
17.3 p͏a͏t͏r͏e͏o͏n͏.c͏o͏m͏/S͏t͏r͏a͏t͏o͏t͏h͏r͏a͏x͏A͏f͏t͏e͏r͏D͏a͏r͏k͏

"No buts, I'm going to make you and Fey okay again and there's nothing you can do to stop me. You're going to forget all this being upset from being saved from certain death and instead be good, in fact better than good, you're gonna fuck. Fuck until you love each other!"


Ellaria had taken a step back as Flora drifted forward, her finger accusing, berating her captain, fury in her eyes.

"You're going to get reamed on a horse dick Ella, fucked silly until you can't move anymore, until you're legs ache and your insides are warm and gooey with her piping hot spunt stretching you out. I know you want it, you really really want it, deep down."

The elf's face turned a little pink hearing that and the tips of her pointed ears reddened. She stared at the gnome's pointing finger. A strange conflicted look crossed her face for a moment. She opened her mouth to speak, then closed it again, clicking her teeth shut. Then she abruptly turned on her heel and strode away into the woods, her arms down and her fists at her sides.

Fey made to follow after her, the little fire starter still held up in her hand ready to give her gift to the elf at least, that- that would make things better somehow right? She stepped forward and a wall of fire roared to life in her path blocking her way. She could only watch as Ellaria disappeared into the forest and out of view.

The hand holding the fire starter slowly lowered.

Flora drifted to her side.

"...She'll be fine, she just needs time to process. Don't worry, I've known her longer than you have, she has her times when she is down and in the hole, but she eventually gets better and comes roaring back, like a fire that's been damped down finding new fuel."

Fey sighed. She honestly wasn't sure if the gnome's particular style of forceful diplomacy had made things better or worse, it at least seemed to have punctured the self-pity bubble the elf had isolated herself in, if only for a moment.

She glanced down at the gnome. She was just floating there, her breasts actively leaking. In fact as she looked little flecks of white could be seen sputtering from her nipples, the cloth of her blouse so soaked through that it was practically transparent, the white cloth tinted pink over her teets where they showed through.

Her gaze then lowered to the gnome's spherical belly, it wasn't anywhere near as large as before, but a still impressive smooth skinned roughly four foot orb hanging from her abdomen and drooping over her shorts and legs, The fact that it had increased in size slightly was… concerning.

Flora caught her looking and grimaced.

"Yeah, it's probably a problem. That thing about species not being able to breed with other different species? Well, I think you might possibly maybe have broken that rule."

"… it's just… impossible…. I can't really believe it, I… impregnated you? It's hard to grasp, I've been putting it out of mind, pretending it didn't happen to be honest."

"You know you are a healer Fey, surely you dealt with pregnancy stuff back home with your clan?"

Fey shook her head.

"No, I left before I was qualified to do anything like that."

"Still, you must have some understanding of this, maybe, maybe you can at least stop this." She glared at her chest and then grabbed at it. That proved to be a mistake as milk exploded from her nipple gushing around her grabbing hand causing her to let out a breathy moan. "Holy fuck it's so sensitive, Fey can you turn this off or something? I can't be leaking milk everywhere while fighting monsters! Or having a goddamned micro orgasm any time something brushes up against me!"

Fey bit her lip. "Maybe, I- I suppose I can look at least."

"Great! I've really had enough of leaking everywhere," said Flora with a grin.

"But, uhm, not out here, said Fey looking around. Let's go somewhere private."

"Oh, yeah, obviously, come on I know the perfect tent."

The gnome moved away from Fey and the centaur trotted after her. It wasn't long before they came to a huge multi-roomed tent that was devoid of people. Inside of the tent were crates and shelves and racks of clothes from floor to canvas ceiling, the vast stock of the caravan on display.

The pair wandered between the shelves until they found a spot that was more or less private.

Flora dropped herself down on a table and Fey noticed that Flora's duffel bags were nearby, the ones she had used while shopping when they had first arrived in town.

"You sleep here?"

Well yeah, it's way better than those crappy little tents they were handing out, there's actually room to stand here. I need space you know, I might not be big and awesome anymore, but I am still small and awesome and I need my space."