::Appearing in Nexonia::

A Week After the Dream

Lu Shengyi

I go through my university classes as normal, without having to commit much attention to what the lecturers are elaborating about because in my mind, the examination questions are set and I have studied the course curriculum so many times in my past life. It also helps that I have work experience, which allows me some knowledge of our realistic society. Whether it's Professor Wang, Miss Ain, Mrs Silva or any of the younger lecturers, it feels I have seen and heard their faces ample times for me to imitate them easily.

The worst is the annoying mosquito still won't stop sticking around. I have ignored him umpteen times in the cafeteria, the library and the study halls. I am glad that I do not have to work with him on any more assignments.

Today marks a special occasion for Nexonia University as female students chatter excitedly outside the multi-purpose hall. This is a hall utilised mostly for conferences and more majestic functions, so I anticipate a VVIP is about to make his grand entrance. Sure enough, some 'MIB' agents, dressed in black coats with white shirts tucked in finely with trendy sunglasses surround the hall exits, appearing to be watching out for someone.

For today, I have selected a long flowing white dress as I am not in the mood to dress myself up. One thing that hasn't changed from my past life to now is that I still have a tough time selecting what to wear. My makeup is very light and I choose a lipstick that is close to my natural lip colour. Being 168 centimetres tall, I am not required to be wearing heels and opt for a pair of comfortable flats instead.

Xiaoxian, dressed casually in a black-and-red checkered blouse and matching black jeans, hops to me insanely, again looking like a childish schoolgirl. I haven't asked her at all how her date with the idiot has fared, but it appears that she has something to tell me about the crowds outside the hall and why she has called me at the last minute to meet outside the hall. The sky is dark with grey clouds overhead and sparks of light flash across the sky. I have the premonition something unusual is about to happen, and while that happens, I sense a surge of energy in my veins. How unusual!

"What's up?" I ask her, while I make sure to keep the look on my face as apathetic as possible. She exclaims excitedly that the university has arranged for Cullen Fu, the CEO of Fu Technologies, to give us a pre-graduation talk. Upon hearing the name, I start to cringe. I remember what I have seen at the Registry of Companies and how the woman has stormed out of his car yelling that he will regret it. How typical of a CEO romance.

And the devil in my life is also named Cullen. What a coincidence.

If I hadn't renounced my love, I probably would have loved to experience a sweet and wholesome love, not with the idiot Shan Hanyu, but someone genuine and thoughtful. And for this, I will do what it takes to cut off the red thread that bound my feet to Shan Hanyu's previously if there is still one. If he was my original fate and I signed the deal to renounce my love, does it mean that I am no longer fated with the idiot? If so, I swear I am the happiest woman alive.

"So, are we expected to attend?" I grill Xiaoxian with a blinding stare. She just laughs childishly.

"Shengyi, do you not want to get a job? All of us university students just want to graduate and find a job…."

I chuckle back. Of course, given her simple mind, she wouldn't understand that I already have a job. As the proprietor of Shengyi Company, and the soon-to-be CEO of Shengyi Corporation. I can't explain that to her just yet, or the fact that a large fortune just appeared in my bank account from Sir Anonymous.

I imagine Sir Anonymous to be a handsome man in his twenties with a muscular figure and the type who will sweep any woman off her feet with his charm. I wish that I at least have a picture of him because the curiosity and suspense of not knowing how my benefactor looks like or his identity is driving me insane. As well as the mystery of my devil Cullen. I want to meet him as soon as possible.

But one can't be too greedy, right?

I walk alongside the giggling Xiaoxian into the hall, pondering if she has had already experienced something exhilarating with Shan Hanyu, because of her excitement and how she is unable to calm down in such a serious scenario. How embarrassing, I think.

The dean of our faculty, Mr Yee is a balding man with a pock-marked face and a burly build. Considering his eccentric attitude and I don't want to think about how anyone can be interested in a man like that. Luckily, he is single, but in my past life, I have once unintentionally stumbled on his secret stash of pornographic literature after a discussion in his office. In this life, I can expect him to be the same.

Mr Yee announces the arrival of our most esteemed guest and the hopeless fangirls begin cheering wildly, and even the male students also seem to be intrigued by Cullen Fu. I cannot help but turn, like the cheerleaders, towards Cullen Fu's direction. He is overdressed for the occasion, dressed from head to toe in black: a stunning black leather coat over a black shirt, black formal pants and finally a pair of solid, polished black leather Oxfords. Two 'MIB' agents flank him as he strolls into the hall with much grandeur.

Awesome, indeed, I think, as I climb into a seat, taking care not to trip over the bottom of my dress. It reaches to my ankles and sometimes can prove such a nuisance.

Cullen Fu's opening speech is cold and emotionless, and his stoic disposition puts the audience in awe. He gives the spectators a brief introduction to his company and how he had started up the company with only two employees. He goes on about how everyone should have dreams, and success is dependent on how much effort one puts in to achieve what they want in their dreams.

As he speaks, I am reminded about the ethereal dream I had a week ago with Devil Cullen. I look towards Cullen Fu and feel relieved to see that Devil Cullen and Cullen Fu do not share the same visage. I cannot imagine how hell will break loose if Devil Cullen and Cullen Fu are one person.

Then he goes on about his expectations on staff and how he wants them to stand out and achieve the most they can out of their ability, and make beyond what they are paid for. I understand this from the reality of the society I encountered in my past life that I can't blame him for being demanding, but I don't need his employment anyway. It'll be another week when my new business partner will arrive, and from there, I will bring Shengyi Corporation to glory, starting from small business dealings. I will have to do extensive market research into what will quickly popularise Shengyi and help it to grow from a business into a corporation. Nurturing a company takes time and without guidance from an expert, it is close to impossible.

I am still twenty-one at this point, and there is much effort I have to put in to achieve what I want in my dreams. I do not know how or want to use the power to 'summon hordes to my defence' just yet, so right now, I am still depending on my abilities. The demand for a particular market offering differs greatly in the last seven years, so this is something I cannot rely on my past life for.

All of a sudden, Cullen Fu stops talking and all eyes are on me. As I was not listening to him earlier, I am befuddled about the abrupt silence that has arisen and the atmosphere gets very tense. I can feel people are breathing very hard like they were watching a scene in a horror film where a ghost pops out at you suddenly.

Xiaoxian leans closer to me and whispers, "He has selected you to answer a question for the Q&A session."

"What question?"

"He wants to know what are your long-term plans when applying for a job. And if you have any dreams."

I stand up politely and my eyes venture towards the stage where Cullen Fu is standing and waiting for my response. Clearing my throat, I say my answer in one long sentence.

"My dream is to be the best entrepreneur Andophia has ever had. In my long-term plans, I want to receive recognition for my efforts, push myself to the best of my ability and achieve something nobody can ever do. I don't want to be a normal university graduate and fresh employee; I want to be a predator in the society. I want to only stand to achieve, and never lose."

Time and tide wait for no man. I might only have my last seven years before the devil calls on his end of the bargain, or I might not even have a year, because I don't know when is the 'soon' he has just mentioned.

His eyes glint with trepidation, although his stare is still very icy. Everything seems to come to a standstill, leaving only Cullen Fu and I staring at each other. Everything around us is dark. On a closer look, I realise he is not Cullen Fu. Cullen Fu is nowhere to be found. Instead, Devil Cullen is eyeing me with an intimidating stare. I tremble all over, clinging to my jacket.

"You tempt me, Angel. But now is not the time for me to call on my dues. We will meet again."