Chapter 80: Proposition.

Qin Qianyu nodded, she too thought that these people where too dangerous to let live.

"What do you plan to do?"

"I have a proposition for you,"

"Oh? . . Do tell, . . Ah just so you know, I really like sausage, so um, . . yeah."

Xiao Yixuan gave Qin Qianyu a quirky look that lasted only a moment before she snorted out of her nostrils,

"Pfft, I understand. You're not my type and it wasn't that kind of proposal anyway."

"Haha, sorry, I just thought it best to make it clear."

"Mhm, anyway, what I want is for you to kill me."

"What!? . . Yixuan! . . You need to think this through properly!"

"I have. My family has already disowned me and already treat me as if I had died years ago, I only had one person in my life and she betrayed my love for god knows what, and trying to move on and find another love is too hard for someone like me, I mean, it's hard enough being a Lala even in this day and age so having Yangyang come into my life was something I could only dream about, but that was all a well played lie."

"What about your revenge!?"

"Heh! What they want is me and you! Well, my connection to you that is. So what better way to screw them and their idea over than to take away the very thing they need for that plan to succeed."

" . . . "

"You, you're really serious about this?"

"Mhm, with me dead the ones Yangyang works for would probably blame her and punish her in my stead, and that's not all, they'll also lose that connection with you with me gone too!"

"It might not completely solve your problem, but, it means that I wouldn't have to continue being used by them or used against you. It'll grant you extra time to come up with a counter offensive. I mean, if you can get in and out of Treasure without being seen, then you tracking down who this master of theirs is will be a piece of cake right?"

" . . . "

"Alright, but don't regret."

Qin Qianyu took Xiao Yixuan back to her apartment.

Qin Qianyu found her home to be quaint. The home was extremely tidy. It reflected the mind of its owner. Well maintained and organised.

Looking around there were no family portraits there was three photos in the entire house.

One was when Xiao Yixuan had graduated from university, another when she entered the military and one with her and Yangyang taken abroad.

Qin Qianyu looked in the kitchen she found that nearly every food item was contaminated with the toxic Gansui root.

There was even half a root sitting amongst the other vegetables in a tray inside the fridge.

While Qin Qianyu was being nosy, Xiao Yixuan had washed up and changed into her uniform, she did her hair and applied some light make up.

It was hard for Qin Qianyu to recognise her after the change.

"Why the uniform?"

"Because I love my country. Some people that live in it, not so much, but I didn't join for them. I chose to serve my country for all the other people. The ordinary, everyday folks that work hard for themselves and their family. I'm proud of this uniform and my country. It's a pity I couldn't say the same about a lot of the people that lived in it."

"Mhm, I've leant something new about you."

Xiao Yixuan just smiled and then added,

"That is why I worked hard to gain, maintain and work diligently in the PIT commanders position. It was so those ordinary folks had some kind of helping hand against those that want to ruin it all for the rest, like all those involved with the SIC incident and of course the Chen siblings."

"Mhm, I understand. Do you have any last words that you'd like me to pass on to your family and friends?"

"Heh, I wasn't lying when I told you they treat me as being dead. I saw my father and mother just before the SIC case, I knew that they recognised me but they treated me as nothing but a stranger that had a similar face to the daughter they had lost."


"Yangyang was my only friend."

Xiao Yixuan handed Qin Qianyu a letter.

"It's my will, everything I own will be given to charity, including all of my savings."

Qin Qianyu nodded. She placed the letter in her satchel and handed Xiao Yixuan a pill.

"This'll do the trick, and it won't hurt as much, in fact it will lessen the pain you'll go through from dying."

Xiao Yixuan nodded and took it with out question.

Suddenly, Xiao Yixuan eyes started feeling heavy, her words started slurring then she slammed head first into the dining table.

Qin Qianyu checked her pulse.

"Rest in peace, Xiao Yixuan."

She went around the home doing a few things before she called it a night.

Qin Qianyu stood in the hallway and took one more look at Xiao Yixuan slumped over the table dressed in her uniform and left the apartment block.

The next morning she awoke and did her normal routine. After her breathing exercise was done she changed into active wear and went for a jog around the community.

