Thanks for loving me

Today i told my friends about this book they all just holded their heads saying "omo how long will she be alive with this fandom" and i just laughed else i can do anything and they were too excited to know that I have also mentioned them but not their names they were sad. Its i'll give them credit in last. Well today i am sick my fever is not getting off i was crying suddenly fake love played now i am fine they love us so much well my bday is soon so it was expected something always happens with me before my bday so never mind. So for my birthday i asked my mom to buy me bts goods she literally made me cry and then allowed but only 3 goods that cost Rs. 2000 i was like don't be so miser that u can't buy me more she said "if you want them then buy or leave them also" never mind i'll buy it i don't know when my mom will understand me well my dad understands me his caller tune is Euphoria happy to have a dad like him.