Dance with the Dragon


I know why you're here

Don't try to escape my dear,

You've been naughty I know

By trying to steal something of my own

Dark Sarah didn't know how long she was out when she came to and found her-self lying on a great comfy bed. When she sat up; she noticed that she was naked and had her scrambling out of bed in a rush.

She didn't find her clothes but a robe lying at the corner of the bed, she snatched it and put it on as she looked around. Dark Sarah noticed that she was in a spacious suite of sorts and she was underwater when she looked out the glass windows.

Dark Sarah

I have no idea, why I have been dragged down here...


Don't lie!

Luckily she was still wearing the two necklaces bearing the keys as Dark Sarah wondered how she came to this underwater place. She heard a door open and looked to see living statues of women walked in; they were silent as they set to work.

Dark Sarah found her-self led to a bathing area with water flowing through where she was washed from head to toes, blushing at how throughly they were in cleaning her that she had no time to voice a protest. They then dressed her in a dark blue dress with the skirt stopping above her feet, a pair of crystal heeled shoes and her hair was put up into a half-bun with the rest hanging down.

Dark Sarah

...Nor what you're talking about, and sir there's no reason to shout!


And sure there's a reason to shout!

Once Dark Sarah was ready two guards appeared; they looked like beasts standing like humans with sharp teeth and sharp claws. She felt terrified as they took her by the arms and led her from the room; they walked down eerily lit hallways and Dark Sarah caught a glimpse that she was in a great underwater palace.

They soon came to an elaborate grand throne room and Dark Sarah sees a man sitting on a dark throne on a raised dias, and she could not help but blush slightly as she gazed upon him as the guards escorted her before him. He was beautiful with a touch of feral wildness; he was muscular but also slender with long lapis lazuli/sapphire hair that rested like a cloak about his shoulders and memorizing gold eyes, he wore a black Gothic suite.

Dark Sarah

I saw the key but didn't steal!


You saw the key and tried to steal!

"Well, well, well;" purred Lord Dragon with a smile as he stood up and fixed his long coat, "I catch my-self a thief up to no good!"

"I'm not a thief;" protested Dark Sarah as she looked up into the man's eyes when he left the dias.

"I know why you are here, don't try to escape, my dear;" said Lord Dragon as he grabbed her chin slightly roughly, "you've been naughty, I know, by trying to steal something that I owned!"

"I didn't steal anything;" said Dark Sarah as she pushed his hand away.


I see...What do we have here?

Dark Sarah


Lord Dragon smiled coldly but his eyes darken in interest as he stroked her cheek before uncovering the two necklaces. His smile became cruel as he yanked the silver necklace and key from Dark Sarah's neck causing her to gasp in surprise as she was nicked.

"Well what an interesting thing I see;" crowed Lord Dragon mockingly as he held the silver key up. "What do we have here?"

"What?" Dark Sarah gasped as she touched her neck and lowered her gaze as she quickly added: "It's nothing!"


Now I know why you're here, you are a mischievous thief,

Dark Sarah

...just can't lie to him...

"Not only are you a thief but a liar as well;" growled Lord Dragon as he put the key into a vest pocket.

Dark Sarah felt shame and she felt that she had lost as she took her hand from her neck, and was surprised to find blood on her fingertips. Lord Dragon noticed as he took her hand, his serpent tongue darted out and quickly licked the blood.

A slight shudder ran through him as his eyes began glowing and he hummed slightly; the maiden was indeed pure but he has been disappointed before. Lord Dragon noticed the blush on Dark Sarah's cheeks and could not help but grin with a short pleased purr.


But if you want the key, you need to earn it my dear!

Dark Sarah

He sees right through me, oh bugger! He just...

Her heart skipped a beat and Dark Sarah knew she could not escape; her chance of being made whole lies in the hands of the Lord of the Underworld now.

"If you want the key than you must earn it;" said Lord Dragon as he leaned over her and Dark Sarah inquired with a slight stutter: "H-how?"


This is how we treat our

Guests who are trying to cheat, you need

To earn it my dear!

Dark Sarah

...took the only ticket I had,

I guess I have to

"It's very simple, my dear;" whispered Lord Dragon as he placed his hands lightly on her hips, "we know how to treat our guests who try to cheat!"

Dark Sarah took a quick step back and Lord Dragon took a step towards her, and she took another step back.


So you will be my ragdoll tonight, tonight.

Dark Sarah

See where this leads

It became a game of sorts; Lord Dragon took a step towards Dark Sarah and she took a step back. Dark Sarah felt a sudden fear mixed with nervousness as she stared into his eyes and the next thing she knew; she tripped and fell back onto the floor.


At the dragon's ball!

Lord Dragon smiled as he gazed at the woman sprawled on the floor before him; until he offered his hand that were tipped with talons. Dark Sarah very carefully took his hand and he helped her up but he didn't let her hand go.

