
28.6 p͏a͏t͏r͏e͏o͏n͏.c͏o͏m͏/S͏t͏r͏a͏t͏o͏t͏h͏r͏a͏x͏A͏f͏t͏e͏r͏D͏a͏r͏k͏

"I don't care, just take us there." Ellaria shoved the dungeon note into the gushing mousekin's hands.

She turned back to find Vivi standing, stretching her limbs and cracking her knuckles, a tentacle using a napkin to dab at the chicken wing sauce on her lips.

"Are you ready? We're going right now if we are, I want to make good time," said Ellaria.

"A-actually there is something," said Lily. "Your Dimensional Bag captain."


"Ah, can you open it and hold it about this height of the ground?"

Ellaria tilted her head but then not seeing a reason not to did as Lily asked.

In front of her a small square grate moved on the wall, an iron rusty thing that something was apparently hitting from the other side. After a moment the grate failed and clanged to the ground with a scatter of rust flakes.

From this new dark hole in the wall a brown teddy bear with a red scarf strode.

"Hmm, ah yes your new bear gol….em…" Ellaria's voice failed to nothing as teddy bears and dolls surged from the hole in the wall, cramming through the square hole so quickly that they barely fit, The river of golems spotted the bag and dashed toward it, each throwing themselves inside one after the other, a non stop stream going from the wall to the bag, over a hundred of the things passed by until a serious looking cream teddy bear with an eyepatch and a kitchen knife appeared bringing up the rear. The cream teddy bear nodded at the scarf teddy bear and they looked back toward the hole. The Ellaria doll then stepped through, looked around, sniffed as though unimpressed, then strode toward the bag, stepping up inside with an elvish elegance. The two bears checked there were no immediate security risks in the vicinity and then followed her inside.

Ellaria stood slowly and turned to stare at the blushing otterkin.

"Yeah, so Vivi might have had a point about Fey's jizz affecting leveling speed," said Flora.


Octavia led them deep into the forest, the mouse girl making good progress leading them, clearly very used to hiking as she was able to keep ahead of the long stride of Fey and the ground-eating elvish steps of Ellaria.

Their journey took them deeper and deeper into the vast ancient forest west of Bine, a sea of green seemingly without end, pathless, truly a wild place that sapients did not travel for years at a time, a place where monsters and animals flourished unfettered, where no village or town had ever been built.

Monsters, in particular, were an annoyance. Unlike their animal counterpart which ran away on first sight the monsters actively stalked the band. Green furred panthers with six legs and flowing barbels haunted the treetops. More than once Flora had let out a shriek of surprise as one of the cat monsters launched itself at her from the shadows.

The monsters didn't stand a chance of course. She grabbed the cat monster with her kinesis and slammed it down to the ground where Vivi and Ellaria sliced and burned it to bits. Even Lily had a turn since Ellaria was interested in testing her. It did not go particularly well. Unsurprisingly an army of teddy bears and dolls was not a very effective weapon against a monstrous panther.

The band had looked on not sure if they should be shocked or entertained as the angry panther swiped and clawed at the swarm of golems trying to attack it. It was quite clear that the army was going to be slaughtered, the panther simply too strong and agile, that is until a certain cream coloured teddy bear cut away some of the panther's green fur and scampered away with it, transporting it to Lily's waiting hands, a crude rework of a cat doll shaped to be more like a green panther balanced on her chest. A moment later and she was furiously stabbing pins and needles into the panther doll and the actual panther's roars of rage turned into screams of confusion as pain rained down on it from all directions.

Lily continued on like this, tongue sticking out the side of her mouth as she even produced a hammer from somewhere and started beating the panther doll over the head with it.

The panther had had quite enough by that point and with a strangled cry of outrage it fled into the forest at a million miles an hour, vanishing from sight, its incredible pace causing it to quickly leave her range.

Lily's shoulders slumped, a glum expression on her face.

"Aw… And I tried so hard too…"

"Don't be sad, you passed the test Lily, I only expected you to be able to hold the monster in place, keeping it pinned for a time. That is extremely valuable in its own way in a fight as it means one less close range foe for me and Vivi to take care of in the immediate."

Lily instantly brightened up at this and quickly became smug about her victory.

It was getting dark when they decided to make camp for the night. Vivi chopped down a tree, quickly dicing it apart using her longsword. Flora levitated the branches and logs into a heap. And then Ellaria then set the whole thing ablaze creating a powerful radiant ward amongst the looming darkness of the ancient forest.

Octavia then stepped up, producing what appeared to be a full chef's set of pots and pans and knives and aprons and hats from her damaged Dimensional bag. She started having issues with the bag, random objects coming free as she tried to locate what she actually wanted.

Rope, a bowl of mouldy fruit, a large canvas sail, a pair of socks, a rope ladder, a regular ladder.

"Why on earth do you have all that?" asked Vivi, watching amused as the mousekin struggled with the stuff spilling from the bag.

A lantern, several books, a tent, another larger tent, another larger lantern.

"W-well I am a guide, I need to be prepared, or- or something."

Caltrops, a jar of acid, a mace, a bear trap, a chair.

Vivi raised an eyebrow questioningly at the sheer breadth of the stuff the mousekin had collected.

"I like to be prepared okay!"

At last, she managed to get control over the bag, frantically stuffing everything back inside. Apparently wanting to make up for her unprofessionalism she quickly turned to fire and began cooking, that is after a short argument about whether eating monster panther was a good idea or not. Soon they were eating and working out a watch schedule for the night.

Fey stealthily stepped away as the others talked and slipped into the wood. She had to do something private and alone, that is, use the toilet, she needed to go quite badly.

Keeping the light of the fire just visible between the trees she found a suitable spot and scuffed at the ground with her hooves, wiggling her hips, her balls swaying side to side, her still flaccid penis swaying.