Chapter 98: Three point turn.

Qin Qianyu didn't take the man's words as pure gold. She now needed to corroborate it.

With that said, she locked the man's senses and body again, then went to the groups leader and unlocked his senses, but, kept his body locked.

He looked to Qin Qianyu angrily. He wanted nothing more than to choke her to death.

"Well, shall we continue that chit chat now?"

"Do your worse! I'll not speak,"

"Oh? . . So you're not afraid of death?"

"It's not that. I'll just want to spite you that's all!"

"Haha! You think? . . Hey dummy! I can lock up your movements, I can even take away your senses, what makes you think that's all I can do to you?"

" . . . "

"There's a technique I know, it's called the three point turn. With the application of pressure at three points on your body, your mind starts to turn, you'll be speaking the truth no matter how hard you try not to!"

"The only problem is that after a set amount of time, the brain turns to soup. I hope you're a fast talker!"

" . . . "

"Let's get started shall we,"

Qin Qianyu went behind the leader then she hit three places on his head with three needles.

Qin Qianyu asked the man the same things she asked the interpreter. He basically said the same things as the interpreter but with more detail.

The leaders boss was a Chinese national that had acquired the rights to a certain ore mine that he had used to support a political party of Myanmar. However, they were ousted and soon became defunct to which they started this gang.

The groups leader went on to say that his boss was very familiar with the contact that had sent them to hunt down Grandpa Wú.

Qin Qianyu learnt the gang leaders name and where his base of operations was.

Qin Qianyu committed it all to memory then asked about the archeologist that they had kidnapped.

"He's just a kid that was chosen because his family has ties to your government. It was all just to have that old man come rescue him so we could kill him off. On my phone you'll find the details of everything you need to know about the kid."

Qin Qianyu retrieved the phone and after finding all the useful information there and copying it to her device, she then cloned the contacts list and and any relevant information thereafter, she could find.

"Grandpa Wú is probably held up somewhere recovering from his wounds, but where would they go? . . If not to any of these villages, then, could they have doubled back to the hidden temple?"

Qin Qianyu says to herself. After the realisation hit her, she looked to the leader and asked,

"Have you checked the hidden temple site?"

"No, the entrance was caved in by us when we first kidnapped the kid. We had killed then buried the team that was there with him and left. There's no way for them to re enter."

"Could there be another hidden entrance to the temple? They must have made an escape route for themselves when the temple was built surely? . . "

This was they only sure thing Qin Qianyu could think of seeing that the pair hadn't resurfaced and that all these gang members hadn't found them within the villages they've "visited" since.

The effect of the three point turn started to enter its final phase. Qin Qianyu was about to release him but stopped herself from doing so.

"My bottom line will always be my family, since you harmed the old man, don't expect mercy from me."

Qin Qianyu "woke" the interpreter so he could witness what was going on. This frightened the life out of the man.

The groups leader mushy liquid started leaking from his nostrils then pouring out his ears, his eyes rolled to the back of his head as his body convulsed.

He died there and then. Qin Qianyu wasn't fazed at all that her own hands had caused this.

She has said many times that she would leave it to the authorities to deal with, but all of this seemed like a special situation to her.

She picked up the body and took it to the forest. There was a crevice she had passed, she dumped the body in it and left.

Qin Qianyu went to find Siphong Kham to ask how her search went. She was looking for Qin Qianyu too and had met her at the gate when she heard that Qin Qianyu had killed the leader and took his body away.

"I was just coming to find you, how it go? . . Anything?"

"I'm sorry Miss Fox, none of the elders know of this person you are looking for."

"Then it was most likely a coincidence then."

Siphong Kham nodded. The elders truly didn't know Grandpa Wú, no one in the village did.

"There's a crevice close by do you know it?"

"Mhm, there are many like it in the mountains."

"I've thrown the man's body down . . there, . . Siphong!"

"Yes? . . "

"Do you know this area?"

Qin Qianyu pulled out a map, and using the information from the group leader she pointed out the location of the hidden temple.

"I know it, but it's forbidden to go there,"

"Forbidden? . . Why?"

"Because the temple of Asura is there, also the great tree there is know as the Cittapātali."

Qin Qianyu removed her mask showing a "what does that all mean" face at Siphong Kham.

She wasn't adept in buddhism theology as she was in biology.

Siphong saw this and explained that when the Asura were weakened after drinking too much wine, they were cast from heaven. The place they landed was said to be that very site that Qin Qianyu had pointed out.

The Cittapātali tree was the first thing they had seen then they realised they had all been cast out of heaven.

"They then turned to making weapons and armour in order to reclaim their spot in heaven and the battles of heaven began."

"So it wasn't just a hidden temple, it was just seen as a place of the fallen, the disposed, so now people want to to be associated with it, let alone acknowledge its existence."

Siphong Kham nodded,

"The Buddhist faith is very strong here in the southern region, most don't want bad karma to affect them so they collectively shun that of the Asura way because it's seen as part of the wicked and evil paths."

Qin Qianyu had a better understanding now and thought about the crevice she dumped the group leader in.

"If an alternative exit exists it'll most probably be in a large enough crevice to fit a large adult male, I'll have to search for a way of in, that archeologist maybe hiding with Grandpa Wú and it's most probably somewhere that he's familiar with seeing that Grandpa Wú is injured."