"You will be my paramour, my ragdoll at the grim ball;" said Lord Dragon as he led Dark Sarah through a set of double doors and into a hallway.

Dark Sarah & Dragon

Take my all, I surrender, surrender!

Look at me and the way I ask for forgiveness, kindness and help!

Take my all, I surrender, surrender!

You/I will die another day, another way

Dark Sarah followed Lord Dragon as he still held her hand and they came to another set of double doors, and she could hear voices on the other side as if people had gathered together for a party. She was brought to his side as he laid a hand on her lower back; the doors opened as Lord Dragon and Dark Sarah entered a grand ballroom.

Demons, Drows, nymphs and all manner of other beings were gathered; dressed in fine clothes and gathered around the dance floor. Dark Sarah felt nervous as everyone bowed before the Lord of the Underworld as they walked down a medium set of stairs.

Lord Dragon escorted her to the center of the room; he clapped his hands three times and the statues above came to life, and began playing the instruments they held. Music began to fill the room as Dark Sarah was taken into his arms and they began to dance; but in truth, she felt more like a puppet and Lord Dragon was the puppet-master who was manipulating her movements.

Dark Sarah

I think we're done now


You think so?

Soon other dancers joined; lifts, twirls, spin outs and dips were made as Dark Sarah tried to follow Lord Dragon as he kept her from stumbling or even tripping. Dark Sarah could not help but stare into his golden gaze and felt self-conscious in his arms.

The Lord of the Underworld relished the feeling of holding a living mortal woman in his arms. Maybe she could be the one to help him; but he squashed that idea as they took a break from the dance.

Dark Sarah

...I have to go!


You're not going anywhere!

Servants, living statues, brought refreshments; Dark Sarah was given a goblet of wine and when she took a sip, she tasted sweetness and bitterness mixed together that warmed her body. Lord Dragon took the goblet from Dark Sarah and she watched him take a deep drink before a stone servant refilled it, and the goblet was placed back into her hands.

"I think we're done now;" said Dark Sarah as she took a deep drink to steady her nerves and Lord Dragon inquired: "You think so?"

"Yes;" replied Dark Sarah with a sigh, "I have to go!"

Lord Dragon took the goblet and emptied it in one drink as Dark Sarah turned to walk away.

"You're not going anywhere;" exclaimed Lord Dragon as he grabbed her hand, "the fun has only just begun!"

Dark Sarah

Why are you, making this


You don't know...

They were dancing once more before Lord Dragon went to mingle and he kept Dark Sarah by his side. There was open flirting and playful innuendoes were spoken; some were vulgar that had Dark Sarah blushing.

Lord Dragon returned in kind with his own flirts and innuendoes; he exchanged light caresses but also snarled at anyone who dared to touch Dark Sarah without his permission. Dark Sarah felt safe and stayed by his side even after she got shocked by a slap to her butt.

Dark Sarah

...Harder than it is?


I cry on my own...

It wasn't long until Dark Sarah was dancing with other partners, male and female, after Lord Dragon is asked and he gives permission. He doesn't dance with anyone else but watches from the side; politely and gruffly he turns down offers.

Once Dark Sarah was back at his side and has rested; Lord Dragon dances with her many a round. Feet starting to ache; Dark Sarah finally begs to sit and rest before she falls.

Dark Sarah

You have the key,


In this lonely place...

Lord Dragon escorted Dark Sarah to another door where other dancers have passed and they entered a hallway with many doors. They could hear activities happening in some of the rooms from the giggles, moans and sighs of pleasure.

Dark Sarah was brought to a bed chamber with weapons, closets, table and chairs, and a large bed. She laid on the bed with a sigh and fell asleep; Lord Dragon stared at her sleeping form and he started to reach out to touch her hair but stopped an inch away, fisted his hand and withdrew with a scowl mixed with longing.

Dark Sarah

That you don't even need


That is why...

Lord Dragon began changing his clothes and arming him-self for the next part of the grim ball; every year it was the same, defending and sometimes even killing. His ruling as Lord of the Underworld has been questioned, mocked and challenged ever since.

Ever since he had lost his wings and was banished to the Underworld by his fellow Gods; he longed to return to his former glory as he took out and gazed upon a special pocket watch before hiding it once more on his person. But he knew his chances to regain his place back with the Gods had a price and Lord Dragon sneered slightly at the thought of earning a mortal maiden's love was beneath him.

Dark Sarah

You're standing here between me and my life


...I'm standing here between you and your life!

Dark Sarah awoke and found Lord Dragon sitting at the table, and sharpening the weapons he had chosen. He noticed that she was awake and nodded towards a mirror vanity that held feminine weapons; needle-like daggers, slender medium daggers, armored corsets, etc.

"Change and arm you-self;" said Lord Dragon as he placed his weapons on his body, "the grim ball is about to begin!"

"What is the grim ball?" Dark Sarah asked as she got out of the bed.

