
44.3 p͏a͏t͏r͏e͏o͏n͏.c͏o͏m͏/S͏t͏r͏a͏t͏o͏t͏h͏r͏a͏x͏A͏f͏t͏e͏r͏D͏a͏r͏k͏


"I didn't want any of this! I just wanted to find my goddamned Arch-Soulomancer so he can tell me what is wrong with me!"

The enormous dragon head neared and Fey's hair billowed.

"Wrong with you? A defect in my brightest treasure?"

"Yes, actually… well, maybe. There's like this really really big dark thing and it's bigger than a planet! And erm, it may or may not be s-secret balls, uh, but maybe not, it could just be something else, uh… but it could be bad! Really bad! The Arch-Soulomancer ran away screaming!"

"Hrmm. Did this Arch-Soulomancer of yours perchance wear a gaudy purple robe and have a beard down to his knees?"


"I'm afraid you've been lied to. That idiot couldn't tell up from down. I mean what is this prattle he told you about planets and balls? No doubt he charged some exorbitant amount as he always does, the little weasel has a monopoly in Bine."

"It's not prattle! I've seen it! In the void! and he must have run screaming for a reason!"

"Yes, so that he could pocket the money without showing he is too incompetent to actually do anything. You were scammed. Clearly you are too naive to live independently in this world Fey, you are constantly being preyed on by those who would take advantage. It is much better now that you are mine."

"That m-might be true, but it doesn't change the fact that I've witnessed the big thing myself! and- and how else did I make you so big! I don't have balls that- okay I have pretty large balls sometimes, but still! you should be afraid! my- my thingy is very scary and you shouldn't want me and should leave me alone!"

The dragoness peered down at the centaur and narrowed her eyes. She then turned and looked down at her vast belly. It was very large. She looked back at the centaur. She was very small.

"Hmm. Perhaps there is some merit in understanding such a mystery. Very well."

"Very well?"

"Yes, I shall summon a real Arch-Soulomancer, one that isn't some idiot non-dragon, but one who actually knows what they are doing, a dragon from the dragon capital. I'm sure Excalivania won't mind me borrowing one of her relatives."

Fey twitched. "You're going to bring another dragon, to inspect me?"

"Yes, if this dark planet you speak of is dangerous we shall find out."

There was a certain something to be said for the offer, a guarantee to find out what was happening to her. But then, if she accepted, she somehow doubted she would ever be able to escape from the dragoness's clutches.

"But I'm sure it's fine," said Alexandria, waving a set of claws. "And you shall remain mine forever."

Fey needed a way to scare the dragoness, some way to make her not want her.

It was time to drop a bomb on the dragon's head.

"J-just so you know my cum m-makes other species pregnant. So..."

"What a silly idea, who told you such a thing?"

"No one, I know it's true because I've seen it!"

"Did you have a dream and forgot it wasn't real?"

"No! I have sex with a girl and then she gets pregnant, really really quickly! and then later, once she's full, she starts birthing lots and lots of eggs!"

Fey's hair was blown back from her head as the giant dragon head abruptly lowered down near her, so close she could reach out an arm and pat the dragoness's snout. Fey trembled in terror.

"What… What did you just say…"

"It h-happens really fast uh?"


"Uhm, eggs?"


"Y-yeah eggs! So if you don't want to be filled with so many eggs you can't move and lots of children, well… I suppose that already happened, and you are like mega preggers, but still if you don't want to get even more preggers like Flora then you should let me go! I'm not just a masturbation toy! A dildo can't impregnate you!"

The dragon stared at her as if she was insane.

"Eggs… How many eggs are we talking about…"

"Like so many! You wouldn't be able to handle it, just your womb heaving full and fat with hundreds and hundreds of eggs! Just look at Flora! She's helpless!"

The dragoness licked her lip.

"Who is this… Flora?"

"Uhm, the gnome who is big like you?"

The dragon frowned then to Fey's relief moved her head away from her. The dragoness turned to see the great sphere that was Flora, a belly as large as her own.

"Ah yes, the other one like Tarra and Ryoka, a precious seed reserve for me to absorb."

"N-not just cum!" yelled Fey distantly.

The dragoness frowned further, shifting and moving her long neck to examine her twin in size.

Fey wondered how the gnome girl was going to react as the dragoness reached out a hand and hesitantly pressed it against the smooth surface of Flora.

She half expected the gnome to attack but after a moment nothing happened.

The dragoness pressed against her belly, and brought her head near, tilting to listen.

"Clack clack?" murmured the dragoness. She listened closer as she massaged Flora's belly. After a moment she reared back. "This is all eggs?! All of it?!" Apparently Flora was speaking to her. She nodded her head in understanding, listening, then turned back to Fey.

"You are so… virile, that you can inseminate any female no matter the difference in species… with eggs."

"Erm, yes."

"Your value has just shot up. No male dragon can fill me with so much cum and fill me with so many eggs, a half dozen is considered a good clutch, yours number in the thousands. I… may need to look into acquiring extra security for such a valuable possession."