Qin Qianyu nodded and started making a plan to continue her search for Grandpa Wú at the site of the hidden temple.

She bade farewell to Siphong Kham leaving her and the village heading off in the general direction of Audra temple.

The site of the temple took around 7 hours to trek in the dark from her current location.

Qin Qianyu took this opportunity to train her shadowless steps as well as other skills along the way. Plus because it was still dark out she had to be careful of hidden crevices and such.

When she got closer to the temple Qin Qianyu started looking around for any clues or signs that people have disturbed the typography of the area.

She soon found a tree and scaled it to a think and high enough branch and took a breather.

As she did so, Qin Qianyu found that there wasn't much she could do so she started to go through the information she extracted from the group leaders phone.

Hao Zhiming was the name of the archeologist that was kidnapped. The young man was 25, he was an only child. Most of the information was generic things that didn't interest Qin Qianyu much.

She found an image of the young man, he was good looking, and even she couldn't deny that as she looked his picture over.

"As a single dog, I invoke my right to look!"

She muttered out softy. Then something ticked over in her mind,

"Grandpa Wú is already this old, so why does anyone want to kill him off? . . Is it an old or new grudge? . . Does it also mean that there's someone else that knows my true identity?"

Qin Qianyu thoughts dwelled on this. Grandpa Wú was only given this assignment because she was granted triple zero status that was needed to access Shenlong safely.

"So, that means that Grandpa Wú contacted Xiong Jianguo, he in turn authorised the triple zero for me, . . . But, does he have the power to action such a thing? Isn't he just a lawyer? He could have contacted someone else, but he said the only he and Grandpa Wú know my true identity so who in the hell actioned the kidnapping and the assault on Grandpa Wú? How did they even know Grandpa Wú would be sent? . . Unless he owed a favour to someone and that person got caught up in it all causing all of these events to unfold."

While Qin Qianyu was contemplating and hypothesising how Grandpa Wú got involved in a scheme to have his like taken, a loud scream followed by frantic running shook her from her thoughts.

She looked down to see a tired, grubby man boosting it through the foliage.

"Isn't that . . Is that Hao Zhiming?"

Behind him a and even more tired looking tiger was following after him,

"Bai . . Saan?"

The tiger wasn't being aggressive, Qin Qianyu guessed that Bai Saan could smell Grandpa Wú's scent on the man.

She sighed lightly as she realised that he must have tracked her sent all the way from China to the mountains of Laos.

Qin Qianyu looked to the man who was running for his life and followed him.

"Hey! Stop running!"

The man heard Qin Qianyu's voice but couldn't see her at all, this made him run even faster and he yelled back breathlessly,

"Are you crazy!? . . Looks what's behind me!"

"He's not chasing you, he's following you, he can smell his owner on you."

Qin Qianyu says as flashed in front of the man. She had to sidestep to avoid a collision with him.

As she did, she tapped his foot which caused him to trip and roll. Qin Qianyu went over and picked the tired man up.

"You've killed up that tiger looks as hungry as I am and now I'm about to die because of you."

"Saan, over here."

As soon as Qin Qianyu called out for Bai Saan, he quickly ambled over and pounced around her excitedly and rubbed his head against her body.

"Tsk! . . No ears! . . Why didn't you wait for me huh?"

"Awuw, rawr!"

"Because I needed to find master quickly, plus, I still have other things to do after this, that's why!"

Bai Saan whined, Hao Zhiming just stared in disbelief at the fox masked woman and the tiger that seemed to understand each other.

"Who are you? . . Are you part of the rescue mission?"

"Mhm, I am . . But,"

"But what?"

"But not yours . . I'm her for my master and Saan here says you have his scent on you."

" . . . "


Hao Zhiming cowered back some from hearing the tiger roar aloud.

After some back and forth, Qin Qianyu had managed to convince Hao Zhiming, that she wasn't a threat to his life nor was Bai Saan.

He nodded and led Qin Qianyu and Bai Saan to where they've been hiding these past few days.

"What were you doing out?"

"Foraging for food and water, . . Hey do you have anything?"

"Mhm, here,"

Qin Qianyu passed him some jerky to snack on and a bottle of water.

"When we get to master you can have a hot meal as well,"

The trio soon came to a cliff face, they had to scale up it. Qin Qianyu frowned then looked to Bai Saan.

She reached into her back and retrieved a five form pill and fed it to the the tiger. She did the same for herself and for Hao Zhiming.

"Whoa! This drug is incredible! . . Do you know how many students preparing for Gao Kao would kill for this?"

"You've just swallowed a 6 million yuan pill, how many student do you think can afford that?"

" . . . "

"Why so expensive?"

"Show me a pill on the market currently that gives the same effects without any drawbacks or adverse side effects!"

" . . . Mhm . . I get it now,"

"Plus this is a revision of another recipe. That one was cheaper but it had too many flaws in it."

Soon all three scaled the cliff face with ease and soon came up to a large crack in the cliff face.

After going through it, they soon came upon some stairs heading downwards.

This was the secret emergency exit that was built for members of the Asura temple to be used in case of an attack or serious trouble.