
27.2 p͏a͏t͏r͏e͏o͏n͏.c͏o͏m͏/S͏t͏r͏a͏t͏o͏t͏h͏r͏a͏x͏A͏f͏t͏e͏r͏D͏a͏r͏k͏

Ellaria left her with the last of her toast, standing and wiping her hands on the table cloth.

"Time we were off. I don't know how many ranges we will have to try before we find somewhere willing to deal with our request."

Rina made mildly grumpy noises as Fey unwound herself from the lamia, pulling free until Rina's tail slipped from her pussy leaving a trail of wet over the top of her balls.

She paused as she was about to leave through the doors and turned. Lily was still there, patting her slightly rounded stomach, She let out a rather unladylike belch causing the teddy bear to hold up a paw to its face in disgust.

"Are you not coming Lily?"

"Unless you are going to the dungeon now, no. I agreed to meet Tami and practice our Class abilities together. I want to get stronger, much stronger so I'm actually a little bit helpful when we do actually go to a dungeon."

"The teddy bear is a new Skill right? Wait, isn't Tami still…"

"Mhmm! I leveled up again, and yes, but that's okay, I can just climb on top of her tummy."

"Practice is good, we'll be back later, perhaps I'll do a test for you Lily," said Ellaria over her shoulder.

This seemed to please the otterkin.

Fey waved at her and Rina and turned to go.

And immediately walked into a massive invisible thing. She cried out as she fell on it, the thing making a cry of its own. Stumbling then holding herself up against the soft warm surface she managed to catch her balance

"K-Kayla?! You were here the whole time?!"

"Y-yes I'm sorry!"

Fey had to wonder if Kayla's continued invisibility was starting to be a much larger problem than she had realised. It almost seemed like the otterkin's personality was shifting, becoming more withdrawn and shy. Which was jarring as Kayla had been the boisterous one of the twins while Lily was the shy one when they had first met. Now it seemed that Lily was becoming more and more confident and powerful and assertive, while Kayla was becoming the opposite, like their personalities were slowly switching places.

She sighed as Flora lifted Kayla into the air. Maybe she wasn't the only one with a magical malady that needed urgent treatment.


They travelled into the city away from the mansion, unfortunately while drawing a lot of attention as the combination of two insanely pregnant people along with a large centaur sporting a throbbing erection tended to do.

But fortunately it didn't take long for Ellaria to find what she was looking for, a shop, and they only had an entourage of a dozen girls by the time they reached it. Flora plucked a halfling who was clinging to Fey's dick free and placed her on the nearest rooftop. The rest seemed to take the hint after that and scuttled back in fright.

They entered into the shop with only a couple of girls peering through the window. Vivi had to squeeze her belly up to fit and even then it was a near thing. Flora couldn't enter at all, she was too big. Instead she disappeared over the roof of the shop in a huff.

Inside Fey found, well, a lot of arrows, a lot of string, and a lot of bows. She realised that Ellaria had taken them to some kind of bow and arrow shop.

"Ella why are we in a bow and arrow shop?"

"Bow and arrow shop is a rather crude way to put it," said a voice, "Archery Emporium is the preferred term, Melly's Archery Emporium more accurately, and we do champion accuracy here."

Fey turned to find a woman, though on second glance not quite. Like the otterkins she appeared human but with differences, more specifically the large curving pair of cow horns sticking from the top of her wavy blonde hair along with a pair of floppy cow ears sticking out the sides, her body was curvy with flaring hips and thick heavy thighs. Perhaps most noticeable however was her staggering breast size that was near bursting out of her blouse and could genuinely give Vivi's pregnant size a run for her money, feet and feet of smooth soft breast flesh. Really the amount of cleavage this woman had was enough to lose limbs in, and she seemed to know it with the way she flaunted herself, a small pleased smile crossing her face as she noticed Fey staring.

"H-hi? I'm Fey."

"Melly, as you might have guessed. I appreciate seeing a centaur, can't say we see many of your kind around these parts… and an elf," she hesitated on Ellaria before moving on, "and a… pregnant vulpine?"

"Yup, I'm preggers and ready to pop!" said Vivi slapping her belly with a grin.

Melly eyed the sheer size of Vivi's pregnancy that hung down nearly to her knees.

"Vulpines have… m-much larger litters than I realised…"

"Please miss Melly, call me Ellaria. I'll keep my request simple, do you possess one hundred and fifty winch crossbows and about, hmm, let's say five thousand crossbow bolts?"

Melly blinked at her, taking a moment to compose a reply to the unexpected request. "I do happen to have that funnily enough, I just got this year's stock in from the far north archipelagos. But, er, you want all of them? Are you arming a battalion miss Ellaria?

"No, this will be for personal use, one person's use more specifically."

