cock head ripped free with a wet schlucking queef, her gaped cunt twitching at the air as thin squirts of white repeatedly spurted from within as her womb entrance desperately held back the huge lake of cum inside of her. The dogkin gasped, her eyelids fluttering as her fingers grasped at her soft and giving belly.

Fey's cock swung side to side, a few last spurts of cum that had been trapped in the length writing long white lines of white over the smooth curve of Zal's belly.

Rina stared at what had been done to her friend, she looked like a heavily pregnant woman except with a pregnancy ten times larger than normal. She would have been worried about her friend's discomfort except for the fact that the dogkin's fluffy golden tail was furiously and happily wagging back and forth.

"Bloody hell Fey, you meet a new person and five minutes later you've turned them into a drooling cum dumpster."

Rina turned hearing a new voice, then looked up noticing a shadow on the ground. At first she wasn't quite sure what she was looking at, then she realised the huge sphere that was floating down from the treetops was a larger version of what had been done to Zal. Her eyes widened in shock, and then further widened as she realised another cum filled person was riding the first person.

"...What the f-"

"This is our resident psychokinetic, she can lift heavy objects on command. Quite useful to a caravaneer I suspect."

Rina was starting to wonder if this was some sort of dream or that perhaps she was simply hallucinating.

"It's rude to stare, you know, just because I'm really big and awesome and great doesn't mean I'm your designating eyeball rest stop," said Flora.

"S-sorry," said the lamia, "It's just… I'm a little overwhelmed."

"Quite standard, don't worry you'll get used to it soon enough. Flora here will be the one to move Fey's, ah, patient."

Rina vaguely nodded in agreement, at a loss about what else to do. She watched with a sense of detachment as Zal suddenly floated up into the air, the gnome floating above letting out a grunt of effort as she lifted her fists skyward at the same time.

"Uhm… I guess I can give you a place to sleep with our caravan's camp?" said Rina.

"Yes, that would be most helpful."