
22.3 p͏a͏t͏r͏e͏o͏n͏.c͏o͏m͏/S͏t͏r͏a͏t͏o͏t͏h͏r͏a͏x͏A͏f͏t͏e͏r͏D͏a͏r͏k͏

Ellaria rolled her eyes. "That's enough Flora, I'm sure it's fine. However, I would still want to hear the details before we agree to anything. If you would?"

Astrid nodded. "For a few weeks a number of villages up in the hills have been repeatedly attacked, villagers dragged off into the night never to be seen again, the situation is… not good. They can't defend themselves or stop what's being done to them, they are essentaily helpless."

"Villages?" said Vivi tapping a claw on the table. She was sat with her legs spread, her rounded stomach bulging over the tabletop. Since the band had come to be aware of Wummy the slime seemed a lot more comfortable around them and the surface of her belly was shifting and moving with the slime's tentacles, more, a tentacle was visible sticking up beside the vulpine, its tip wrapped around the handle of a tankard. Vivi lazily leaned her head to the side and opened her mouth and the tentacle lifted the tankard to her lips where she sipped at it. "Villages don't usually pay 'extremely well', I know from long experience before I joined Magic Mog".

"Er, yes that's the thing, this isn't a job from the villages, or even the AG."

"Then who is it from? A generous noble? Intercity caravaneers?"

"Mmm, perhaps it would be better to hear it from my band The Hammer Horns, or more specifically my captain, Braddox, since they've just arrived," said Astrid as a group of minotaurs stomped through the main doors.

"Astrid? Where have you been? We've been looking for you you know." came a deep bass voice like rich planed oak.

Fey glanced at Vivi but the tentacle had already disappeared from sight. She turned her head to find an extremely large and muscular minotaur, the minotaur who had originally first spoken to them after Wummy had flung Vivi's wetness over them.

"Hey captain, I got caught in the confusion earlier and ended up getting involved in a small job with this band, nothing, uh, too crazy, but I think I have something here, something we've been looking for."

Braddox looked over the members of Magic Mog, a measuring look in his eye. His brow rose when he caught sight of Vivi's heavily pregnant looking belly and Flora's lesser pregnancy.

"You did a job with two pregnant girls?"

"Er, yes it's not quite how it seems. I think they may be the ones."

"But they're pregnant!" said a skinnier black furred minotaur to his side wearing highly polished silver armour.

"S-sorta? It didn't matter, I saw them fight, I would be willing to bet if the last three teams we teamed up with were to fight Magic Mog here Magic Mog would win, and not by a small margin."

Braddox grumbled thoughtfully and ran his thick fingers along his jaw.

"I would like to hear what it is exactly this job entails, there is no guarantee that we choose to work with you on this," interjected Ellaria.

Braddox paused and looked her way. "It's… a problematic and rare type of monster."

Ellaria folded her arms. "How problematic?"

"Hmm… How to explain... Well, let me tell you something of where these monsters came from first. They originally started to appear about four hundred years ago. At first no one knew where they had come from, it was only later that there was a huge scandal amongst the dragon nobility, such a scandal that they couldn't keep a lid on it and the secret leaked."

"D-dragons?" said Fey, images of the Bine's dragoness, Lady Alexandria, suddenly coming to mind.

"Yes. One dragon, a particularly… randy... red dragon, decided to have an orgy, an orgy with dozens of female Kobolds. They did the deed and by some billion to one fluke of nature those Kobolds became pregnant unbeknownst to anyone."

"Ah," said Ellaria, "I believe I have read about the monsters you are referring too."

"But interspecies breeding is supposed to be impossible!"

"Yes, normally it would be, but what dragons are extremely unwilling to admit is that dragons and kobolds are distantly related which is what allowed this to happen."

"Okay, so ages ago some horny dragon fucked a dozen kobolds full of kids, what's it to us?"

"What the kobolds then gave birth to. A new species of monster. They call it a Kobogon after its accidental creators."

"I'm not sure I'm liking where this is going. What are these… Kobogons like?"

"Imagine a dragon in humanoid form but much smaller, around human sized, and lithe, skinny, slender, a pair of very small wings sticking from their backs which despite being small still allows them to fly, they are also incredibly spiteful creatures, as a rule."


"And they are all every one of them able to use magic."

"Yup, there's the catch," said Flora, starting her third ale.

"Interesting. No wonder it pays well. The commissioner?" said Ellaria.

Braddox nodded. "Pays extremely well, and the reason it does so is because the commissioner is the lady of the city, Lady Alexandria."

Fey who had been lifting her beer to sip at it choked and spluttered hearing that and had to take a moment to recover herself. She really did not want anything to do with that dragoness, she preferred not being forcibly drafted into the military if she could possibly help it thank you very much.

"It's because they feel guilty for one of their number creating them, the dragons are all secretly perverts, sinners," said the silver armoured minotaur, a slightly fervent look in his eye.

Braddox gestured dismissively. "Possibly feel guilty, those dragons who were alive back then are still alive now. In any case, they created dragon law that banned them from breeding with Kobolds and now they frequently commission extermination jobs for whenever Kobogons are found."