
42.4 p͏a͏t͏r͏e͏o͏n͏.c͏o͏m͏/S͏t͏r͏a͏t͏o͏t͏h͏r͏a͏x͏A͏f͏t͏e͏r͏D͏a͏r͏k͏

"Please Lils," said Tami, "I'm begging you, as a friend, you know this needs to be done, it would be an injustice for Flora to get away with stealing from us without any karma at all, you would basically be a hero by helping us!"

"Uhm," said Lily again, floundering.

"P-please, I'm really asking you. Friends do this for each other, you know, help pleasure another friend until she is helpless, that's a totally normal friend thing in Bine."

"It- it is?"

"Yup. totally."

The Lily doll looked between the teenagers. Tami eager, and the other two trying not to look directly at her, but clearly hopeful that she would say yes.

She thought she should say no, but then, if it was just getting Flora off, well maybe the gnome would thank her afterwards, she really seemed to like getting off quite a lot.

"...I'll help, I suppose."

Tami grinned wickedly.

"I- I can supply you with the special layered plushies, you should be able to use them on Flora, that's your plan right?."

"Won't you need her hair for them to work?

If the doll could have blushed it appeared it would have. "I uh, already have a ton of Flora's hair. F-for safety reasons. I uhm, collect it while they sleep…"

"Wait, what do you mean by they?"

"I'm just being extra safe okay!?!" yelled the doll, crossing its arms in Lucy's arms.

Tami flipped her hair over her shoulder.

"It's fine Lils, nobody minds if you're creepily gathering hair from a few people while they sleep."

"A f-few, haha, y-yeah, just a f-few, b-barely anyone really haha."

"Whatever. Now where are the plushie things we need Lils? Look, Flora is winning!"


Fey was very strong, it was just, well, Flora was very strong too, and worse, while she only had the shifting soft surface of Flora's pregnant belly to hold herself up on Flora had unlimited perfect grip on her body, a continual enveloping pressure pushing her down.

She didn't want to fuck the gnome! she wanted to chase down the god damned Arch-Soulomancer!

Despite her desire not to do as the gnome girl wanted her loins had other ideas.

Her cock slapped loudly against her barrel, flesh smacking against flesh, and her balls growled and churned, visibly growing larger little by little, the surface becoming hard as they filled, the nearness of one of her broodmothers stirring them to life.

"It's too late Fey, He's already gone!"

Fey let out a groan of frustration. Worse, she partly agreed with her, the gryphon had been lightning fast.

Her hooves began to slide against the gnome's vastness as she gave up and was lowered, the massively gaped pussy of the gnome practically gasping at the air it was so desperate to be filled.

Her cock was quickly grasped by Flora's ability and angled down, the gnome's thighs spreading apart further as the needy broodmother readied to take her stallion breeder.

Despite knowing what was coming Fey couldn't help but let out a little gasp as Flora's incredible softness enclosed the tip of her cock, her pussy clamping down and trying to draw her in further. It undeniably felt amazing. Especially as the gnome seemed to have not only gained thicker thighs and larger breasts and more production but more musculature in her cunt to better receive horse cock too. Flora's body had adapted well to massive pregnancy.

The sheer amount of sloppy wetness slipping along her shaft as she slowly penetrated the broodmother was enough to make Fey tremble. Flora had truly become something else, something incredible.

The gnome girl's pussy sucked her further and further inside, her smooth pink cervix parting eagerly, the pink donut practically slurping on her cock as it took in more and more, drawing the centaur into Flora's vast and industrious womb.

The touch of something hard on her cock tip made Fey shudder. Eggs. Many many eggs. huge eggs that pressed against her cock, their indestructible shells pressing against her length in the most delicious way as she pushed them aside.

It just felt sooo right. Her broodmother needed more, more pregnancy, more eggs, more! More! She couldn't help but want to give it to her.

"Fucckkk," groaned Fey as she eased down until her entire cock was sheathed inside the gnome girl, her hips coming to rest on Flora's thighs as her barrel came down on her back, her human half resting in the cleavage of the gnome. It was as if the gnome was designed for her dick, shaped and moulded for her to mount. The sloppy flood of juices that came with hilting indicated her readiness, her body ripe and breedable, ready to be multi-impregnated with huge amounts of stallion seed.

Broodmothers were truly built for massive breeding.

Her hips began to thrust.


Down below a number of teddy bears had started appearing, making their way from inside the buildings of the estate or out from under bushes. Each of the teddy bears held a plushie above their heads, a loose approximation of Flora without her endless pregnancy.

One by one they began depositing the plushies by the teenagers' feet, building a small mound.

"Okay Tami, now what?"

Tami hesitantly picked up one of the plushies. She prodded at the colourful rubber pussy inserted up between its legs. The belly of the plushy was open and the blunt back end of the rubber sleeve protruded several inches from it, up to the plushies fabric breasts.

"Uh, well we're going to need help I think, that is if we're to have a hope of tipping her over into the loop." Tami pushed her hand inside the rubber pussy and held the plush up to show the others. "Flora here is probably like Lily and Vivi, they're experienced with extreme pleasure unlike we were, they didn't fall into the loop."


"Meaning that it's probably going to take a lot of these to have the same effect it did on us…"

The Lily doll in Lucy's arms let out a sigh. "I'll send more, but you're going to need something to actually thrust them on you know."

Tami looked hopefully at the Lily doll.