As she did, she passed by Xiao Yixuan's apartment.

The entire complex was cordoned off and surrounded by emergency services.

Qin Qianyu spotted Yi Ma and other members of PIT, they all looked distressed. Some of the female members were wiping away tears, some of the male members of PIT were doing all they could to keep theirs in.

Qin Qianyu also spotted Yangyang being escorted out of the building and into awaiting vehicles.

Qin Qianyu overheard a reporter at the scene,

"A military commander was found dead in their home. The military or police haven't released an official statement as of yet, the unknown military personnel is said to be of a special rank within the military and that is all we know at this moment."

Qin Qianyu left but returned shortly after as the fox.

She rode up to the scene on her motorcycle and approached Yi Ma.

"The commander?"

Yi Ma nodded,

"What's her status?"

"She's deceased ma'am,"

Yi Ma explained that Xiao Yixuan had missed the morning briefing and he had come to check in on her after not getting a reply when he had called.

He found her front door open on arrival then the commander dead at the kitchen table.

He then came across Yangyang in a panic, talking on the phone, while she was packing her belongings into a bag.

"Is it that detained woman there?"

"Yes! . . She claims to be the commanders housemate."

"What were the contents of the call?"

"All I could make out was that she said the plan had failed and the target is already dead."

Qin Qianyu gave the distraught man a pat on the shoulder and went to the apartment.

She passed a couple of police officers making crude remarks about Xiao Yixuan.

She didn't even waste words on them, she slapped the female officer across the face and punched the male officer.

Those two officers came to their senses and readied their batons.

"What's going on here!"

A senior official close by asked after hearing the commotion.

"This woman attacked us out of nowhere!"

"If you don't have the decency to respect a fallen soldier, don't expect any respect from me! You! sort your damn officers out unless you want me to do it!"

"Sorry ma'am, it's my fault that their training is lacking."

It didn't take long for those officers to realise that their conversation was heard. It made it worse when they saw the look on the senior officials face.

It wasn't only him, members of PIT and ADT heard what Qin Qianyu had said, they all stared daggers of death at the two officers.

The two officers started to panic, they soon started begging and and apologising.

"Why are you apologising to me? It was Commander Xiao Yixuan you disrespected not me! . . But, . . I'll let it go if the commander says she'll forgive you with her own mouth."

" . . . "

Qin Qianyu was basically telling the pair point blank, that she wasn't going to let it go.

Qin Qianyu paid them no mind and entered the home. She floated around the place and while no one was looking she snagged back the two listening devices she had planted on Yangyang and pocket the away.

This was her main reason for coming back to the scene.

Qin Qianyu spoke with the team inside the home. They disclosed that they found large amounts of contaminated foods. It suggested that the commander was being poisoned over a long period of time.

Initial reports also showed the Yangyang was an alias and that no such persons even existed with some suspecting she may be a plant from another country or faction.

"Is anyone watching her? If she's a spy or from a rouge faction she may take her life in order to keep things hidden!"

Just as Qin Qianyu said that, calls started going out over the radios, Yangyang was assassinated in front of everyone by a female officer and that the commander of ADT is in pursuit of the attacker.

Qin Qianyu headed downstairs and followed in the general direction of the pursuit. She soon caught up to the handsome wolf who was going toe to toe with the assailant.

Qin Qianyu frowned. She recognised the woman fighting against Wen Wú Ting as the second woman with Yangyang at Treasure.

The woman saw Qin Qianyu and increased her efforts with her fight against Wen Wú Ting.

The pair were about even, so with Qin Qianyu's intervention, lending a helping hand, this would soon see the woman nabbed.

The woman lowered her guard and in the heat of the battle, Wen Wú Ting took the opening and soon enough he realised the woman had trapped him and bit down hard on his his neck breaking the skin.

"I'll give you two choices, capture me, watch him die from the poison I've injected into him just now,"

" . . . "

"Or, let me go and you'll have a lot more time and a better chance to save his life! . . . You may choose now."

"The actual fuck! . . A vampire!?"

Qin Qianyu thought, she soon saw the veins in Wen Wú Ting's neck bulge out. His eyes started going yellowish and he started looking lethargic.