"The grim ball is an all-out duel that takes place once a year;" explained the Lord of the Underworld, "it's  also known as the black ball for it is a fight to the death. It's a way to weed out the weak and show strength; it has kept me in power ever since!"

Dark Sarah

...I'm sorry to say...


What now? (Dark Sarah)...just get off with your tail!



Dark Sarah found new clothes to wear but nowhere to change; she was also practically sewned into her dress via corset. She didn't hear his footsteps approach until Lord Dragon started to undo the corset and Dark Sarah started breathing normal.

She felt him watching her as she kept her back turned and began changing; Dark Sarah found a pair of black tights that she pulled on along with a long flowing black skirt slitted to mid-thigh on both sides and a black mid-drift wrap-like top. She sat at the vanity and very carefully placed needle-like daggers into her hair as she put all of her hair into a braid and knot; she also strapped daggers to her thighs and tucked a small dagger between her bosom.

Dark Sarah & Dragon

Take my all, I surrender, surrender!

Look at me and the way I ask for forgiveness, kindness and help!

Take my all, I surrender, surrender!

You/I will die another day, another way

Lord Dragon appeared behind and slightly startled Dark Sarah; he tucked the bronze key away and placed another necklace around her neck. The pendant was large enough to cover the hand and be used as a shield when detached.

She put on a pair of heeled ankle-high boots to finish the outfit, stood and faced Lord Dragon who nodded. They left the room and returned to the ballroom; music greeted them as they entered and everyone was dancing.

Dark Sarah & Dragon



Dark Sarah noticed many couples were dressed similar to her and Lord Dragon, and she suddenly felt very scared. She never fought before, never used weapons like she now carried and she suddenly felt like running.

Lord Dragon felt her fear and he took her left hand, and gave a nip to the inside wrist along with a quick kiss. The nip and kiss surprised her as Dark Sarah was pulled among the dancers, and they began dancing.


May I have this dance?

Dark Sarah


It wasn't long until Dark Sarah spotted glints of weapons appear in couples' hands; during a underarm spin, she slipped her hand into the pendant and felt the necklace fall off. Lord Dragon also brought a dagger to hand as he pulled her closer to his body.

The first attack happened quickly; a demoness on a spin out by her partner brought forth a curved dagger and tried to stab Lord Dragon in the back. But Dark Sarah blocked the attack with the shield pendant and Lord Dragon countered by spinning her out as he slit the demoness' throat then threw the dagger, and killed her partner between the eyes.

Dark Sarah & Dragon



They continued dancing, weaving among the dancing couples, until the next attack came. Lord Dragon wore armor bracers that he used to protect Dark Sarah from being cleaved by a sword wielded by a tall Drow.

Dark Sarah drew a needle-like dagger from her hair and stabbed the Drow in the neck, killing him as Lord Dragon took out the dance partner. The grim ball was living up to its name as the dancing became mixed with fighting and bloodshed.


I will show you my best moves...

Dark Sarah

Aaaah, you best moves...

Dark Sarah was nicked and cut by attackers as she and Lord Dragon defended each other. The other dancers who weren't fighting continued dancing and watching the battle; blood made the floor slick but no one seemed to care.

The grim ball had reached its heights as the attackers became more desperate in their attacks; but Lord Dragon showed no mercy. The grim ball ended when the last of the attackers fell; Dark Sarah felt tired and in pain, and yet Lord Dragon was unscathed.


...Why don't you?

Dark Sarah

I just need the key, I'm trying to get out of here

I know that it's a bad deal

And disappointed you must feel

But please help me to escape

Suddenly he kissed her; it wasn't romantic, it was Lord Dragon's way of healing Dark Sarah. She felt the pain begin to fade and warmth returned to her body; when they parted Dark Sarah was surprised that she was fully healed.

Then everyone went to the throne room; Dark Sarah was beside Lord Dragon as he sat on the dark throne and had her perched on his lap. Everyone gathered solemnly in the room before they knelt and chorused: "Long may Lord Dragon reign!"

"The grim ball has ended and I rule for another thirteen years;" declared Lord Dragon with a cold smile, "go in peace and trouble me no more until the time for the black ball comes again!"

Dark Sarah & Dragon

Take my all, I surrender, surrender!

Look at me and the way I ask for forgiveness, kindness and help!

Take my all, I surrender, surrender!

You/I will die another day, another way

Everyone left and Dark Sarah left Lord Dragon upon his throne as she faced him, and she asked: "What is your riddle for the key?"

He brought the silver key out and dangled it before her as his guards appeared, and flanked her.

"Tell me;" said the Lord of the Underworld as he stood. "What is greater than death?"

Then the guards took Dark Sarah away and Lord Dragon knew that he will see her again for she maybe be the one to help him.

Look at me and the way I ask for

Forgiveness, kindness and help!

Take my all, I surrender, surrender!

We will die another day, another way...another way...another way...another day...another way...!