…Not really the result Fey had been looking for. She couldn't help but think things had just been made so much worse.

She felt something tap at her nethers hidden behind the door frame and turned back to see Ellaria. With her was a doll of lily standing on a pair of bear's shoulders and along with her Rina, who was looking the worse for wear, a few cuts and bruises on her. Hanging back and looking guilty were Tami and her friends.

Fey glanced back at the dragoness to find her talking with Flora again, most likely about eggs.

She turned and quickly shot a bolt of healing through the Lamia as well as several injured maids that the bears had delivered. Rina gave her a grateful look.

"S-so what are we doing? I've been talking to the dragoness Ella, but I think I'm just making things worse, she seems to really really want me now!"

"The plan is simple. We're going to pump her so full of your cum that she can't fly, and then we are going to ride out of here on top of Flora."

Fey stared at her. "That's not a very reasonable plan Ella, if you don't mind me saying. I- I can't have sex like this! She's really really big and I'm really really empty! and anyway she'd just take it out and fly after us!"

"You won't be doing it with her directly, I doubt Flora would be able to hold her down for so long. Also does your interaction with any of the girls you have really filled suggest they would want to be emptied of your seed? Trust me, once she's stuffed full with cum she'll stay like that and she won't come after us."

"Alright, I guess I can maybe believe that, but I can't do that Ella! I'm empty! I can't even fill a girl as large as a room let alone enough to ground a freaking dragoness!"

"Uhm I have maybe got something to help with that."

Fey blinked and looked down to see Lily.

"You do?

"Yes, I, ah, got my Limit Break, and it's uh, something."

You did?"

"Mhmm. After something I did to flora… but that's not important, I have a way to overcome that problem Fey, to stimulate you enough that you will cum like you did at the palace. Maybe much more, enough that Alexandria won't be able to move an inch let alone fly!"

Despite herself Fey was curious about what the otterkin had to offer.

"Basically I can make it so that you can have sex with multiple girls at once and feel the stimulation all at the same time, each layered on top of each other so you feel each individual girl culminating in a layered orgasm that should make you ejaculate a lot. It's sort of like something I do with my plushies but in reverse."

"A-and the cum?"

"That works as normal except divided, your cum will be equally split between each girl, and then we only need to have Flora pin the dragoness in place and use the pumps connected to the loins of each girl to quickly pump the dragoness huge."

Fey stared at the doll. Penetrating lots of girls, at the same time? She couldn't help but like the sound of that. "H-how many girls? A dozen?"

Ellaria shook her head. "No, that's too few, this will be a much larger operation than that. We will need to seek out volunteers."

Fey licked her lips, her hooves shifting with nervous energy. To breed dozens of girls at the same time? fifty? The thought sent a shiver up her back in anticipation.

"I'm in, I can go fetch the other orc girls from the bar, they'd jump on the idea, even if it's sharing the load." Fey turned to see Glasha approaching.

"I imagine my maids will want to take part, they have been sniffing around you more than enough. I myself shall of course be of much greater value, a Lamia can extract so much more than others from a partner in the bedroom… especially when my goddam property is on the line."

"I can get my classmates from school. After I shared the newsletters with them they wouldn't stop bothering me about access to Fey."

"I'll go too," said Ruby.

"That's good, I've already sent out my teddy bears with letters offering this as an opportunity, together we should hopefully find a few people willing to volunteer."

"What do I need to do?" said Fey.

"Absolutely nothing Fey, just hang around here, make sure the crazy dragoness doesn't decide to burn down the estate or anything, and otherwise stay calm and collected."

The plan came together quickly after that. Bears bustling past holding letters and notes of invitation as maids cleaned the dining hall up, brushing away the dust and debris and making the place acceptable to receive visitors. A lot of visitors.

Fey did her best not to panic, occasionally popping her head out by the door to show the dragoness she was still there.

The preparations were finally completed with the addition of a large open top box that was put beside fey where she stood in the doorway.

A line was forming behind her, one made up of maids of the estate. As she tried her best not to let the dragon know what was up, the front maid in the queue stepped forwards, placed her lips on her horse balls and gave them a loving kiss.

Then she danced away and flicked a lock of her hair into the waiting box.

The next maid stepped up and embraced her balls, practically snogging the things. It took Ellaria grabbing her by the shoulder and hauling her off for her to stop.

The maid pouted but tossed some of her hair into the box.

The touch was of course for the gift of elasticity, and the hair was of course for the connection.

Fey knew that at least a few of the estate's maids had slipped into her room at night and fondled her length; she had been woken enough times by their excited naked bodies being pressed against her. She wondered how many of the maids here were lying about not having the elasticity and were using this as a chance to simply touch her balls... It couldn't be all of them, could it?

The procession of maids into the dining hall continued. There were rather a lot and Fey settled in to wait as maid after maid licked and slobbered and kissed at her balls as they passed by.

It took a while.