"You're wasting time! So I'll choose for you!"

The woman still had her arms wrapped around Wen Wú Ting from behind and she sat down with him extending her arms and offering her wrist.

As she did this she moved her head to the opposite side of his neck and after flashing Qin Qianyu a smile she opened her mouth to bite down on that side.


Qin Qianyu sat down too and placed her hands under her butt and told the woman to flee.

"Good choice!"

The woman says, she gets up and looks Qin Qianyu dead in the eyes before chomping down on Wen Wú Ting's neck once more.

She held Wen Wú Ting and shoved him in one direction while fleeing in the other, hoping over a 3 meter brick wall like it was a single step then running through a park.

Qin Qianyu rushed to Wen Wú Ting's side as she watched the woman disappear out of sight.

Qin Qianyu turned her attention back to Wen Wú Ting and pressed a few points locking his body down so she could work easier.

She applied the heart calming and heart slowing technique on him as she wanted to slow the flow of the poison being pumped around his body by his own heart.

Next, she started applying needles to his kidneys, liver and spleen to protect them while she start the three point draw to bring the poison out.

While she was doing so, she noticed his neck wriggling.

"Okay that's creepy and so not right!"

She reached into her satchel and retrieve a vial from within then using a series of needles she coaxed the wriggling intruder to the perforated opening on his neck that she coved with a vial.

With a 'splat' sound followed by a 'tink' the invading crawler found itself trapped in the vial.

Qin Qianyu quickly capped the end and held it up to be examined.

"It's a parasitic worm! . . "

She stowed it away and removed his clothing to check his neck, arms and torso thoroughly.

Thankfully she found no other creepy crawlers inside of him. Qin Qianyu continued the three point draw.

From what was being expelled from his body, Qin Qianyu collected some of it as samples to take back to her lab.

Soon, others arrived and rendered aid to the unconscious commander.

All of the poison had been expelled at that point, he just needed to rest and recover now.

Yi Ma was one of those that turned up.

She briefed him and a few others explaining what had taken place and Yi Ma explained to her that the woman had did the something to Yangyang.

"He's fine, I managed to stop the poison from spreading and drew it all out, you might want to take some samples."

Qin Qianyu pointed at the contaminated blood on the ground. Then she added,

"Where's the girls body now?"

"Still in the squad car, it's been marked off and covered."

Qin Qianyu nodded. She looked over at the handsome wolf, she knew he was in good hands now and headed back to the apartment complex.

She she did so she sent the little rabbit a message telling her about her brother.

Oddly, she didn't get a reply.

"Strange? . . Could something have happened to her?"

A tent had been erected over the car that Yangyang was in.

When she looked over the scene, she noticed that Yangyang seemed to have a slight look of ecstasy on her face.

Her lips were frozen in a slight smile, her eyes were closed and her neck looked similar to Wen Wú Ting's.

Soon, a scene examiner shrieked loudly and stumbled as Yangyang's body convoluted.

Everyone inside the tent were taken back. Her body wasn't moving, rather, something inside her body was wriggling around.


Qin Qianyu muttered. She pulled the body out of the vehicle and placed several needles in her body.

As she did, she called for the examination team to collect some jars. Two examiners ran to their van and came back with vials and jars.

Using the same tactics she used on Wen Wú Ting, she corralled the worms up the woman's oesophagus then out her mouth.

By manipulating the needle to act as a gate she sent them into jar after jar.

Soon she filled four jars and two vials for her self filled with all of these parasitic worms.

She noticed that although they looked similar to the one she pulled out from Wen Wú Ting she couldn't find another that looked exactly the same amongst the worms that were pulled from Yangyang.

"The one I pulled out from the handsome wolf could be a mother worm. I must have caught it before it had a chance to lay its eggs."

She looked at her watch and calculated the time from when the initial call came in til now and gave an estimated time for the worms to gestate and the incubation period for them.

"20 minutes! Plus or minus 10% Yi Ma, send word to the hospital make sure they check the commander over thoroughly he may have some larvae in him."

Yi Ma had a panicked look on his face then muttered out,

"Yes ma'am,"

He called ahead and also made contact with the ambulance crew to let them know as well.