"I'm not sure I believe that, are you pulling my leg?"

"Well, you do have a range out back correct? That is primarily the reason I came here, to test a proof of concept."

"I do." She gave Ellaria a funny look. "Fine, I can't say business has been as brisk as I would like as of late, I can set aside some time to see this apparent marvel of someone personally using one hundred and fifty crossbows. Adventurers are a source of entertainment if anything I'll admit, never mind the chaos."

Fey watched the shopkeep bustle by, a set of cowkin eyes carefully checking over her dick before moving on. The fact that she did move on suggested to Fey that whatever this cowkin species was they were one of the species who seemed less interested in jumping her bones on first sight. Strangely she also seemed very unimpressed with Ellaria's astounding beauty, although she wasn't quite sure why that was.

She blinked as Ellaria walked to the door at the back.

"Come on, let's go find the range."

Still not quite sure where all this was going she trotted after her, Vivi bringing up the rear, with difficulty, but still managing incredibly well all considering. In fact Fey was sure there was something else going on with the fox girl so as they emerged into the outside air she slowed and waited for her to catch up.

"Uhm, Vivi, how is it exactly that you aren't falling over?"

Vivi glanced up at her, huffing slightly as her arms were wrapped around the sides of her belly.

"It's the clothes isn't it."

Fey blinked. It was true that Vivi had gotten new clothes from somewhere, some rather eccentric clothes. A pair of baggy trousers, a skirt that went halfway down her thigh on top, and an off the shoulder top, which appeared to be made of some kind of semi transparent cloth which barely reached to her taped nipples leaving everything below exposed.

A skirt and trousers? Furrowing her brow she looked closer, the fabric appeared to be… moving? A glossy white tentacle suddenly slipped from the hem and waved up at her, more slipping from beneath her preggers belly, sliding up the sides, cradling the enormous thing.

"It's Wummy, she's wrapped and spiralled all over me under my clothing helping me lift. Honestly combined with my awesome warrior strength carrying all these eggs are a breeze, I could get way way bigger no problem. Although doors are kinda a pain now, I'd hate to end up stuck outside half the time like Flora."

"Oih, It's not my fault I'm being discriminated against for being door challenged. People should build bigger, like Rina's mansion. Everywhere should be like Rina's mansion."

Fey looked up to see Flora descending out of the air. The yard they were in was large and spacious and had been set up as a combat archery range, meaning timbers and walls and targets and trees designed to emulate fighting monsters in the wild. Some of the targets even had crudely drawn goblin faces on them.

"I still don't want to do this Ella," said Flora coming to a stop a few feet above the ground.

"Tough… Although you should probably be ready to heal her Fey, just in case. Expect lots and lots of blood if things do go wrong, pints of the stuff."

"Oh my gods you aren't doing much for my nerves you bloody… captain." she muttered, catching herself before she cussed her out.

Behind them Melly emerged, wheeling a crate in front of her. She nearly tripped over the crate when she caught sight of Flora and it took some quick explanations from Ellaria to explain that yes that she was actually that pregnant and yes she could fly.

After calming down Melly disappeared back inside and began wheeling out more crates.

As that was happening Ellaria opened the first crate and pulled out a very plain and simply constructed windlass crossbow. Not that plain and simple meant a small crossbow, these were windlass crossbows after all, that is a large crossbow with a winch at the back used to draw the very very heavy draw weight.

Ellaria sighted down it and inspected it with care.

"This is good work."

"Of course it is, I get good stuff," said Melly shoving a barrel she had rolled out aside with her foot. "Now you better show me something worth seeing or I am going to be thoroughly annoyed with you."

"Quite. Flora."

Flora let out an exasperated sigh and placed her hands palm up, fingers spread, then raised them up.

The ten crates pulled apart, hay and wood drifting into the air, one hundred and fifty heavy crossbows sailing toward the gnome. Flora flicked her fingers, rolling her palms and the crossbows slid into lines, flowing around her in a trail, the lines forming longer ones, until the bows were spiralling around her hugely pregnant belly in a stack four high, each bow inches above the spiraled layer below. She flickered her hands at the air and then flipped her palms down. Every one of the crossbows turned until they were facing outwards with their stocks pointing toward her center.

Melly watched wide eyed as the two barrels lifted into the air too, floating up until they were resting just behind Flora's legs where she lay across her pregnancy.

"It would be best if we took a step back for this, in fact I think we should get inside, now, we should get inside right now."

Ellaria flapped her hands at the girls and after hesitating for a moment they stepped inside the doors of the shop, peering around them to see where Flora floated at the bottom of the range.

"I really don't like this Ella! It's not a good sign when the audience has to hide!" shouted Flora. "I feel like I am rather a larger target than last time too!"

"Are you ready?" shouted Ellaria back from behind the door.