
22.5 p͏a͏t͏r͏e͏o͏n͏.c͏o͏m͏/S͏t͏r͏a͏t͏o͏t͏h͏r͏a͏x͏A͏f͏t͏e͏r͏D͏a͏r͏k͏

They were slowed however by Averys having a minor religious meltdown when Fey stood up and revealed her throbbing three foot horse dick for all to see. Fey was impressed with just how bloodshot with outrage the minotaur's eyes had become. It took ten minutes of arguing for things to be sorted out, the minotaurs were eventually convinced that Fey had a medical condition and that it wasn't her fault which forced Averys to accept that this was happening on moral grounds.

"Are you going to discriminate against a victim? Come on, grow up, it's only a little dick," said Flora as Averys spluttered.

"Rather a lot of dick actually," muttered Astrid.

They made their way to the edge of the city and were working their way through the guards when the messenger returned with two envelopes. Vivi blinked as she took them in paw.

"That was fast, I guess they really had something urgent to say after receiving my drawings."

She flicked open the first envelope and pulled out a piece of paper. It was darkened with splotches of wet and some kind of fluid dripped from it. On it was simply written: 'Make me bigger Fey and you can stay anytime." And below it a heart had been scrawled with a tiger's tail at its bottom.

"Erhm," said Fey looking down at the paper, "At-atleast it isn't t-too graphic… What is this wetness?"

Vivi flipped open the other note and a small rivulet of clear fluids poured from the envelope to puddle on the ground, the paper had apparently been well waterproofed, a wise precaution as it seemed the lamia had enjoyed Vivi's drawings rather a lot. The fox girl pulled out the note between index and thumb.

"It's, uh, some kind of story, with a healer and her nurse. I'm not sure about her writing ability though, It's hmm, very bad, although I see the... enthusiasm? I think this might be a yes?"

Flora levitated the paper out of Vivi's paws.

"Thy healer's voluptuous testicles hung between her monolithic cubic thighs, near purpled and blacked with their need to masculinely dig up and plant thy seed in thee innocent nurse's fertile field with the fruits of a bountiful spring harvest, pumpkins and wheat, the seeds of her- oh my god this is the worst thing I have ever read."

"P-please stop Flora! That's private!"

The gnome's gaze ran down the page, reading silently, her face paling until with shaking hands the paper fell from her grip and floated away in the breeze. Lily caught it out of the air.

"I didn't think writing could make me feel this way," said Flora floating away in a dazed state.

"Rina's husband is going to hate me after all this," groaned Fey.

"Possibly. Although lamia's kind of have a reputation for uh, you know, so he might have known what he was getting into," said Vivi.

"You think?"

The vulpine shrugged.

Lily held the paper close, her eyes scanning intently, her expression progressing through a mix of alarm and then horror. At last, she looked up, her eyes distant, glazed.

"I regret learning to read."

The paper slipped from her hands and Lily stared off into the distance, wondering what the meaning of life really was.


Soon they were beyond the massive city gates and heading out deep into the hills surrounding the city, the two bands slowly familiarizing themselves as they walked, including Kayla who had finally been noticed, or rather, the small sphere of white that floated where Kayla was. The minotaurs had assumed it was some kind of magical device belonging to Lily at first so were understandably shocked when the orb began to speak.

They put down camp for the night in the woods, the minotaurs quickly throwing together a fire. They efficiently began cooking, skewering vegetables, throwing down pots and pans, simmering and frying. Magic Mog looked on in amazement as the minotaurs worked together like a smoothly oiled machine.

Flora stared then became concerned, then worried. "This is all really impressive guys, but… where's the meat?"


"Oh no don't say it, don't you dare!"

"Minotaurs don't eat meat girl, only vegetables like the gods intended."

Flora let out a long groan and flopped on her back, her massively swollen and expansive breasts rolling wildly across her chest, her blouse becoming freshly wetted with milk at the motion.

"Uhm, I don't mind, I quite like when there's no meat actually," said Fey, raising her hand hesitantly.

Flora glared at her with one eyelid cracked. "Well you would, you're part horse, you'd probably start eating the damned grass on the side of the road given half a chance."

"I- I would not! I would never! That only happened one time okay! I- I didn't know- s-stop harassing meeee!"

The flustered centaur shuffled where she sat. She was lying with her horse part on the ground, turned to the side so her under barrel was facing the fire, the heat pleasantly warming her erect length. This was incredibly distracting for the three female minotaurs who were having difficulty focusing on anything that wasn't Fey.

Still, despite the distractions, It didn't take long for the food to be set to cook and the bands were left waiting, chatting in comfortable warmth the fire created.

A pair of legs appeared beside Fey and she turned and looked up to see a beige furred minotaur looking down from above her impressive bust. It was one of the three female minotaurs, the one with a still slightly puffy eye from where Astrid had punched her when they had fought over Fey. She, like the others, wore a blouse and corset, a choker around her neck with a large blue sapphire set in the middle.

"H-Hi, Baerinda, do you want something?"

The minotaur ran her eyes all over Fey's body, pausing to take in her throbbing length resting against the ground by her barrel. She bit her lip.

"I'm sorry, but I just can't wait anymore."

"Wait, Wh-what are you suggesting? Are you-? I- No- and anyway there are people here, we're surrounded by our bandmates!" she squeaked out.