"And I suppose you want me to fetch that too?"

The three teenagers nodded their heads.

The doll set its lips in a line.

"Fine. I guess I can borrow some rubber from Vivi's warehouse-


"oops, uh, maybe I shouldn't have mentioned that."

"Like a warehouse just full of…"

"Yes, it's just like you think. She's going all out on this thing, she's even getting guidance from Rina on the commercial side of it. But… I'm not sure Fey even really knows what she's doing yet, not like this anyway." The doll scratched its cheek. "That's probably a bad thing right?"

"She's probably going to be pretty mad, yeah."

The group paused as they tried to imagine what an angry Fey would be like on discovering that rubber versions of her cock were being sold on a grand scale without her knowledge.

"You're lucky Fey is nice."

"Aheh, I guess," said the doll nervously.

As they spoke a pair of teddy bears emerged from under a bush, a huge horse dildo held on their shoulders like a piece of lumber, the pink rubber dipping in the middle it was so long.

Tami picked the thing up as it arrived, the three foot and three inches of horse cock flopping in her arms, too large to easily manage for the teenager. As she did so more bears carrying bright rubber horse cocks started to appear.

"Okay, so the plan is we get as many of these Flora plushies as we can going up and down on as many of these Fey cocks as we can, and then we make her head literally explode from orgasming too hard."

"Uh, I'm not sure that would happen Tami."

"Alright alright, no head exploding, just until she's turned into a dribbling cumming mess who can't tell up from down and we can do as we like to her."

She hesitated then waved at the bushes around them.

Ropes started to appear, huge ropes, the kind of ropes used on ships, hundreds of ropes with knotted ends ready to go to work.

Lily stared at the sheer number of them.

"I see I'm not the only one to have leveled up…"

Tami grinned. "Holding all that horse cum in me for so long had a pretty nice effect you know."

She flourished her hand and the ropes began grabbing up the plushies or snatching the dildos being carried by the many bears.

Tami concentrated as a three and a half foot long horse cock was held in front of her, a plushie of the hated Flora held above, ready to be plunged down.

She was about to do it, spearing the plushie on the dildo, when an Orc stumbled from the bushes tripped over the ropes and fell flat on her face.

The group of teenagers stared at the Orc.

She was a very large and muscular Orc and had a hatchet on her hip that looked like it had seen a lot of use, the edge chipped and worn. She wore rough short shorts exposing her bulging with muscle thighs, and a cropped blouse tied off under her breasts.

"Uhm, h-hello?" said Lucy.

The Orc flopped against the ground for a moment, then managed to sit up.

"Ow. Hey you know those ropes of yours are a real tripping hazard when you're stalking prey in the bushes."

"Uh, p-prey?"

The Orc rubbed her nose then gestured up at the great dome that rose above their heads.

"Maybe prey isn't the right word, mate might be more accurate. Orc women hunt their males you see, compete and hunt them for the strongest, the biggest, the most virile, and the largest down there if you know what I mean." She waggled her eyebrows suggestively. "Big is good yes?"

"you're talking about Fey, aren't you?"

The Orc grinned fiercely, flashing her tusks.

"It didn't take long for that newsletter about her to become popular because Orcs like more, always more of a good thing, and this centaur, she is more and more and more, so much more than any orc male. Even the most sought after male orc is like a puny waif in comparison to this mighty centaur."

"Yeeeeah I can kinda relate to that," muttered Sarah. "The boys at school don't even rate anymore, it's like not even the real deal. I tried, and I nearly fell asleep as the biggest boy I knew tried his best to do anything. Didn't even feel him in me to be honest and he had to tell me he'd cum and had finished up. So awks."

"Yah think that might have something to do with plugging yourself with giant horse dildos all day every day Sarah? I saw you walking around school trying to hide the bulge in your tummy under your blouse and sticking between your cleavage."

The bunnykin shrugged. "I felt empty okay, and hey! You were doing the exact same thing! You think no one in class noticed the giant puddle you left behind on your chair? and your skirt is so short when you bend over you can see the giant rubber base of the thing between your cheeks, panties really aren't enough to hide something that wide Ruby. Everyone saw it when the teacher asked you to the front of the class and you dropped the chalk, you flashed literally everyone!"

Ruby blushed, her cheeks going deep crimson with shame.

"You're lucky I've already spread the newsletter around to every girl in class, you wouldn't believe the number of sales I made later in the bathroom after they saw that in you. I literally ran out of mini Fey dildos. Turns out scalping is pretty lucrative."

"Y-you profited off me?!" squeaked Ruby.

"Hey, the lifesize dildos I need can be pretty expensive, I ran out of pocket money ages ago. A girls gotta do what a girls gotta do."

As Ruby fumed the orc's eyes alighted on the dildo being held up by Tami. She suddenly scrambled to her feet and the Tigerkin's eyes widened as she found herself dwarfed by the seven foot tall orc woman.

"I recognise that model from the newsletter. We even bought one, but none of us could fit the damned thing."

The Lily doll looked at the orc with alarm. "I should think not if you haven't touched Fey before. Gods, are people trying to take nearly full sized dildos without her gifted elasticity?"

The orc scratched her cheek. "Nah, it was just the novelty. We keep it over the bar currently, it gets used in brawls a lot, it's the weapon of choice. You know it's a good fight when the massive rubber horse cock comes down and some gets slapped around the head with it so hard they are knocked unconscious."