:: Cold Yet Volatile ::

Like any other girl who has come of legal age, which in my world varies between nineteen to twenty-three in various cities, I am naturally curious at what the demon will do to me when I yielded to him. But instead, nothing happened that night.

He began to lead me to more places, enamoring me with the natural beauty of a world of the past that still continues to exist. Yesterday we spent the night in the cavern doing nothing but relaxing by listening to the sound of trickling water within. As Cullen says, it calms the soul and makes us forget the problems that make us stressed in our world. Problems, which he says to be almost non-existent in this world of the past.

But he, a formidable supernatural being that is superior to mortals, is bothered by stress? Now that sounds complicated.

Casting this question aside from my thoughts, I focus instead on the matter of his dual-identity. 

It all started to make sense somehow. It was hard for me to grasp at first, but now I have come to realise that I was attracted to him, regardless if he is Cullen Fu or Devil- no, Demon Cullen. (Recap: I have understood from the demon himself that the role of Cullen Fu is one he created and shared between him and his 'doppelganger', so at times he is Cullen Fu, other times no.) 

Putting the facts together, I now fathomed why in both times, first at the Soulless Bar and then at the restaurant where we had dined together, I had been enticed by Cullen Fu. 

He had created an alter ego that although was not as superior to him in terms of looks, was nonetheless charming and tempting. Sometimes, it still daunted me why he didn't just go to me and tell me 'Hey I am your Devil Cullen. Remember me?' Yet he chose to communicate with me in dreams and take a different route to bring me to another dimension.

Why? The true answer lies in his own self. I know naught of what he has in his mind, although he can read mine perfectly. What an unfair trade! I pout again, running my hands through my fine blue strands. My silky locks, which didn't go split-ended after bleaching, were a reason why I loved my current self. 

No bad hair days, and then came the fact that I was desirable by most, if not all men and women in my world. I have always known this to be part of the deal with the devil I had made. In the same way, I also gained and lost weight at a different rate than regular humans. But the future is still unknown to me. I hope that I will not come to regret this trade.

Still, much of it seems too good to be true. Can this be love? Is the cold demon capable of love?

Or am I just his plaything?

Then, why yesterday, he told me that he wants me to play along with his plans and identity as Cullen Fu? Am I some value to him that he requires me, and not anyone else, to act as his woman? As far as I remember, Cullen Fu has countless women. But now, I don't wish to think of this until I get back to our world. This world intrigues me and keeps me curiously wondering about what had happened to cause the world of the past to become what it is now.

With his demonic magic, there is no need to even have to walk, bathe or take time to change attire. Everything is done with a mere tap of his fingers. I have not unlocked the ability yet, it seems. I can wish, focus with my mind but not perform any actions with finger tapping. 

Remembering the computers I used in my world, I wonder if his gestures are configured like shortcuts on a Windows PC. For instance, the combination Function-1-x, with all three keys pressed together simultaneously gives rise to a 'copy' function on the computer. I notice that Cullen uses distinct sound patterns when he taps his fingers. 

I hesitated to ask him about these sound patterns, since I am now clear that he tends to skip answering questions he does not wish to answer. Even if I do not ask Cullen directly, I am sure he knows what is on my mind as he looks through me like I am transparent when these thoughts bother me.

"It's been some time," I say, looking at the lake overlooking the cavern. "Will our people not realise we have been missing?"

Cullen smiles icily. "Don't worry. They won't realise it."

"Did you just plant doppelgangers of us?" I demand, flashing him an irate look. I hope Uncle Dou and Dewey, or even Mila will not be concerned due to my disappearance.

"Don't think so much of it," Cullen remarks, looking towards the icicles located on the 'ceiling' of the cavern. "It's not worth your time and energy. I need you to give your attention to what comes later."

 "What are you intending to have me do, Mr Cullen Fu?" I snarl at him. I am already starting to get comfy in this cave where it is as chilly and soothing like an air-conditioner in summer. "Nothing is going to make me leave this place."

He stares into my eyes dominatingly. "I am sorry, Miss Lu, but today we are going to a very special place. If we procrastinate too long and stay in one place, this only delays your learning."

"Learning?" I gasp at him. "You can't possibly have brought me here just to learn about the world of the past!"

He chuckles, a bit unemotionally and more sarcastically.

"Of course I took you here to learn, silly, but that is only one of the reasons."

"What are the other reasons?"

Again, he ignored the question I had just asked and instead, went on preaching about how I am such a juvenile and need to learn to the best of my ability. He said, this way, it isn't a waste of resources that he signed the contract with me and gave me a new body and life.

Huh? Resources?? He is making me sound like I am just a test subject of his! Or his pet!

"Don't forget I can read your mind, Miss Lu," he chides me. "In time, you will get to know the answers to your questions, but be mindful of this: Patience is a virtue."

I pout at him. When he doesn't go all-dominating or enticing on me, I find the freedom to express my views and displeasure. But this demon is so cold yet volatile. One moment, he is cold, another moment he is hot-blooded and jealous. He changes at will and over a few words. I must know what to think and say so as to not agitate him.

"That's brilliant that you know that," he utters, again reading my mind. Ugh! 

"Didn't you say you want to go out? Now, let's start moving," I grumble, ranting under my breath.

"I thought someone said nothing would make her leave this place," he utters with a sarcastic tone. I send an annoying stare his way.

"I mean, nothing but this," I point to my tummy, pretending I am hungry. "I am so bored of the snacks you magicked out of nowhere. Now, a girl got to have real food."

"Real food?" he repeats after me.

"Yes, not empty calories."

"Now, how did you get intelligent overnight?" he taunts me. I pull a long face and this time, I ignore his question. It doesn't seem to affect the demon nonetheless, and he continues to the next question. I suppose he speaks this way with his subjects as well. Maybe play the ignore game with a couple of his girls too.

"What do you feel like eating?" 

I do not need a second to think about what I like most. "Triple egg porridge or fried rice sounds good to me. I know such delicacies may be limited or taste differently, but how different can eggs taste?

"Excellent choice. Do you want to know what I would like to eat?"

I don't answer him, and he tells me anyway. "Sashimi. Raw fish meat."

"Raw fish?" The sudden thought of raw food turned me off. 

"Trust me, you'll love how it is prepared and tastes back in the past," he insisted. "Let's go Asian, so we can have your porridge and my raw fish."

I shrugged. "And where is the special place you wish to go to?"

"You'll know after we fill our stomachs," he smiled, his seductive eyes glimmering with passion. This temptation is nothing my body can take. Almost instantly, the most ludicrous of my fantasies permeate my mind.

How I wished that he would say something romantic and kiss me on the spot, but he doesn't. I remind myself that he can read my mind, and flush out those sinful thoughts.

"Sorry, I got distracted," I say, looking forward to getting out of the cavern and seeing the world out there. 

He looks very full of himself as he gloats, knowing what was on my mind.

"Patience is a virtue, Miss Lu."

Though he had used the same phrase twice, I know he was referring to what I was thinking just earlier.

"Ah, yes. A virtue. You cannot be more right," I feign ignorance. 

"Don't get too distracted from your goal, Miss Lu," he breathed in my ear, nipping my earlobe gently and sending a shiver down my spine. "Remember what I have said."

I trembled slightly as I nodded. "Yes, Cullen." I don't want to think if he will punish me for being disobedient to him or just going overboard. 

Patience is more of a torture than a virtue to me, now.